under fire

Chapter 1452 Liu Yuanqing's decision

Chapter 1452 Liu Yuanqing's decision
The blockhouse was as hot as a steamer.

There is a map on the jujube table on the second floor.

A few devils sat at the table scratching their heads and scratching their cheeks, thinking that the various combat examples they had learned before seemed to be useless now.

Facing Tuba Road, it is extremely rare for devils to take a defensive position.

Tubalu was really too shameless, he didn't have the strength to compete with the imperial army, so he hid in the green gauze tent and sneered.

This kind of situation seems to be very similar to the brave wild boar in the mountains and forests, who can't do anything about the hidden mouse.

Every shelling can kill and wound several Tubalu. It's a pity that the results of such battles are not enough for shells.

Judging from his expression, Captain Oishi Xiong Erlang was not in a hurry at all, and even had the leisure to occasionally poke his head into the shooting hole and look out.

The situation before him is as obvious as lice on a bald man's head.

Coming out this time, a brigade of soldiers encountered Tuba Road, and it was absolutely embarrassing to evacuate northward.

There is a radio station, and you can contact the division headquarters at any time. If an imperial army brigade encounters hundreds of Tuba and calls for reinforcements, it will be embarrassing and throw it back to Dongjingwan
After carefully reviewing what happened, from yesterday when he was ordered to burst the embankment to release bacteria to now, he was first attacked in broad daylight by a small group of Eighth Route Army disguised as the Imperial Association Army, causing a lot of casualties to the Imperial Army.

At that time, I decisively ordered anti-reconnaissance, followed the army to counterattack at night, and successfully wiped out part of the Eight Routes.

The countermeasures are definitely correct. There are eight roads in the area occupied by the Imperial Army in Pingyuan... and they must be wiped out.

Unexpectedly, Tuba Road set up an ambush in the village, and the battle was so tenacious that the imperial army suffered a lot of losses.

On the way back, the escaped Eighth Route gathered a large number of people and set up an ambush again using the green gauze tent, which once again caused a lot of casualties to the warriors of the imperial army. When did Eighth Route become so courageous?

This area is not a strategic location. The imperial army's release of bacteria is absolutely confidential, and there is no way Tuba Road will know about it.

Last night, the Tuba Road resisted desperately. There must be a big fish in the middle of the Tuba Road that they want to destroy.

Otherwise, Tubalu would definitely not be so desperate.

The habit of attacking on the battlefield developed over the years of fighting, because he didn't want to exchange his life with Tubalu, he had to restrain himself.

With the knife in hand, he carefully wiped the gloomy blade with a clean white handkerchief.

Fighting positional warfare, the imperial army is not afraid of anyone!

He is [-]% sure of winning!
After the battlefield is set up, it depends on whether Tubalu has the courage to come forward
Unless there are tanks and heavy artillery on Tuba Road, whoever dares to attack here will die!
Tuba Road thought that by cutting off the way the imperial army went south and north, they could trap the imperial army to death?
I really want to piss off the imperial army and rush into the green gauze tent to fight the Tuba Road for casualties!
The sound of the devils firing heavy machine guns alternately seemed to never stop from firing to now.

In the green gauze tents on both sides of Zhengbei Highway.

A Ming [-]nd and [-]th heavy machine gun that is so black that it shines, and some of its metal is shining with silver, has a long chain of ammunition.

Six heavy machine guns with pheasant necks without tripods placed on sandbags lined up.

The bullets in the ammunition box were glowing yellow.

Crooked handles, a long list of Czech styles.

Two mortars and more than a dozen grenade launchers squatted in a line behind.

This firepower configuration makes the liaison officer of the main force regiment look stupid...

Wan put a sorghum leaf on his thin head and went to the front line... the edge of the green gauze tent, whispering with the observers who have been here from time to time.

The observer pointed to the south side of the gun tower: "The devils are very bad. They set up artillery positions in the ring fortifications on the south side of the gun tower where we can't see what's going on inside. If nothing else, their defense direction is still the southern road."

Wan Paoxi carefully draws pictures in a small notebook from time to time.

It is estimated that only he can see the crooked lines clearly.
The little girl hunched over, carrying the rifle and quickly crossed the road to the west. Liu Yuanqing said that the scope would reflect light, so she decided to go to the west, where the afternoon sun could not shine on the lens, so naturally she didn't have to worry about being discovered by devils.

The correspondent has already gone to the brother army and asked their sharpshooters to fight the machine gunners on the top of the devil's gun tower.

One is to find out the detailed location of the devil artillery, two is to see if there is a chance to fire a few black guns, and the third is to prepare to see exactly what kind of tricks Zhang Xiaodao is playing in the devil's position
Listening to the shocking sound of shelling, I felt the tremor of the ground after the firing of the [-]-step artillery.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was pretending to be stupid, made a beast-like ho-ho sound from his mouth.

