under fire

Chapter 1395 The first time is always amazing

Chapter 1395 The first time is always amazing

The lieutenant of the gendarmerie sat on the ground, clutching his neck, and the assistant next to him was stabbed right through.

The two guards under the lieutenant were directly smashed into a sieve by the submachine gun.

The bullet holes in the foreheads of the three devil second lieutenants who came back slowly ooze blood.

The self-injured false leader's heart almost jumped out of his throat, and he slumped on the ground.

In the past, he was also a ruthless character who killed people without blinking an eye, but now he only feels powerless.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that something was wrong with the imperial army who brought the autonomous army to reinforce him. ,

Because of his knowledge and experience, he didn't even have the slightest thought of running away.

Those two guys with knives were definitely not good stubblers, they stabbed people like cutting corn stalks with sharp kitchen knives.

Although submachine guns are not common in the Imperial Association Army, Haodai has seen the guards of the national army officers before always hanging across their chests.

The crisp sound of the submachine gun immediately attracted the attention of the Devil observers on the armored vehicle looking east.

It was like watching a shadow puppet show, watching the fake imperial soldier who wiped the lieutenant's neck with a scalpel leap onto the armored vehicle.

It seemed that the bird sang something, then cut open the devil's observer's neck, and then tore the observer off and threw him into the pit of the command post.

The ghost observer just landed in front of the false regiment leader, and the one who was not dead struggled desperately, covering his neck with his hands, trying to stop the blood that was rushing out between his fingers.

The one who left the observer behind opened the side door of the armored vehicle that was half closed due to the heat.

A few high-pitched birdsong came from inside the armored vehicle, followed by the muffled sound of a short body hitting the steel plate of the armored vehicle.

The engine of the armored vehicle that had been turned off immediately rang
When the devils in the north and south of the headquarters heard the gunshots, they all turned around with their guns and looked up at the headquarters with expressions of embarrassment.

Li Laosan sat down next to the pseudo-head, and suddenly grinned: "Hey, are you scared to pee?"

West of the village.

Crazy Yang, who was observing westward, received an order from Hu Yi from the correspondent.

Looking through the binoculars, I saw Liu Yuanqing jumping into the armored vehicle to kill a devil, and then jumped into the armored vehicle.

"Avoid the position of the frontal armored vehicle, and fire at full power." After shouting, the rifle in his hand rang out, knocking down a devil who stood up and tried to rush to the headquarters.

Luo Fugui, who was ordered by Hu Yi to go west for reinforcements, all four of his machine gun teams went to the roof.

Hearing Crazy Yang not yelling the three-character scripture, he immediately understood that the situation was tense: "Grandma's started to work, keep shooting!"

After all, he took the lead in shaking the tripod of the light machine gun.

In addition to the two machine gun groups that were left behind, the muzzles of the six light machine guns spewed out flames one after another.

Da da da. Da da da.
The trajectory of the machine gun pressed all the puppet devils hiding in the trenches who were about to approach the headquarters into the trenches.

The slow-moving unlucky guy was immediately pierced by machine gun bullets, and a cloud of blood sprayed in the trench, screaming continuously.

Finally, all the devils and puppet soldiers became cowards.

I heard the sound of light machine gun fire in the village, and the tinkle of bullets hitting the armored vehicle.

The armored vehicles lined up on both wings did not see any obvious targets in the village after fighting for a long time, and now they finally had someone to vent their anger on.

The four heavy machine guns of the armored vehicle immediately fired back like chicken blood.

As for not getting the lieutenant's order, there is a heavy fire target in the village, so do you still have to wait for the order?

Village roofs.

Commander Luo Dalian saw the machine gun of the armored vehicle flash, and then pulled the light machine gun and slipped down the roof from the evacuation channel that had been set up earlier.

The devils and puppet troops near the headquarters suddenly noticed that the machine gun turret of the armored vehicle used as a cover in front of the central headquarters was slowly turning.

Watching the muzzle of the heavy machine gun aimed at the side of the armored vehicle on the south side, the muzzle flash could almost be seen under the scorching sun.

The heavy machine gun fired violently, and sparks flew from the side of the armored vehicle more than ten meters away.

The sound of Dangdang was sandwiched between the whistling of bullets and the sound of being fired.

The eight-millimeter thin steel plate on the side of the Devil's armored vehicle could not resist the penetration of heavy machine gun bullets at close range.

