under fire

Chapter 1458 Digging a Pit

Chapter 1458 Digging a Pit
Boom. Boom. Boom.
chug chug.
Bat. Bat. Bat.
Large and small cannons, light and heavy machine guns, and rifles.
The roar of howitzer shells exploded.

The whistling ballistic trajectory pulled back and forth.

Bullets rained down on the trenches, almost reaching the concentration of whoever took the lead and whoever died.

South of the gun tower.

The main team has occupied the Devils' outer line of defense.

There was an endless stream of people crawling into the trenches, and from time to time some people couldn't get up anymore.

Those who can move are carrying foreign shovels and hoes and rolling on the ground into the trenches.

Without stopping, they dug the trenches deeper.

A relative died on the creeping road, no time to grieve, working hard with tears in my eyes
The plain soil is loose, and hundreds of people work together to dig up the soil at an amazing speed.

The devil's shells and smokeless gunpowder can only blow up dust and clouds.

The smoke around the trench circle gradually dissipated.

The devil's combat effectiveness is not something to boast about. The red-eyed devil infantry began to throw grenades and the eight offensives died together.

The soldiers advancing northward along the trenches were hindered and advanced slowly.

The two sides threw grenades at each other to attack and defend, and the casualties of both sides in the trench were ridiculously large.
It is open to the south.

The line of sight began to change from blurred with nothing to see the outline of the land not far away.

The observers of the sharpshooter group of the main force regiment were lying behind the corpse of the devil in the open area in front of the trench, when they suddenly found a cat waist coming out of the car park parked at the bottom of the gun tower, and ran along the traffic trench to the devil's messenger in the artillery position.

Quickly turned around and yelled: "Hey, look quickly, the one who came out of the gun tower must be the devil's messenger. Kill him quickly."

The muzzle of the sharpshooter who found the target moved slowly
Suddenly, I found that I had all the skills, but I couldn't aim at the devil's ordering helmet shaking rapidly in the traffic trench.

Based on feeling, if you shoot now, you probably won't be sure of hitting the target at all!

I had to remind myself continuously: I must hold my breath and wait patiently, that little devil will always show up.

Southwest orientation.

There was a clear sound of tom inadvertently in the green gauze tent.

A grenade hit the air.

Wen Wuquan also saw the devils coming out of the gun tower, pulled the grenade and fired a grenade, and then lay down, holding up the binoculars to observe like a sculpture.

This time, I didn't see the devil's steel helmet shifting laterally.

Even if the devil observers found someone shooting grenades here, they wouldn't care too much.

Because, the brother troops had taken down the outer trench defense line on the south side of the Devils, and advancing left and right along the trench made more noise.

Not far in front of him, the brother troops were fighting the devils in the trenches.
The main attack, the fire team of the 23rd regiment in the green gauze tent was unambiguously suppressed.

Uh. Fire a grenadier group for a different place, and occasionally shoot a mortar shell from the edge of the green gauze tent.

The Devil Grenadiers immediately returned fire.

Light and heavy machine guns followed unambiguously and violently.

Under the intensive firepower of the devils, Tuba Road's plot to attack the artillery positions of the Imperial Army failed.

In the artillery positions that were bombed by a few grenades and two mortar shells, one person was killed and four or five were slightly injured. In this large-scale offensive and defensive battle, the casualties are completely negligible.

But the devils still hate their teeth, when will the invincible imperial army be reduced to the situation of being bombed by Tuba Road?

A sneak attack grenade suddenly exploded after landing.

In the traffic trench between the gun tower and the second trench, a puff of smoke suddenly rose.

Then there was a scream.

Amidst the shouts, there was a ghost messenger!

Before he died, this guy still didn't forget to sing intermittently, and conveyed orders to the devils in the trench next to him: "Ouch... ah... order... bombardment. Outer line of defense"

He couldn't quite hear the dying mutter mixed with the sound of the guns, and the devil next to him had to keep asking: "What did you say. Repeat it."

The messenger was out of breath in the morning and was ready to die at any time. Hearing this man's yelling, he was so out of breath that he died immediately.

The devil next to him heard the word shelling, and hurriedly ran to the artillery position in the shallow pit with sandbag bunkers behind the second line of defense to relay the order.

The devil artillery position was not far from the gun tower.

The lieutenant who received the order immediately gave the order, and it was still the grenadier team who fired first.
The tom tom sound kept going.

Mortar shells followed with a piercing screech.

On the outer positions captured by the Eight Route Army, columns of gunpowder smoke filled the air, shrapnel and clods were scattered, and dust was flying.

The ground was trembling, and from time to time, Eighth Route fighters who had been bombed were thrown out of the trenches, and their rags were rolled into the sky.
The continuous deafening explosions completely covered the screams of the sacrificed and injured Eighth Route soldiers.

