under fire

Chapter 1401

Chapter 1401

There was a sudden heavy rain a few days ago.

Bring life to the dry land.

No one knew that severe flooding was occurring downstream of the river.

Ruthless natural disasters, coupled with devils making man-made disasters.

The Ninth Battalion took in refugees in several uninhabited villages west of the blockade and struggled to survive.

With the name of the Water Conservation Group and Wang Jingchang, they quietly developed a base in the area where the enemy and the enemy joined forces, and no one was willing to give up.

The devils did not sweep on a large scale. Since ancient times, there have been bandits in the mountains on this land, big bandits on famous mountains, and small bandits on small mountains. It's just that their identities are different in troubled times or prosperous times.

The banditry in the Republic of China has been suppressed for many years, but the banditry has not been eradicated. Captain Guizi stood on the top of the gun tower, and he did not think that the banditry could be eradicated completely.

In his opinion, the Eighth Route Army is a bandit.

He is very clear that the main purpose of the imperial army's occupation of this land is resources and assimilation.

The intelligence personnel stationed in the village kept sending news that the Eighth Route One Battalion and the duplicitous water conservation group were active in this area!

There is indeed a shortage of people on hand, and if there are Tuba Road activities, they can only turn a blind eye and close one eye. The idea is to let the security forces deal with the ubiquitous Tuba Road.

The higher-ups suddenly asked for a sweep.

According to the long-term peace and stability plan, now is not the best time to exterminate them.

The camera turned to the black pine forest seven or eight miles away to the west.

You don't need to think about it, those Imperial Association troops who can't stand being exposed to the sun will definitely go west into the pine forest.

If nothing else, the black pine forest will definitely surprise him.

Let them fight their own people, no matter which side wins, the imperial army will win in the end.

Are the puppet soldiers stupid? To survive in troubled times, there are naturally smart people.

There is an old saying: "No entry into the forest!"

The vanguard of the puppet army at the forefront didn't know that the dozen or so of them were most likely to become cannon fodder.

Beads of sweat trickled down his face and into his neck.

More than a hundred meters away from the woods, one by one began to scatter, grinning and grinning. In line with the principle that dead monks never die, the two puppet soldiers were asked to go to the edge of the forest to investigate first.

Wang Sanzhu, who was behind the formation, stood in the wilderness with a large number of puppet troops.

Brigadier Liu unbuttoned his blouse and stood in front of the team with a pistol in his hand.

The puppet soldiers behind were very winking, and no one followed. This kind of glory surrounded by thousands of people belongs only to the young commander.

Brigadier Liu held up his binoculars and looked at his subordinates who had entered the pine forest to avoid the scorching sun and did not turn back to report that they were safe.

Immediately there was anger in my heart.

One is that Wang Sanzhu behind cannot be underestimated, and the other is that morale must be raised before the battle.

Turning his head to the puppet army behind him, he said vigorously: "I have big guys and these brothers, today they will be wiped out, and it will be just around the corner."

The puppet soldiers in the rear team immediately took out their guns and stabbed the sky, and they all shouted: "The brigade commander is mighty!"

Brigadier Liu continued to cheer up his subordinates: "Under Liu's command, those who make merit will be rewarded, and the victor will be famous in the Central Plains. I will wait here for everyone to return with honor."

"Here, I would like to obey the command of the brigade commander." The puppet soldiers swore their allegiance to the death.

Wang Sanzhu, who was leading the team on the other side, was taken aback for a moment. Is this a fucking show?Which song is it sung?
When the two puppet troops joined together, Wang Sanzhu naturally had to obey the orders of Brigadier Liu, who was one level higher in the ranks.

The morale of the puppet soldiers was like a rainbow, and they vowed to take down the black pine forest and clean up the rats that endangered public order one by one.

Fortunately, one of the subordinates who entered the black forest finally stood by the edge of the forest while waving a small flag and shouting: "It's safe and sound!"

The puppet soldiers standing on the wasteland naturally couldn't see the scene in the woods.

In the summer afternoon, the light in the forest is not dim.

The iron-gray barrel of the light machine gun looks very hideous.

More than a dozen puppet soldiers who had been stripped naked sat in a circle on the ground.

The soldier next to him smelled the puppet army uniform he had just put on, and he looked disgusted: "Mother's clothes are all soaked, how can these puppet soldiers sweat so much?"