The Japanese gendarme following behind Zhang Xiaodao held a rifle with a calm expression on his face.

Since it is determined that this person is a spy, naturally he cannot be taken to the headquarters.

The two hunched over in the ditch, one after the other, and came to the pit where the middle-aged men and women were being held.

That's right, even if these two detectives came to report the news, they still had to enjoy the treatment of being guarded by devils on the battlefield.

"Tai Jun Hao!" The middle-aged man bowed his back, and the familiar Chinese voice came out of his mouth again.

Zhang Xiaodao, with a sluggish face, reluctantly dodged to the side, resisting the urge to wipe the necks of the two traitors on the spot.

The two devils who performed the task of guarding non-members of the army pointed their guns at the middle-aged man and yelled: "Squat down."

The middle-aged man couldn't understand what the devil said, but he could see the movements clearly.

"Don't move around," the Chinese-speaking gendarme uttered broken Chinese, and then waved to the middle-aged man.

Zhang Xiaodao also couldn't understand what the two devils were saying earlier, but he could understand what the devils said behind him, and his heart was like lightning.

The general situation of the battlefield is basically clear. The devils are camping in the open field, and the surrounding green gauze tents are full of nine battalions of soldiers.

Just one thing, different from what he thought, the team that attacked the devils in the south came from the third division on the opposite side of the canal.

For him, it doesn't matter much...

There are now three devils and two traitors in the simple fortification.

Seven or eight meters away on the left is a squad of devils and a light machine gun team.

On the right is the devil's heavy machine gun position that he just left.

If you do it now, it won't be a big problem to use a knife to solve the two devils in front, but there is no way to do it silently.

Unless, the comrades in the green gauze tent can shoot a few grenades to make some noise
The ghost behind him is obviously not simple...

"Squat down!" The gendarme said in a gentle tone, and patted the thigh of the knife with the side of the bayonet at the front of the rifle.

Under the threat of the bayonet, Zhang Xiaodao habitually obeyed.

As soon as he squatted down, he immediately realized something was wrong, because the military police didn't know why their brains were cramped, and they were speaking Chinese.

It's going to be bad in my heart, I've been fooled by the devil!
That is to say, I responded according to the Chinese spoken by the devil, and my identity was fully exposed at this time.

The devil gendarme was very proud, and with just a casual sentence, he tricked out that this man could understand Chinese.

The warriors are proud, and generally disdain to learn Chinese. They can speak a few words of Chinese only because they say a few harsh words to satisfy their perverted psychology when killing those timid Chinese.

After all, how troublesome is it if the Chinese who are about to be stabbed to death or buried alive cannot understand what they are saying?

Therefore, in the eyes of the devil gendarme, the elite captain of the Imperial Army should not be able to speak such profound words as squatting, let alone understand them.

Just like when killing chickens and slaughtering sheep, there is no need to learn how to call chickens and sheep
Of course, it's normal to learn the cock crow once in a while.

What's more, no matter where the rooster crows, the sound should be the same.
"Hey, Zhang Xiaodao squatted down and couldn't see anyone," the observer said lightly.

Liu Yuanqing thought for a few seconds, and suddenly ordered: "Hurry up and notify Wen Wuquan, and immediately shoot a few grenades next to the place where Zhang Xiaodao disappeared last. Add...a chemical bomb"

"At this time, firing the grenade will reveal our position." Wen Wuquan, the big dog's attendant, was a little hesitant.

Liu Yuanqing stared at the blurry eyes that still had a strong sting: "You are stupid, you are really a pig's brain, don't you know how to fire from a different position?"

"That makes sense." With a wave of his hand, Wen Wuquan led a grenadier team into the green gauze tent, and quickly pulled it away to the west.

"Tell me, what's your name?" The gendarme had rich experience in interrogation, pointed the bayonet at Zhang Xiaodao's chest, and didn't ask Zhang Xiaodao if he was a member of the Eighth Route Army.

Zhang Xiaodao is still acting stupid
You can understand Chinese, if you don't speak it, you will die now!The gendarme did not care whether the man spoke or not.

Questioning is just for confirmation.

After asking many questions in a row, the guy still didn't speak, the hand holding the rifle was strong, and the point of the bayonet ran down Zhang Xiaodao's chest, directly against Zhang Xiaodao's abdomen.

The gendarme was thinking whether to cut the skin of this man's abdomen horizontally with the tip of the knife, or to stab his heart with a knife and then turn to open his belly
Zhang Xiaodao's hairs are all standing on end, and every muscle in his body is tense. It seems that he can't do without his hands
Suddenly, a bird cry came from the north.
"Enemy attack, shelling!" The devil's battlefield observer was not covered, and he kept watching the devil in the north, screaming in a broken voice.

(End of this chapter)

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