under fire

Chapter 1457 Adventure and Harvest

Chapter 1457 Adventure and Harvest

A soldier smashed a devil's steel helmet with a sharpened iron handle. "Oh, my shovel is rolled."

"What are you yelling about, quickly pick up the grenade and use the gun." The pistol team who followed closely shot and killed the devil who was knocked unconscious and continued to move forward.

Cleaning the battlefield at this time is completely disregarding life. Although the devils on the ground are very tempting, the soldiers are reluctant to continue to advance.

From time to time, a commander shouted at the top of his voice: "Pay attention to maintaining the formation."

This time, the main force launched an attack almost simultaneously in three directions: southeast, west and east.

The deputy commander only left a small number of soldiers in each direction as a reserve team.

It can be said that almost all the troops were invested.

If the battlefield is summed up, it is a proper military adventurism.

However, the man surnamed Hu speaks sternly, and has been oppressed by devils for so many years.

Deep down, he also wanted to fight a turnaround.

Moreover, the main regiment of the 23rd regiment was seriously injured and still in the hospital, and the newly transferred regiment leader hadn't arrived yet to take office.

Deputy head Zhao, the acting head of the regiment, died, and the deputy commander rushed the ducks to the shelves and condescended to concurrently serve as head of the regiment.

With the strength of two battalions, launching a frontal attack on a brigade of devils who are well-equipped, equipped with infantry and fortifications, this alone will convince all the commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army!
And it's not a night raid, it's broad daylight
The situation on the battlefield seems to be developing exactly according to what Battalion Commander Hu of the Guard Battalion of the First Brigade and One Regiment said.

The soldiers who rushed into the devil's outer trenches from the east and west wings at the same time quickly wiped out the remnants of the enemy, and then moved northward along the outer trenches, intending to completely eliminate the devil's outer defense line.

Thus completing the siege of devils!

In the past, when the devils raided, they transferred the people every day. They were surrounded by the devils many times.

Enough of being wimpy.

This time, I finally have a chance to avenge my shame
If it weren't for the guards, the commander would have rushed to the front line, throwing grenades and wielding swords with the soldiers.

News from the battlefield kept coming back.

Seized rich!

Almost a squadron of devils equipped!

It can even be said that this time I made a fortune!

The wave of attack just now almost smashed all the grenades carried by the soldiers. Fortunately, the number of devil grenades captured was quite large, and the devil's grenade was more lethal, so it was easy to use.
Many fighters know how to use grenades, but few have actually used them.
Many soldiers took off the safety of the devil's grenade, forgot to smash the cap, and subconsciously threw it at the devils who were stubborn in the trenches.
The devil's previous light and heavy machine guns did not cause too many casualties to the charging soldiers.

When the machine guns and rifles fired, the soldiers immediately crawled forward on the ground according to the usual training requirements.

In the cognition of the devils, the machine gun team should be about one meter away from the ground when dealing with the eight-way charge.

Balu seemed to have guessed how the devil would deal with the current situation.

The casualties of the Eighth Route Army lying on the ground were not large.

Militiamen dressed as ordinary people stepped forward, carrying the wounded and removing the corpses of devils.
Hygienists are treasures, and they dare not let them go to the battlefield.

After rushing into the devil's trench, hacking, chopping and stabbing with a big knife is far more powerful than a rifle.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, when the line of sight is not good, when approaching the enemy at close range, a broadsword is far better than a rifle.

Second Lieutenant Guizi, the commander of the southern defense line, emptied the bullets in the Nanfang pistol, and immediately drew out his command knife to prepare for a duel with the eight-way fighters in sight.

The gunshot came from behind him, a bullet went into the back of his head, the second lieutenant saw that his nose seemed to be flying forward
Then, a piece of Tianjin Red Spicy Oil Tofu Brain popped out from the nose. Unfortunately, there is no Goubuli steamed stuffed bun.
The battle is over.

However, the voice of screaming and screaming did not disappear.

From time to time, soldiers leaned against the trenches, gasping for breath and screaming with laughter.

To the devils on the second line of defense 50 meters away, it created the illusion that the battle was still going on and the Eighth Route Army couldn't hold on.

Slightly wounded, they couldn't leave the line of fire. Soldiers who had finished bandaging ignored the pain and began to join the ranks of counting the results of the battle and cleaning the battlefield.

After charging to the enemy's position and fighting the devils at close range, the death squad of the Broadsword Squad suffered a lot.

More than [-] soldiers died, more than [-] were seriously injured, and more than [-] were slightly injured. In terms of numbers, they were tied with the devils.

Unscathed, Xiao Wansi shook his head and said, "Tsk tsk, the little devils are really kind, and none of them escaped."

Ba Xiao Wansi suffered a big neck slip.

The first battalion commander who directed the soldiers in the trenches to change the direction of the trench defense had a dark face: "After going to the battlefield, I threw away my own platoon soldiers and mixed into the broadsword team. I will beat you, the platoon leader, now."

"Hey, Battalion Commander, didn't you teach us that after going to the battlefield, we should be a role model for the soldiers and charge forward. You have to praise me."

