under fire

Chapter 1398 Always Have a Good Idea

Chapter 1398 Always Have a Good Idea

Three three-year-type vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns are placed together.

The other two smoldering marks were very serious, and the strange-looking Type [-] vehicle-mounted machine guns were placed on the ground.

A soldier looked at the vehicle-mounted machine gun, which was very similar to the Czech one, and muttered: "This fucking magazine is inserted from the top, isn't this a Czech light machine gun?"

"This bullet casing doesn't seem to be a [-]-cap bullet."

"That's right, about the size of a Czech machine gun round."

"It's almost the same. It's one size smaller than the Qijiu bullet. It's called the Yousaka Qiqi bullet!" Liu Yuanqing, who was sitting on the machine gun turret and smoking, shook his head as he looked at the uninformed soldiers below.

"Didn't you say that the Czech style can't beat devils and iron bastards?"

"It depends on the distance. The [-]mm frontal armor of the Devil's armored vehicle really can't do anything to him, but its side armor is only [-]mm thick. If it is close enough, a rifle can penetrate his armor."

The soldiers gathered around the iron bastard who didn't eat grass, racking their brains to study how thick it was [-]mm and [-]mm.

After scrambling to be the first, line up and squeeze into the armored vehicles, one out followed by the other in.

Countless heads were crammed against the armored car doors.

For the new fighters and militiamen, it's not that they have never seen the Iron King, but they have never had the opportunity to take a closer look and touch the steel plate that was scorched by the sun.

The out-of-reach high-tech iron boss is now named Ba, how can he let go of the opportunity to get into it?

Otherwise, how can I go back and brag in the future?

The soldiers queuing up to enter the armored vehicle all stared wide-eyed, no matter how hot Tie Baba's stomach was, the saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth for more than a foot, sitting in the driver's seat, fumbling for the operating handle
"Hey, come out quickly, the next one!" Luo Fugui took a bill, turned his head and yelled at the soldier who had paid the money to enter the armored vehicle to touch and have a look.

On the other side, next to the armored vehicle that was riddled with bullet holes, the big dog was doing exactly the same thing as Luo Fugui.

There were also crowds of people beside the two bombed-out armored vehicles.

Therefore, in their view, touching an armored vehicle should be a hot feeling.

Eyes are attached to each machine gun eye to look in.
There are also vicious and smoking fighters charging, but the price is half cheaper.

A smiling militiaman got out of the car with his pockets full and a handful of heavy machine gun bullet casings in his hand: "Get rich!"

Luo Fugui didn't stop this one, and curled his lips: "Idiot, it's better for you to dismantle a wheel than this."

Liu Yuanqing smiled and watched Luo Fugui collect the tour fee, this shameless operation must be studied hard.

It is pure nonsense to fight devils with courage and bayonet. He can't do the thing of fighting devils with recruits with only three bullets on their backs.

He thinks farther than ordinary people. The battlefield is about the economy. If you have money, you can buy guns and ammunition.

You can't do anything without money.

The road of Jiuying seems to be going astray?
Deputy Commander Liu, who finally found Commander Hu in the west of the village, was a little dumbfounded!
None of the five armored vehicles of the imperial army were taken down, and all of them were captured by the Cheng Haibo regiment's guard battalion!
After chatting with Hu Yihan, he went straight to the point: "Your regiment has no organization now. If you don't mind, you can come to our second brigade and second regiment."

Hu Yi looked calm: "Is it the opinion of the superior, or your personal opinion?
Deputy head Liu was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

"It doesn't make sense for you to say that."

Hu Yi seemed to be in a good mood: "Then what do you mean?"

"I think you should know what I mean."

"Hehe, I may be stupid, I really don't understand what you mean."

"You can't get rid of these armored vehicles anyway. I suggest that it's better not to blow them up, and leave them to us so that we can give the devils an explanation. It's better to gain a firm foothold in this area, and it's even possible to rebuild our own brigade!" Head Liu said with confidence. full.