Zhang Xiaodao, who killed three devils and one traitor, was lying in a pit not far from the devil's artillery position.

In a hurry, he pulled the grenade and threw it on the Devils artillery position.

The ghost observer not far behind immediately noticed the abnormality, raised his gun and stopped it loudly: "Baga, don't you have eyes?"

"I'm your mother!" Zhang Xiaodao shot the observer to death with a pistol in his left hand.

Then, with his right hand, he smashed off the hood of the grenade and threw it on the Devils artillery position.

In front of this guy, seven grenades with safety pins were pulled out one by one.

Throwing one, throwing one with a round arm, most of them greeted the Devils' artillery positions.

Shrink your head immediately after throwing it away.

The observer was killed, and the devils were a little confused when they saw someone throwing a grenade at the artillery position.

The devils who quickly reacted were also unambiguous. If they dared to throw a grenade on the head of the imperial army, even their own people would die!
The muzzle of the rifle quickly pointed at Zhang Xiaodao.

Then, several grenades with their caps smashed were thrown into the shallow pit where Zhang Xiaodao was.

Bullets roared above his head, but Zhang Xiaodao didn't run away, because getting out of the pit at this time would mean death.

He hurriedly crawled into the bunker that had already gathered five corpses together.

Just as he was covering his body with a dead body, the sound of a grenade explosion suddenly sounded in his ears.

It seemed that a hurricane had blown by, shrapnel flew across, and the shock wave penetrated the gaps between the corpses. The strong pressure made him feel as if he was submerged in water, and he was under heavy pressure in all directions.

Can't breathe at all.

The pressure disappeared in an instant, and he felt the pressure on his body lighten, followed by the shock wave of the first grenade explosion.

Six consecutive shock waves blew up the body of the devil gendarme that was pressing on him to pieces.

The methods taught by that bastard Liu Yuanqing really work.
Using the devil's corpse as a cover can really avoid the fragments of the devil's grenade.

The devil grenade is powerful, but its power is mainly reflected in injuring the enemy with fragments.

Zhang Xiao didn't dare to hesitate, and raised his hand to push away the incomplete body of the devil's military police covering his body.

Rolling and crawling in the smoke and dust, crawling eastward along the traffic trench.

You must leave this pit now, maybe the devils will come to check the results after a while.

Before leaving, I have to leave a thought for the devil
In the traffic trench filled with gunpowder, Zhang Xiaodao stumbled and couldn't hear anything in his ears.

After walking a few steps, I suddenly felt a slight vibration from the ground.

Lie down forward.

A pair of smelly leather shoes stepped on his back without hesitation, regardless of the second lieutenant's epaulets on his shoulders.

Then rushed to the shallow pit behind him.

Five corpses were in the shallow pit that hadn't dissipated, three elite corpses, and two Chinese corpses.

The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and the devils who came over were a little confused. They were all looking at the outer defense line.

He remembered the one who threw the grenade. It seems to be the imperial army?
What's going on here is hard to guess.

The conclusion, though, is that they're all dead and nothing really matters.

It's just that three soldiers of the imperial army were exchanged for two Chinese, which seems to be a panic.

As for the detective team and the Eighth Route, there is no difference in the eyes of the ghost soldiers.
Of course, the remains of the imperial army that had been sieved by the fragments of the grenade had to be dealt with briefly, otherwise it would be unsightly to expose the intestines outside.

A devil put down his rifle and pulled out a bandage to wrap up the dead gendarme.

The devil who was hunched over and guarded by the side suddenly said: "Hey, I saw that the warrior epaulets that fell on the ground when I came here just now seemed to be a second lieutenant?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could the second lieutenant lie on the ground?"

"Haha. You are miserable, even the second lieutenant dares to step on it"

"Usually they step on his face, why don't he let me step on his feet when he's dead?"

"No, there are not many second lieutenants in our brigade. It seems that you have never seen this one?"

"You idiot, you can still recognize him when he is lying on his stomach and can't see his face?"

The devils are indeed well-trained and have a clear division of labor.

Guns were fired on the battlefield, and the three devils who came over were still talking and laughing.

It seems that he didn't pay attention to the battle in front of him at all.

Artillery position.

Throwing bombs and mortars were pounding the lost outlying trenches.

The gunpowder smoke seemed to clear away, and the shelling thickened the smoke and dust again.

A distance of more than fifty meters.

Although the situation in the trench not far away is not very clear, the approximate distance is not wrong.

The Devils grenade team had the most fun, because at this distance, there was no need to aim at all.


"Retreat immediately"

One after another, the voice seems to be getting farther and farther away?

It seems that Tuba Road can't stand the shelling and wants to retreat?

Just after laying down the trenches of the Imperial Army, Tuba Road actually wants to retreat?

What kind of medicine is hidden in this gourd?

(End of this chapter)

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