A row of bullet holes goes from left to right, a beautiful one pulls back, and then from right to left, two beautiful parallel lines of bullet holes are made.
The bullets piercing through the steel plate formed a metal splash, and there was a beast howling like a dying beast in the armored vehicle.
The heavy machine guns of armored vehicles that were firing vigorously at the village misfired.

Inside the armored vehicle in the middle, Liu Yuanqing quickly shook the turret.

Very helpless, the turret of this thin-skinned armored vehicle of the Devil is manually operated, which is a test of physical strength.

The turret slowly turned eastward with a creaking sound, and finally turned 180 degrees, and the heavy machine gun fired again.
The armored vehicles on the north side suffered another disaster and were directly beaten into a hornet's nest.

The devils and puppet soldiers lying in the trenches were stunned by bullets roaring above their heads.
This is so unscientific, why did the armored vehicles fight on their own?

Only three armored vehicles were still firing on the village.

Finally, the machine guns in the village were collectively misfired.

But the riflemen who emerged from the walls continued to fire.

Moreover, the bullets fired are so accurate that anyone who shoots half of his head will be shot.

There didn't seem to be many bullets roaring from the top of their heads, but no one dared to risk their heads easily.

There were quite a few devils near the headquarters, and the leader of a trio wearing the uniform of the Autonomous Army was stabbing the devils with a bayonet.

The puppet soldiers with their backs against the east wall of the trench watched the striker without any intention of resisting, and subconsciously raised their hands.

Because, on both sides of the Killing God's body, there was a shell gun with the machine head wide open.

One of the people holding the sniper was still winking at the puppet army, meaning to get up quickly, I am impatient to wait.
"Hey, now that you are sensible, quickly put down your hands of surrender and let it be natural, hey, that's it"

The other raised his gun and yelled: "Hey, we only kill devils, don't be so fucking clever, everyone knows Ba Ye's rules!"

The puppet army next to them was very considerate, and even helped the Eighth Routers who were trying to kill the devils near the headquarters to block the sight of the devils in the distance.

But the screams inevitably spread, and some devils in the trenches on the north side of the headquarters finally realized that something was wrong.

Trying to figure out what's going on over there at command.

But I saw that the muzzle of the heavy machine gun of the armored vehicle parked on the edge of the headquarters began to lower.
chug chug chug chug chug chug chug chug.
There was no pause at all, and the heavy machine gun shot from close to far in the trench.

The bomb protection panel exits the other side, and the heavy machine gun fire is suspended.

Then, another bomb protection plate with a full thirty rounds of bullets began to dance in the heavy machine gun again.

The design of the Devil's vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun takes into account the function of one-man operation.

Liu Yuanqing went to the island country for training and was very familiar with Japanese weapons.
Soldiers who mixed into the crowd of puppet soldiers had submachine guns or shell guns in their hands, and only occasionally had the opportunity to fire.

At this time, no matter if it is a devil or a puppet army, anyone who dares to stand up will be shot to death.

The scene was not as chaotic as expected.

No one thought that someone would have the guts to attack the Imperial Army headquarters!

No one throws a grenade, and no one throws a grenade.

The puppet army devils in the northern trench never thought that the heavy machine guns of the armored vehicles would fire on them. Facing the frontal armor of the armored vehicles, the devils knew in their hearts that something happened to the armored vehicle, but the rifles in their hands could not deal with the armored vehicles at all.

To stand up, as soon as your head sticks out of the trench, you will be shot with precision from the village's rifles.

The armored vehicles at the far ends on both sides were also looking straight ahead, due to poor sightlines and loud gunshots on the battlefield.

The two armored vehicles on the farthest sides that were intact and heavy machine guns were still firing at the village.
There seemed to be no movement in the entire trench.
No one could have imagined the result of being played by Balu in a center.

It's exactly the same as Monkey Sun getting into the belly of Princess Iron Fan, letting others toss.

Besides, the puppet army who was only trained for a short period of time did not know who to obey now if they wanted to obey orders.

The pseudo-company commander looked at the scene in front of him, and immediately ordered his subordinates: "No one is allowed to look at me, anyone who wants to see me gouge out his eyeballs!"

The leader didn't seem to be dead, he could see it clearly.

And I absolutely do not have the ability to deal with the current situation.

The Eighth Route Army broke the conventional tactics, and the company commander was afraid of death and should not be the first bird.

The puppet soldiers in the trenches had no choice but to pray in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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