under fire

Chapter 1451

Chapter 1451
Four people took down a gun tower guarded by puppet troops.

Looking at the puppet soldiers kneeling on the ground, Kanjiu was not surprised.

I heard that Sanzong still has a squad that took down nine gun towers in one night.

The puppet army that has lost its backbone is not even counted as scattered sand.

When Chuan Jiu squinted, Lao Qi already knew that he was hesitating whether to make a move.

It's just that it's really difficult to deal with these puppet soldiers who have no bones to work for tigers.

For the gangsters who have been sucking blood with knives for many years, it is not difficult to kill one person, but it is not easy to wipe out the necks of a dozen puppet soldiers.
"We can't abuse the prisoners." Lao Qi finally persuaded.

"Didn't you listen to the mule, one shot and two eyes, what kind of abuse?" The man who had studied with Lao Qin for a while suggested panting.

"Shut up, turn off all rifle bolts, let's go!" Choi Jiu finally made a decision.

The devil's formation is over.

Follow the ministries to assemble for battle.

Without receiving the order from Lieutenant Xiong Erlang, most of the devil infantry did not participate in the shooting against the green gauze tent.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was alone and couldn't find the team, turned to Nai, so he could only keep shooting.

Finally, it attracted the attention of a devil gendarme who maintained the discipline on the battlefield.

Nowadays, most devils are ashamed. If they are not very familiar with each other, even if they are face to face, they will not know who they are.

Finally, the devil gendarme came to the side of the "second lieutenant" who was shooting and yelled loudly: "Baga, there is no order, who told you to shoot?"

The devils didn't shoot, but Zhang Xiaodao kept shooting, not because he wanted to be different.

It was because the devil gendarmes yelled back and forth from time to time, and the devil gendarmes who went to the wrong team quickly returned to the building.

Every time a gendarme yelled next to him, he could only pretend to shoot crazily to make the gendarme ignore his existence.

It's a fluke.

A brigade of devils has four squadron leaders and sixteen small team leaders, so there are only a few people in total.
Devil gendarmes are different from ordinary devils, and many of them know devils as officials.

The two were almost face to face, and the military police soon discovered that the shooting elite in the uniform of a second lieutenant in front of him.
Although his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, he could still be sure that he had never seen it before.

In the past two days, it seems that no new recruits have been transferred.
Seeing that the muzzle of this rifle was pointing too high, the gendarme immediately had a bad feeling in his heart: Spy?
Although there are very few people on Tuba Road who can speak bird language, there have been many incidents of pretending to be imperial soldiers.

The gendarme thought he had outstanding abilities, so he decided to catch him alive!

Well-trained elites who are invincible in the world, the strength of individual soldiers can definitely crush ten or eight soil eight roads.

The military police made up their minds to capture the spies alive!
It is not stupid to pretend to shoot Zhang Xiaodao. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the devil gendarme coming from the side with cuffs on his arms, put away his rifle and leaned against the edge of the trench, and rolled up his sleeves. He immediately knew what this guy wanted to do!
There's absolutely no problem killing this guy.
Now play as the crazy shooting devil.

Don't get rough with this guy!
It would be fine if this guy bets himself to the back.
As expected by Zhang Xiaodao, the devil military police immediately swooped up and locked their throats.
Zhang Xiaodao seemed to be wounded. He dropped his rifle, rolled his eyes, and fell sideways in the trench with the military police.

You don't move much by yourself?Why is this one out of breath?

The gendarme who pressed Zhang Xiaodao under his calf was in a daze, thinking, is this really an elite of the imperial army?

Subconsciously reached out to touch Zhang Xiaodao's neck, fortunately, he was jumping
In the eyes of the devil gendarme, this matter is quite strange.

A second lieutenant of the imperial army that he didn't know at all appeared on the battlefield. According to the battlefield regulations, he could kill him directly.

Even if it is a Tuba Road spy, it is necessary to investigate how he got into the imperial army.

If possible, it is necessary to find out the purpose of his intrusion.

The military police are different from ordinary devils, they know more about the situation.