"Hey, this suit really fits well." Another soldier carefully folded the devil's military uniform that he had replaced.

In the future, this devil's skin will be a great weapon, and it will not be used to deal with the large number of puppet troops behind.

Shi Cheng was wearing a military uniform of the puppet army, and pointed the pistol in his hand at the back of the man who had just reported safety to the puppet army: "Hey, your performance is good!"

The puppet soldier's feet were a little soft, and he leaned on a pine tree by the forest to stabilize his body.

The big-brimmed hat was tilted on his head and he nodded: "Thank you Ba Ye for your mercy!"

A young man came out from the depths of the woods with a notebook in his hand, and began to review the puppet army on the battlefield: "Name, team number, age, hometown address"

The puppet army with rolled sleeves and trouser legs quickly replied: "My name is Zhao Gousheng"

The young man who took the record was stunned for a moment: "Here comes another Gouzeng? Zhao Gouzeng. Adding Qian Gouzeng, Sun Gouzeng, Li Gouzeng, and Zhou Gouzeng just rounded up the first few names of a hundred families. ""

Another puppet soldier held a small book in his hand, and came forward with a smile on his face: "Baye, can we count it anyway?"

The young man who was flipping through the list heard impatiently: "Sit down, it's not your turn yet!"

Tian Sanqi turned around from the woods at some point, without even looking at the puppet soldiers, he came to Shi Cheng's side: "Did the puppet soldiers believe it?"

With a smile on his face, Shi Cheng handed the binoculars in his hand to Tian Sanqi, looking in a good mood: "Hey, you hurry up and set up the machine gun team, and you have to prepare a big meal later!"

Tian Sanqi took the binoculars and watched the dense puppet army disperse and approaching the woods: "So many?"

Shi Cheng winked: "Didn't you brag all day that you are better than Chen Chong? I want to see if you are really that good."

Tian Sanqi threw the binoculars to Shi Sui: "Then you should look carefully!"

Even though I said that, I still have some doubts in my heart.

There are really too many puppet troops here, let's say less than one thousand and five six!
The troops he brought were seriously insufficient, but facing such a huge puppet army, his heart trembled.

Jiuying dares to die, most of the time it is based on the mentality of being a fool if you don't take advantage of it.

But with such a disparity in military strength, it is absolutely impossible to take advantage of the puppet army.

Tactics must be changed!
He pulled Shi Cheng casually: "Retreat into the woods first!"

"Such a good opportunity, why don't you ambush them first?" Shi Cheng was stunned for a moment: "Hey, didn't you say that?"

Tian Sanqi pouted: "Hehe, do you think you can win the battle by speaking harshly? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"You dare not fight." Shi Cheng said angrily.

"If you can't beat it, you have to admit it!"

"I've never seen such a cowardly person!" Shi Cheng's hands were itchy.

Tian Sanqi sneered: "Then why don't you hit your balls against a rock?"

"You have never seen such a shameless person!"

Tian Sanqi didn't take it seriously at all: "Then you saw it today."

"Are you saying that Gao Yidao's soldiers dare to fight the devils with bayonets? Why do I feel awkward? Is it because a coward like you doesn't want you?"

"Believe it or not, I beat you to the point where you have teeth all over the floor?"

Shi Cheng still didn't give up: "Hey, are you really not here to give a shuttle to the puppet soldiers?"

Tian Sanqi was a little annoyed by this one: "The pine forest is only so big. Once the battle starts, the puppet soldiers can disperse and wrap us up. When the time comes, those devils will come to reinforce us. Do you think it will be good?"

Shi Cheng finally nodded: "That's right, then...how do you want to fight?"

"The enemy advances and retreats. We can't beat him in broad daylight, and we will give them a wave of news at night!"

"I can't eat the fat that reaches my mouth, I can't swallow this breath!" Shi Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't we plant a few landmines first and show them some color?"

Tian Sanqi nodded: "Then you can figure it out."

The puppet prisoners were taken to the depths of the woods.

Hearing the conversation between the eight masters and the officers just now, they exchanged winks and breathed a sigh of relief.

The guilt in my heart has weakened a lot.

After all, as a vanguard, if you kill your brothers who get along day and night because you are afraid of death, you will always feel a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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