under fire

Chapter 1399 1 Activate the whole body

Hu Yi frowned, the Autonomous Army appeared sooner than expected.

Some of the self-governing army belong to our own people and cannot fight.

Even if Cheng Ximeng, a bandit who really controls the Second Brigade of the Autonomous Army, can't conflict with them according to the request of the superiors to unite all the anti-Japanese forces.

Wang Pengying carried a heavy machine gun and happily left westward with a mess of seizures.

All five armored vehicles were left in the scorching sun, and the corpses of hundreds of puppet soldiers were exposed to the sun.

The Ninth Battalion seemed to have no foundation. Hu Yi felt that it was obviously inappropriate to go back to the Three Columns at this time, and planned to find Chief Cheng to send the student platoon leaders there, and then return to the Independent Regiment to return to the construction.

Captain Xiao, who was walking in front of the team, was worried, and he was not excited about the victory of this big battle.

I always felt in my heart that the devils and puppet army suffered such a big loss, and they would definitely retaliate!

"Fox, you really took down Cheng'an County." Xiao Hongying pouted.


"We went to Wei County and killed the pistol captain Wang Qinglin who betrayed Brigadier Li. We also took the dirty face of the second regiment division Jianye's old nest and was faked." Let's get down to business together.

"Dirty face. Does his injury matter?" Hu Yi was not used to it, and for the first time began to care about his subordinates.

"I've been hurt for [-] days, so I guess I'll have to rest for two or three months."

"You said just now that you would be an instructor for the guerrillas?"

"That's right, I found two good seedlings. Liu Yuanqing said that Zhang Xiaodao is very skilled and suitable for being a sniper."

"Then congratulations."

"Hey, when it comes to marksmanship, I'm definitely better than him."

"Sniper?" Hu Yi thought about the word and suddenly felt strange.

"Liu Yuanqing said that the devil we killed in the south of the village was the North China Army God." Xiao Hongying raised her face in the sunlight.

"Can this happen?" Hu Yi was a little nervous. When he was studying some time ago, he had heard about such crap things as the devils like to be the god of war. It is the same reason as the Eighth Route Army's evaluation of fighting heroes and heroes of killing enemies to improve morale. .

"Liu Yuanqing said not to say anything, or the devil will retaliate." The little face was full of pride.

in the afternoon.

East of Xiaowang Village.

The relationship between Sun Youshang and County Magistrate Yang is somewhat delicate.

Successfully completing the task assigned by the superior, the soldiers of the Water Conservation Regiment destroyed a section of railway between An County and Tangyin, and the station was far away.

According to normal circumstances, the Eighth Route Army is out at night and lurking during the day.

Perhaps it was because they had passed the blockade ditch and returned to the base area, the team still continued to march despite the vicious sun.

A middle-aged man dressed as a commoner trotted up to the team with the sharp soldiers who turned around: "Report to Commander Sun, the night before yesterday, a large number of villagers in the station were poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Sun Youshang was stunned for a moment, before asking for details.

A soldier in the back rang the bell fiercely on a bicycle, and came to the side panting and hurriedly: "Report, the devil led a large number of puppet soldiers to chase them in multiple ways, and it is estimated that they have arrived near the blockade ditch gun tower."

"When did you discover the enemy situation?"

"According to the brothers who were placed in the gun tower, the devils and puppet troops left the county an hour ago!"

"Come so fast?" Sun Youshang immediately ran to the top of the nearby hillside and looked east with his binoculars. Unfortunately, he ignored the distance of more than ten miles, which was too far, and he couldn't see anything in the binoculars.

Putting down the binoculars, he asked the correspondent who was following up next to him: "Which part of the puppet army is chasing?"

The correspondent wiped off his sweat: "Some are the Neihuang puppet army that was defeated by the Ninth Battalion last time, and some are Wang Ziquan's puppet army in the county. The number is over a thousand. The specific situation is still being investigated."

Sun Youshang put down the binoculars and thought for a while: "Let the soldiers go back to the village immediately, organize the villagers to go west into the mountainous area, and send someone to notify the county government to move!"