There are also many things to do. What you have to deal with on the battlefield is not only fighting, but also responsible for the marching of troops, liaison with local governments and other confidential matters.

The mission carried out by the Dashi Brigade is very secretive and must not go wrong.

With a small knife hidden in his mouth, Zhang Xiaodao was quietly escorted by the devil gendarmes to the north of the battlefield.

East of the battlefield.

Xiao Hongying lurks again in the green gauze tent, the bullets have already been loaded.

Now, all she had to do was wait for the devil machine gunner on the top of the gun tower to show up, and she was [-]% sure to blow his head off.

"No, the person being guarded by the devil seems to be that guy Zhang Xiaodao." Liu Yuanqing was temporarily ordered to take care of the little girl according to Hu Yi's request.

Liu Yuanqing did not know where to find a fishing net, and put the fishing net on Xiao Hongying's clothes. Xiao Hongying was covered with sorghum leaves, lying on the green gauze tent, completely integrated with the surrounding environment.

Liu Yuanqing washed his whole body with lime water, but his body was covered with blisters and he still looked like a toad.
Holding up the binoculars, I couldn't see the faces of the two devils in the distance clearly.

The little girl slowly lowered the rifle in her hand, leaning her big eyes behind the six-fold mirror, carefully looking for the target in the devil's trench.

As the field of vision fluctuated, he soon found the familiar figure who was escorted by the devil to the north, and his face turned black: "How could he be caught by the devil?"

Wearing the devil's military uniform, if he was not very familiar with Zhang Xiaodao, he would never have recognized him.

Hearing what the little girl said, it means that this guy is really a small knife, anyway, he can't see the situation of the enemy's position clearly now.

Liu Yuanqing simply put down the binoculars, took out gauze and wiped away the tears that flowed out: "He hasn't been shot by devils until now, this guy looks like a fake."

"What do you mean?"

"He shouldn't be fully exposed now"

"Hey, if you say something, go to the mountain fog, you might as well go to the back and stay cool with the wounded."

"Hey!" Liu Yuanqing grinned with great reluctance: "You think I'm willing? If it weren't for your chief fox, I was seriously injured and I couldn't see the situation 200 meters away with a telescope. I should be lifted off the battlefield immediately."

"Are you worried about your good brother Crazy Yang?"

"It's Company Commander Yang, Instructor Hong!" Liu Yuanqing retracted his head and picked the blisters on his skin with a needle.

"I heard that a scar will grow where the blisters are picked"

"It doesn't matter how many scars we have on our soldiers. Let me tell you, even if you lose your head, there will only be a scar the size of a bowl."

"I think, if you recover from your injury, you will become a leopard in the future."

"Don't call me a nickname. Sniper rules, don't speak while lurking."

"Can you be sure that the Devil's artillery position is 50 meters behind the infantry position?"

"Why don't you try it now and kill that devil's machine gunner on the top of the gun tower. It's guaranteed that within three minutes, our place will be bombed."

"Oh, see if you can, why are you so sure?"

"Ballistics, do you know ballistics?" Liu Yuanqing picked a blister and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Of course I know, machine gun ballistics, rifle ballistics, pistol ballistics, mortar ballistics, what the fox said they all follow."

"Unlearned and incompetent, devil observers can judge the approximate source and direction of the bullets fired by the location of the shot of the dead devil, and then carry out artillery coverage."

"Tell me about it in detail." Xiao Hongying suddenly lost interest in the devil-fighting machine gunner for the time being.

"You're so bad at math, it's useless to tell you. If you don't believe me, try it out."

"How to try?"

"Contact the friendly army and ask them to find two sharpshooters to shoot the devil's machine gunner on the roof, and then you can see if they are bombed to see if the devil is so powerful?"

"Could it be that the bullet that killed the devil... couldn't it be a coincidence of the stray bullet?"

"Coincidentally? You can figure it out. There is a distance of 400 meters from the top of the gun tower. Can an ordinary sharpshooter hit the target at such a distance?" Liu Yuanqing rubbed the wound with lime water, and the pain made him The facial features are distorted.

(End of this chapter)

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