under fire

Chapter 1400

The Second Battalion of the Soil and Water Conservation Corps immediately arranged for the entire village to move westward.

The second battalion commander who stayed behind came to Sun Youshang, who was standing outside the village and was checking the poisoned villagers on stretchers one by one: "Report to the commander, there are [-] people in the village, including those who work outside, and none of them has been left behind!"

"Good job." Sun Youshang was very satisfied, and the last villager who was transferred out of the village happened to walk by him.

Then, the soldiers began to spread out and lay mines in the village.

The Second Battalion Commander looked smug: "Don't worry, there are more soldiers in the village than the villagers. If I can't do this well, there will be no place for my old face!"

"What about the other dozen or so nearby villages?"

"The commander of the first battalion took the militiamen to the nearby villages, and there are also militiamen in each village...A transfer plan has been made according to the arrangement of the county magistrate, so don't worry."

Sun Youshang frowned and turned to the correspondent, "Go and see, why haven't the people from the county government left the village yet!"

The Second Battalion Commander hesitated to speak: "Commander, I think what you said at the county government just now was a little too much."

Sun Youshang looked in the direction of the village office: "There are some things you don't understand. The man surnamed Yang is not the same as us at all."

The Second Battalion Commander hurriedly lowered his voice: "He is very happy, he speaks nicely, and what he did is not in line with the actual situation. The situation of the people in our village is complicated, not as simple as the people in the mountains..."

Sun Youshang was stunned for a moment: "What?"

The second battalion commander shrank his neck: "Uh, I told you, don't be angry!"

Sun Youshang kicked over: "If you fart, let it go!"

The commander of the second battalion dodged people to dodge, and then leaned forward again: "He carried out land reform, let the ordinary people who fled to the village and only do manual work do farm work.
The villagers who originally had land but couldn’t plant it because of the drought were not happy. They would rather their land go uncultivated than plant it for others. Those who only know how to do manual work can’t farm the land at all, so naturally they are also dissatisfied. all know"

"Don't talk about it today, is it their idea to send the poisoned people to the cottage?"

"Could it be someone else? From my point of view, the situation of the poisoned villagers is similar to what the Independence Group once encountered. It's not poisonous at all!"

Sun Youshang's expression changed: "What did you say?"

"It's probably because of what the comrades of the Ninth Battalion called Hu Lie La!"

"Huliela? How do you know?"

"You took the first battalion and the third battalion away to destroy the railway. Lao Zhou sent Xu Xiao over here, saying that the devils are likely to release Huliella bacteria in the near future, so we must develop the habit of not drinking raw water and maintaining hygiene. If you don't listen, you will be locked up!"

"Leave a platoon to protect the transfer of county personnel, and you fight with me!"

"Hey, I heard that in other counties, comrades from the county government take the people to transfer..."

"Don't talk nonsense, the situation in our defense zone is complicated"

"No matter how complicated it is, how can it compare to Lao Qin and the others? The villagers are all fleeing people, and half of them can't figure it out at all." The second battalion commander muttered, and then arranged for the third battalion and third platoon to assist the county government to transfer
The third platoon leader looked at the things on the wheelbarrow and his mood turned cold: "Are you even going to carry the table away?"

"This is the property of the public, and if you keep it, it will definitely be burned by the enemy." The logistics chief was reluctant.

The news of the death of the Devil Army God was sent back to the Devil's North China Headquarters.

The counties that did not release the Huliela bacteria received an order almost at the same time: sweep up.

Not a single minute should be lost.

The county gendarmerie commands had no idea what was going on.

The mopping up on a hot day, isn't that an old life?
The puppet [-]th Army and the New Fifth Army are sweeping from south to north. This order came quite strangely.

The devils and puppet troops stationed in various counties were insufficiently prepared, but they had to carry out orders, assemble in a hurry, and dispatched.

There are orders above, and countermeasures below.

"Hey, Majesty, the art of war says that the army has not moved, the food and grass go first, and only a dozen miles under the sun have sunstroke. Isn't it a problem if this continues?" The false brigade commander can speak birds and has a good relationship with the captain.

"Brigade Commander Liu, if you go out of the county, it's considered a raid, do you understand?" The devil leader was also dissatisfied with the order issued by the headquarters, and he didn't receive any news beforehand.

There is no combat plan, no specific combat objectives, and supplies are not prepared at all, and even many Imperial Association troops who have changed defenses and are on vacation have not had time to return to the team.

The captain guessed vaguely in his heart that it should be the anti-Japanese elements from above who sabotaged the railway and took retaliation.

That being the case, wait until the weather is not so hot around dark, and then clean up by the way.

Therefore, Captain Guizi went directly into the gun tower to rest temporarily, while the puppet soldiers basked in the sun.

"Brigade Commander Liu, it's not a problem for everyone to bask in the sun like this?" Wang Sanzhu, who was almost qualified for the Imperial Association Army, raised his hand and wiped a lot of sweat.

"Find a piece of woods to the west first." Brigadier Liu was sweating profusely: "You must be a pioneer!"

Therefore, Wang Sanzhu, who wanted revenge, led the bandit soldiers to act as vanguards, and took the lead to cross the blockade ditch suspension bridge, all the way west.
"Report, there are two villagers in the pine forest"

"Pioneer squad, hurry up and grab your tongue!"

02:30 in the afternoon.

Vicious sunshine.

Light breeze, few clouds.

In a sparse pine forest.

A soldier hurried into the woods and yelled: "Report, only the puppet soldiers came over, those devils have not crossed the blockade..."

Tian Sanqi took a nap with his back against the pine tree, with a camouflage straw hat ring on his military cap: "If this is the case, two rows of guns may be able to shoot them back!"

Shi Cheng looked puzzled: "The genius beat up the puppet army a few days ago, how could they have the guts to come again?"

"Isn't it a good thing to send guns and bullets?"

Another soldier ran into the woods: "Report, more than ten puppet troops are about one mile away from the woods."

"Leave one platoon, the others retreat into the woods and let them wander into the woods." Tian Sanqi stood up and stretched himself, kicking the snoring soldier.

"The enemy is 300 meters away, and there are no machine guns."

The soldiers who were evenly scattered and hid in the woods, sleeping, reading and bragging, started to get up and move deep into the woods.

In the pit dug by the pine forest, a group of soldiers lay on their stomachs to guard against them, and they ran to Tian Sanqi to form a pile.

The reconnaissance squad leader is preparing to accept the task of catching prisoners.

The soldiers have consciously unloaded their backpacks and changed into the uniforms of the Imperial Army!
It seemed that no one was interested in listening to the squad leader's nagging. The guard soldiers muttered to each other in bird language that they couldn't even understand.

"The puppet army is afraid of little devils in their bones, so I don't need to teach you how to capture prisoners?" Tian Sanqi stood in front of the lined up team and mobilized before fighting.

In the Ninth Battalion, he had the habit of mobilizing before the war.

As a result, the reconnaissance squad leader finally got the opportunity to assign combat missions.

Tian Sanqi really didn't have much interest in making arrangements for the puppet army who couldn't get into the ranks. As long as the soldiers suddenly appeared, the capture operation would be over.

The telescope lens in his hand is always observing the distance behind the vanguard of the puppet army.

A large group of puppet troops are coming towards the pine forest.

These guys really don't have a long memory!
This time, reluctantly give them another chance to remember.

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