"Tomorrow, your platoon will only practice spears."

"Hey, I have to wait until I can live until tomorrow."

"Damn it, dig a trench!" The battalion commander kicked Xiao Wansi into the trench
"Dig trenches at this time, I said Battalion Commander, are you out of your mind?"

"The artillerymen behind the devil don't know the situation on our side for the time being. When the smoke clears, the enemy will shell."

"Then let's not let the smoke clear away?"

"Do you think the devils won't bombard you if you light two piles of wet firewood?" The first battalion commander really wanted to beat up his subordinates who caused trouble all the time: "Hurry up, besides, I will let you be a logistics soldier."

"Hey, even if I'm a logistics soldier, I'm the fastest runner on the battlefield."

"Xiao, I didn't mean you. We joined the team together. I became the battalion commander. When you became the leader of the squad, you were turned into a leader and dragged back and forth four times. The platoon leader became the leader and was dragged back and forth three times. , what do you want me to say about you?"

"It's easy to say, in the future when you see me, just call me the squad leader."

"Could you make it a little bit better?"

"Why don't I make progress? The number of devils hacked to death this time, plus the previous ones, is more than 60."

"Okay, how many stabs this time!"


"A third of the devils were killed by the three of you?"

"Why do you look down on people? If I report one more to you, I will have a son without an ass hole."

"Don't talk about those useless things and wait until you come back."

"Stop it, just tell me, what trick will you use to deal with the devils behind?"

"Well, wait a minute." The first battalion commander thought about the blind guard battalion commander surnamed Hu, how could he come up with so many bad moves with his brain?

The details of the combat plan he mentioned did not seem to have changed the soldiers' usual training content, only minor adjustments were made.

For example, throwing a grenade as a smoke bomb.

If it was an ordinary Eighth Route Army team, how could they be willing to throw grenades that could kill the enemy into the open space?

Uh. I was wrong, he is not blind, but his eyes are injured
Immediately ordered the soldiers to continue digging trenches, digging a ladder on the side facing the gun tower.

Then deepen the trench behind the ladder!

It is not difficult to dig trenches in the sandy plains.

But civil work is still not easy.

Attack a devil squad with a battalion and wipe them out.

The results were brilliant.

The devils are well-equipped and have arranged fortifications in advance. They thought that no matter what magical means Balu used, it would be useless.

Unexpectedly, the Eighth Route Army used a smoke bomb to wipe out all the advantages of the imperial army.

The battle is just the beginning.

Xiong Erlang graduated from the Army Infantry School.

I know the combat effectiveness of an army that is not afraid of death.

Tubalu actually resorted to such a shameless way of killing each other.

These people don't cry when they don't see the coffin.

It seems that now is a good time to use gas bombs.

I was suddenly startled, the southeast wind was blowing in midsummer, and it was now at a downwind position.

If you really want to use poison gas bombs, the poison gas will be blown towards the imperial army.

The damn military doctor said earlier that he was not afraid of poisonous gas when he wore a gas mask, but what he said was proved to be unreliable!

Do we want to use gas bombs now?
Xiong Erlang hesitated.

He wanted to issue a ruthless order, but when the words of the order came to his lips, he couldn't yell them out.

The cold light in his eyes showed his incomparable anger, and his anger made him want to put aside the gas bomb for life and death.

It's too bad to exchange the lives of the elites with Tubalu.

If you let it go, Tubalu will probably throw grenades to create smoke and continue to advance.

At that time, the second line of defense may not be guaranteed!
When did the imperial army fall to the point of being overwhelmed by the earth when fighting in positional warfare?
Request aviation support from the garrison?

How can this be exported?

He is a majestic elite of the imperial army, a captain of the imperial army guarding a county.

It's a shame to say that it was beaten by the Tuba Road attack of the same force and asked for reinforcements!
Seeing that the captain's face was cloudy and uncertain, the staff officer next to him didn't dare to suggest it at all.

The observer watched the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipate from the outer defense line, and screamed strangely: "No, the warriors on the southern defense line were all wiped out."

Xiong Erlang, who had thought for a long time, suppressed the anger in his heart: "Order, bombard the outer defense line!"

After weighing again and again, he never dared to give the order to use gas bombs.

The devils ordered the soldiers to learn how to be good, and one went to the top of the gun tower to fight the semaphore desperately.

The other went directly to the next floor and ran along the traffic ditch to the artillery formation in the south, intending to pass on orders.

Southwest orientation.

Dagou, who had already gathered with his brother's peripheral troops, looked at the top of the gun tower: "Why do you dare to come up?"

Then raise the gun.

After a gunshot, the head of the devil holding the flag on the top of the turret was blown off.
The soldiers of the second echelon who stayed in the green gauze tent next to them stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe it when they saw the superb marksmanship of the fake devil with the devil's helmet crooked in front of him.

Obediently in the middle of winter, the best sharpshooter in the whole group who can eat eggs will never be able to kill an enemy with a single shot!
(End of this chapter)

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