under fire

Chapter 1396 Position Assault Tactics

Chapter 1396 Position Assault Tactics
The Eighth Route Army in the village seemed to have no intention of cherishing bullets at all.

Light machine guns still intermittently suppress the southwest side of the village.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, and puff.

Clouds of dust and mist floated up and down, and occasionally a cloud of red and white blood and brain fog rose.

The bullets howled wildly above his head, and the bullets destroyed everything he passed. The crater formed after hitting the pile of soil on the east side of the trench continued to increase, and the violent impact with the ground seemed to tear the earth apart.

The trajectory of the machine gun was always pulled from south to north, and then from north to south within a certain range of the trenches of the puppet army.

The rifle bullets fired from a distance kept harvesting the heads of certain devil observers who were not afraid of death.

There were more than [-] devils in the besieged village. Except for a few seriously injured survivors, the Death Commando was almost wiped out.

After attacking the village several times in a row, the Devils lost nearly half of an infantry squadron.

The devils and puppet troops hiding in the trenches on the north side were suddenly shot by heavy machine guns, and they didn't have time to respond at all, and the puppet troops suffered heavy casualties.

The whole ditch is like a purgatory on earth.

Some devils near the headquarters on the south side were stabbed to death, and armored vehicles fired at the trenches on the north side.

The devils finally realized that something was wrong.

The situation is not complicated, er, it is at stake!

The second lieutenant went to the headquarters for a pre-battle meeting. Since the headquarters fired the gun, he has not seen him back, nor has he seen any new orders.

Totally unreasonable.

The sergeant of the first squad near the headquarters finally couldn't help shouting, and asked the other sergeants who were scattered nearby to approach the headquarters with them.

The devil's battlefield discipline is far from comparable to that of the puppet army, and the orders of the sergeant of the first team are fully implemented.

The devils who thought they had escaped from the village by chance gathered again and started heading north.

The trenches were not deep, and the middle was crowded with the Royal Association Army who were hiding their heads and whistling bullets.

These idiots who are afraid of death don't seem to understand the orders of the imperial army at all.

Reluctantly, the devil, who was facing the north with his waist bent, held his bayonet in a strange posture and roared loudly.

The puppet soldiers were honest, and they took the initiative to squeeze to one side, giving up the other half for the devils to go north.

The devils finally formed a line, and He Chen cursed that the trenches were too shallow, that he had to dodge the bullets above his head when he moved, and that the cat couldn't even straighten his legs when he walked forward.

Kind of like walking a duck.

This way, the speed to the north can't be fast at all.

The whistling sound of bullets above his head was endless, as long as his head appeared for a moment, he would be shot.

The puppet soldiers looked at the devils passing by, pretending to know nothing.

This matter cannot be mixed!

After the devils from the south left.

At the bottom of the armored vehicle that was still shooting eastward at the southern end, a huge flame suddenly appeared, enveloping the armored vehicle in an instant.

Following the northernmost armored vehicle, a huge fireball burst out again.
The leading sergeant immediately stopped and turned his head, with a look of fear on his face.

Of the five armored vehicles, only the one in the middle remained, which also seemed to have stopped firing now.

The heavy machine gun seems to be slowly pointing east.
Although the turning speed was very slow, the sergeant had a premonition: the muzzle of the heavy machine gun would definitely point to the south before he rushed to the headquarters.

With no other choice, the sergeant screamed strangely: "Get out of the trench, throw a grenade, and blow up that armored vehicle"

The imperial army, who was operating in the trenches with their waists bent, jumped out of the trenches when they heard the order, and strode forward to the headquarters.

More than [-] devils are unlucky and sad, and now, only [-] can carry guns into battle!

The devil's dog temper, which is not afraid of death, came up again, and ran towards the middle with his feet loose.

the village.

From time to time, observers reported loudly.

Hu Yi can see clearly in the field of vision of the telescope.

Seeing the devils on the south side charging towards Liu Yuanqing, who had taken away the devil's headquarters, he immediately ordered: "Fire cover, western front, all, go!"

The eight roads in the village suddenly appeared under the cover of machine guns.

one, two
draw a line quickly
Then pull into pieces.