"Keep it and continue bullying us? Are you dreaming?"

How dare someone mock him?Vice Tuan Liu was stunned for a moment, and his attitude became tough: "You must leave now and carry out the task of assisting the common people in preventing that tiger!"

"You have to wait until we clean up the battlefield before you say that!"

"Do I understand that you mean that you refuse to obey the orders of your superiors?" Seeing that someone was stuffing a cluster grenade into the engine position in the armor, deputy head Liu felt a little nervous.

"Leave the weapons to the enemy, you think we are the Northeast Army?" a blind recruit suddenly yelled.

This interjection seemed a little out of place.

There was an awkward silence.

"I hope you don't regret it!" Deputy Liu's face turned pale, and after leaving these words, he turned and left in a hurry.

Wait for this one to go away.

Wang Peng popped out of nowhere from some ditch, and came directly to Hu Yishen.

Looking at the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion who were fiddling with the armored vehicles, they said a little sourly: "This thing is a tasteless thing to the Eighth Route Army."

"Did you hear what he said? Obey the order." Hu Yi didn't intend to disobey this guy's order. If it was an ordinary Eighth Route commander, he might complain a few words.

Born in the Northeast Army, he spent so long in the Eighth Route Army, and stayed with Xiao Hongying who knew all kinds of situations in the Eighth Route Army for a long time.

"No." Wang Peng denied it categorically: "I am not a member of the Autonomous Army, he has no control over me, I will take the blame!"

Xiao Hongying raised her head: "Leaving the armored vehicle to us is useless, we can let him exchange it with guns and ammunition!"

"This officer Liu is very aggressive. He has been emphasizing that we cannot conflict with the Autonomous Army. I think he should know our combat effectiveness. First, he is afraid that we will wipe out his regiment. Second, he wants to This batch of armored vehicles was voted for by the devil, so that he can make a big fuss in the future!"

"He wants to rebuild a brigade. It's a good idea!" Hu Yi had been in the national army for so long, when someone with a gun could have power, and he knew what he had in mind when he heard Director Liu's first words.

Wang Pengyou worried afterwards: "The autonomous army has a complex composition, and the superiors have strictly ordered that the Eighth Route Army is not allowed to do business with devils!"

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Break out the engine of the armored vehicle, take the wounded and supplies, and retreat."

"Half of the heavy machine gun family!" Wang Peng said suddenly, and suddenly felt that it seemed a little inappropriate to say this at this time, so he quickly added: "Brothers have to settle accounts!"

Hu Yi nodded: "You can take four of them, but I suggest that you better find a way to get your regiment leader to ask your superiors for a Min [-]/[-] heavy machine gun."

"Why?" Wang Peng was a little puzzled.

Gao Yidao and Wu Yan squatted in the pit, studying the battle plan.

Wu Yan pointed to the map: "The puppet army is advancing in parallel. They seem to have strong forces, but their forces are scattered. As long as we concentrate our forces and attack any point, we can easily break through."

Gao Yidao curled his lips: "The biggest problem is that we have to solve it quickly, at least to go without a trace."

"You say so much because you are worried that the puppet army advancing in parallel will be attacked at a certain point, and the puppet army in a linear shape will reinforce the place where the battle is fought."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I think, you can look at it this way, the enemy is now forming a long snake and a dragon formation."


"Do you think he looks like an earthworm rolling sand?"

"Like that."

"The best way is to cut him into pieces."

"It makes sense. This is in line with the tactic of concentrating troops and defeating each one as taught by the instructor."

"So, our biggest problem now is to move quickly and find opportunities in the movement."

"No, it doesn't seem like this kind of warfare was mentioned in the guerrilla warfare that the instructor talked about." Wu Yan felt that it was in line with the Eighth Route Army's guerrilla warfare style to fight steadily and steadily instead of fighting the enemy: "You are military adventurism."

"Can I make my own?" Gao Yidao would never admit that he learned this trick from Hu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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