He ran down the hillside suddenly and asked the correspondent who had just delivered the order to the soldiers who came out of the village: "Have you found any signs of the enemy going to the Ninth Battalion defense area?"

The correspondent scratched his head: "This... I come from the east, so I don't know yet."

Sun Youshang squinted his eyes looking at the southern sky, then turned his head to look at the commander of the third battalion who was shaking his hat and fanning the wind: "Your battalion immediately moves to the defense area of ​​the ninth battalion."

In Xiaowang Village County Government.

The county government that had just received the news immediately held an emergency meeting.

". The puppet army should be a routine raid in Xiashou. More than 1000 puppet troops are nothing. The water conservation group should be able to deal with it!"

County Magistrate Yang pointed to the map: "We still have to make the necessary preparations, and immediately arrange for the transfer of the villagers."

"But what about the folks in the village who are poisoned?"

"Temporarily lift the quarantine."

Another worried: "However, their situation is not suitable for transfer."

"First carry them to the cottage at the back."

The Soil and Water Conservation Corps took part in the sabotage operation of the railway, went out to two battalions, and quite a few came back.

The third battalion of the Soil and Water Conservation Corps turned south halfway.

In the end, Sun Youshang returned to Xiaowang Village with a team of less than 300 people.

County Magistrate Yang's eyes lit up: "Mr. Sun, you have worked hard."

Sun Youshang was stunned for a moment: "You...why haven't you started the transfer yet?"

The young man next to County Mayor Yang asked casually, "Isn't this a meeting for research?"

Sun Youyan was a little dissatisfied: "If there is a major enemy situation, the transfer should be arranged. What kind of meeting is there at this time? Isn't this nonsense?"

Facing the sarcasm, no one answered Sun Youshang.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

County Magistrate Yang's expression was a bit strange. He originally planned to relax with Sun Youshang, but he didn't expect Tuan Zhang to speak so shamelessly, and then his face became a little gloomy.

Sun Youshang saw that no one in the county government expressed his opinion, so he was impatient: "The devils were more than ten miles away from us half an hour ago. If the enemy came quickly, they might be able to arrive in less than an hour!"

County Magistrate Yang finally said, "Listen to Commander Sun and arrange to transfer the people immediately!"

The staff in the village office immediately dispersed, and Sun Youshang let out a sigh of relief, then turned around and left the village office.

Suddenly, I found that the people who had the meeting just now hadn't left the village office, and caught a glimpse of the county government staff stuffing all kinds of neatly packed and spotless official documents into their backpacks.

Sun Youshang was stunned for a while, then walked directly into the staff room next to the village office, and asked sharply, "Why do you stay in the village office all the time, and don't go to the nearby villages to organize the transfer of ordinary people?"

"Important documents must be destroyed first." The publicity officer, who hadn't finished packing, replied wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel.

Sun Youshang was angry: "These big-character posters and leaflets in your hand can be regarded as important documents?"

"These papers are hard to come by"

"Your mother..." Sun Youshang was almost so angry that he couldn't breathe.

The publicity officer was so scolded that he had nothing to say, and his face turned black.

I muttered to myself, the commander of the Eighth Route Army doesn't even have the basic cultural literacy!
But he didn't dare to refute on the face: "I'll go right away!"

The village office was only so big, and the non-soundproof walls couldn't stop Sun Youshang from making a loud voice.

Hearing Sun Youshang's growling voice, Yang Deshi's expression became even worse.

The Eighth Route Army separated the military from the government, and Sun Youshang blatantly pointed fingers at the county government.
After a while, the villagers finally started to leave the village.

An old man in a long coat suddenly raised his head and faced Sun Bushang: "In half a month, the crops will be harvested."

Another old man next to him asked, "Isn't our Water Conservation Corps also considered the Royal Association Army? Why did we run away?"

Sun Youshang stared at the two old men in silence for a few seconds, and said calmly: "We destroyed the Devil's Railway, and we will no longer be considered as the Imperial Army."

The old man in the long coat nodded: "You are right, we should stand tall and behave in a dignified way!"

After finishing speaking, he proudly straightened his somewhat hunched figure, and his walking steps seemed to be much lighter.


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