There was clearly a company of puppet troops in the south of the village, but there was no response at all.

Because, the sharp-eyed observer saw the injured regiment leader standing next to the only remaining armored vehicle and personally waved a flag to signal that the ministries were not allowed to shoot!
More than a hundred figures who came out of the village marched westward into a large area.

The two wings are guarded against the outside world, and the black muzzles of the guns are ugly in the sun.

The team in the middle kept shooting to the west, and the devils charging in the middle immediately fell one after another.

Someone started to show up in the trench, sneering at the devils who rushed out of the trench.

Following the sound of submachine guns in the headquarters.

A certain devil had a rough look at the situation in the headquarters pit before he was shot.

He smashed the insured grenade cap on the helmet, then raised his arm and threw the grenade into the pit of the command post.

Seeing the grenade thrown over, the pseudo-regimental leader was shocked. He didn't care about being forced by Li Laosan to wave the flag, and went forward with a standard tactic, then turned over and went under the armored vehicle next to him.

Zhang Xiaodao's eyes widened, and he swung the [-] rifle he just seized in his hand for half a circle. The butt of the gun suddenly came into contact with the grenade that hit him, and he directly knocked the grenade and landed on the west side of the pit.

Then, three or four black grenades flew over from the south
Li Laosan screamed strangely: "Run, get out of this pit!"

The soldiers who heard Li Laosan's order quickly climbed out of the devil's headquarters and fell down quickly.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was standing in the pit, opened his eyes angrily and shouted, "Good time!"

Holding the barrel in one hand and the body of the gun in the other, the body rotates, and the stock of the rifle follows.

bang bang bang bang
Knocked the four grenades that came flying three times.
The design of the little devil's hand-cranked machine gun turret was too failed. Liu Yuanqing kept turning his arm and wrist holding the crank handle.

The heavy machine guns finally pointed to the trenches to the south.

Sweaty hands left the crank handle and put on the trigger of the heavy machine gun.

chug chug.
The trajectory of the heavy machine gun continued to rush towards the devils who dispersed and rushed towards the armored vehicle.

The Eighth Route fighters rushing out of the village shouted and gunfired, and the bullets poured into the crowd of devils who had lost the cover of the trenches as if they didn't need money.

Boom boom boom.
After the grenade smashed by Zhang Xiaodao landed, the delay finally ended.

There was a sudden explosion.

One after another, the pillars of explosion smoke almost completely enveloped the Devils headquarters.

Some puppet troops who had already tensed their nerves had never experienced this kind of battle. When they saw the dust flying, they immediately jumped out of the trench with a strange sound and ran west.

In their view, leaving here is the best choice.

Animals have a herd mentality, and so do puppet soldiers.

Even if only one person actually gets out, and nothing seems to be going wrong, then there will be two.
Soon, all the puppet troops in the trenches on the southwest side of the village climbed out of the trenches and ran westward in disorder.

Running for a mile in one breath, the puppet army who ran the most happily suddenly found that there was no one in the wilderness to the west.

In a certain ditch two or three hundred meters ahead, a figure suddenly appeared.

Then, more figures appeared.

The sun heats the air and distorts the sight line, and the shadowy figure seems like a ghost in the dark night under the sun.

Da da da.
The sound of light machine gun fire caused the fleeing puppet soldiers to lie down immediately.

The bullet did not rush towards the crowd, and landed 30 meters in front of the puppet army.

Clouds of dust were splashed.

A certain loud voice yelled in the distance: "We are the Eighth Route Army, put down your weapons, surrender your guns and don't kill, and give preferential treatment to prisoners."

On the Weicheng (Wei County to Cheng'an County) road, the mighty team is trotting westward.

A traitor from a detective team reported that a car of the imperial army had been attacked on the road, leaving more than a dozen corpses of the imperial army on the ground, and the car was snatched by the guerrillas.

The adviser of the Imperial Army stationed in the Autonomous Army immediately ordered the Second Zhizhi Brigade to send a regiment immediately.

Together with a small group of imperial troops stationed in the autonomous army, they rushed to the west for emergency reinforcements.
(End of this chapter)

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