under fire

Chapter 1467

Chapter 1467
Since the night before yesterday, there have been sporadic deaths of ordinary people in the concentrated settlements.

As of yesterday evening, nearly [-] people had died.

Immediately caused panic among the people in the settlements,

In the middle of the night, the number of people who came to the Security Corps headquarters to report the death became... an endless stream.

Each family hurriedly called for a doctor. According to the analysis of some well-informed old people, there should be a plague.

The eighth road had sent a letter earlier, but Wang Jingchang didn't take it seriously.

What happened in the concentrated settlements made him suddenly wake up, and he was shocked, so he called his uncle Wang Ziquan to report.

Then, the plague incident at the midpoint of the settlement began to be reported to the An County Maintenance Government, and then reported to the Nanjing Wang Puppet Government.

The instructions were issued layer by layer, and it was already afternoon.

Wang Jingchang looked at the documents and instructions sent by the telephone soldiers, and his heart trembled.
If it was really Hu Liela, he might even get it.

Lao Qin said that this thing is mainly based on prevention. If there is a disease, it must be isolated, drink more vinegar on weekdays, and put gauze on the mouth and nose to prevent it.

Therefore, he has ordered his men to buy vinegar and gauze everywhere.

Li Youcai has no free time these two days.

The afternoon sun made the room extremely hot.

With his clothes half open, he sat crookedly in a nanmu chair behind his desk, resting his head on his hands in a daze.

A message came from the Water Conservation Group, hoping that he could find a way to buy a batch of vinegar.

Vinegar is used as a condiment, and it is in sufficient supply on the market on weekdays.

Didn't realize it was completely out of stock.

Lin Xiu is very busy these days.

Li Youcai knew very well that Lin Xiu had registered with Maeda.

Li Youcai knew better why Lin Xiu dared to publicly appear in An County.

Unexpectedly, the vice president of Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. gave him a problem again.

Give him 100 million French currency, and ask him to purchase a batch of smoke soil in a short time.

He is not familiar with Yu Jingsan's line, so looking for Hajiu is the best choice.

The Zhongyong Nation Salvation Army is sweeping through the net in the third defense area of ​​Yujing, and the main target of the sweep is the Eighth Route Army.

The Rangers who had been active in the Wei River Basin disappeared without a trace.

With a bang, the door was pushed open.

Li Youcai was so shocked that he almost fell off the chair.

Li Weiwei is usually the one who pushes the door and comes in without knocking.

Of course, Taijun may kick the door without knocking.

Li Youcai looked at Li Weiwei: "What's going on?"

Li Weiwei casually picked up the back of the chair next to him, dragged the chair to a place by the window where the sun could not reach it, and sat down, crossed his legs, stared at Li Youcai, and suppressed the excitement on his face: "Second brother, Cheng Cheng in the north!" A big event happened in An County."

"How big is it?"

"The Eighth Route has conquered Cheng'an County!" Li Weiwei looked excited. As the captain of a district of the police force, his sources of information were not enough.

A county town was attacked by the Eighth Route Army, and the devils who lost face naturally wanted to block it.

Li Youcai also heard this news for the first time, and his heart was moved: "Have you figured out the internal strife in the autonomous army?"

"Hehe, second brother, I said, why do you start to care about these important national affairs?"

Li Youcai squinted his eyes: "Something happened to the concentrated settlements in the west."

"You mean a concentration camp? What could happen? It wouldn't be another concentration camp brought by the Eighth Route Army?" Li Weiwei poured himself a glass of water.

"There's a plague." Li Youcai looked gloomy as he looked at the sunlight shining through the window into the room.

"Plague? Which concentration camp?" Li Weiwei didn't care too much. The continuous drought this year, coupled with the torrential rain a few days ago, made it not surprising that there was a small epidemic.

"Wang Zhuang."

Li Weiwei, who was pouring water, trembled: "What are you talking about? Just Wangzhuang in the north of Luoye Village?"

"Quickly find a way to get a batch of vinegar and send it back to Luoye Village, and prepare some vinegar to send to the Water Conservation Team."

Li Weima was a little embarrassed: "The Eight Routes in the north disappeared after a battle with the HD defenders."

Li Youcai was a little displeased: "What do you mean?"

"Second brother, why are you so close to those people in the mountains?"

Li Youcai slowly threw the shelling gun with its case on the table, making a bang: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Second brother, since the national army crossed the Yellow River to the south, the Eighth Route has been alone on the plain. Now this is under the rule of the Nanjing National Government, we should curve to save the country"

Li Youcai quickly took out the shelling gun, and very rarely pressed down the machine head of the shelling gun
Li Wei quickly expressed his opinion: "Second brother, if you don't want to listen to me, just don't tell me. If you want my head, you can take it at any time, and I will find a way right away. I will definitely send the vinegar to Luoye Village before dawn tomorrow."

The settlement of Wangzhuang is between Luoye Village in the south and Xiaowang Village in the north.

The distance from each other is more than ten miles.

There are also some uninhabited villages scattered around because of lack of water and people fleeing famine.

Xiaowang Village, where the anti-Japanese democratic government was resident.

County Magistrate Yang looked at the document in his hand: "immediately take isolation measures for all villages"

The county government is also trying to find a way to organize doctors from all over the country to treat the common people.

It's a pity that the old Chinese doctor's theory of foreign evil invasion doesn't seem to work, and it doesn't work after taking the medicine and drinking it.

The speed of digging graves cannot keep up with the speed of the dead.

In the south of the village, Tian Sanqi is checking the sentry under the scorching sun.

Reiterate to the sentinel again: People from settlements are absolutely prohibited from entering Xiaowang Village.

The sentinel was shocked by Tian Sanqi's tone, so many people died, everyone knew the seriousness of the matter.

Now even the instructor has diarrhea and is out of shape.

Lao Qin, who was lying on a stretcher under the big locust tree, was very anxious.

The health team was full of sick patients, and even under the big locust tree were all stretchers.

The inside and outside of the ancestral hall in the village are full of villagers who vomit and diarrhea.

Bao Si rushed over from the wine station with Little Red Sunflower and more than a dozen health workers were instructing the militiamen to take isolation measures.

The dignified Bao Si hurriedly came to Lao Qin, with a heavy tone of panic: "It's almost the same as the last poisoning."

"Hurry up and report to the higher authorities. Find a way."

Bao Si shook his head: "It's not just our place, there are problems everywhere in the nearby ten miles and eight villages, and the superior ordered us to do a good job of personal hygiene."

The Eighth Route Army was poor and lacked laboratory equipment, drugs, and supplies. In fact, even if there were equipment, it was almost impossible to carry out laboratory tests.

Chinese medicine relies entirely on experience and symptoms to make judgments, while Huliella bacteria are completely in the cognitive blind spot of old Chinese medicine practitioners and even hygienists.

Fortunately, I got the news in advance that the devil cast Hu Lie La, and it appeared once in the independent regiment, so the division hospital gave accurate advice.

And make a countermeasure: isolation and drinking vinegar.
Tian Sanqi returned to Xiaowang Village.

County Magistrate Yang looked at Tian Sanqi with complicated emotions: "The base area must be completely under martial law, no one is allowed to move around at will, and those with diarrhea must be isolated, and we must immediately investigate every abnormality that has occurred in the base area during this period. event."

Tian Sanqi said nothing, turned and left, he was worried not only about the plague, but also the puppet king Sanzhu who had always harbored evil intentions.

Ten miles away.

Fragrant Village.

Wang Sanzhu led more than [-] bandits under his command.

crowded the village.

(End of this chapter)

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