under fire

Chapter 1468

Chapter 1468
The sunset glow in the sky does not look beautiful at all.

Because, the Devils Assault Squad fired a farewell signal flare in the green gauze tent southwest of the gun tower.

Oishi Kuma Erro, who was in charge of carrying out the germ warfare, was not calm at first.

The stretching green gauze tent looks like a monster that can devour the lives of devil soldiers at any time.

Seeing the heavy casualties of his men, Oishi Xiong Erlang finally decided to retreat.

In the evening, an order was finally issued to the Division Headquarters about the actual situation encountered.

A brigade of the imperial army is completely invincible on the plain.

Surrounded by Tuba Road?

The commander of Major General Hosokawa Tadasuke who received the report was very annoyed.

The Luxi combat plan in the [-]th autumn was top-secret, and it was personally deployed by Okamura Ningci, the commander of the North China Front Army stationed in Beiping, and Shiro Ishii, the former captain of the [-]st Division and an authority on bacteria.

It is planned to be directly commanded by the 59th Division stationed in Taishan, Shandong Province, and more than [-] senior Japanese generals will participate in the observation.

As the Japanese army broke the embankment, the cholera bacteria that were thrown into the river flowed around with the current.

Wherever the water flows, the people there will be quickly infected.

By dispatching special operations teams to spread the virus on land and digging canal embankments, cholera has spread violently in eighteen counties in northwestern Shandong.

The low-lying areas in Linqing, Guantao, Wucheng, Qiuxian and other counties have become a vast ocean.

Devil No.40 Four Brigades are investigating and counting in various places. Crops have been submerged, houses have been washed down, and countless residents have been affected.

The reason why we chose to launch bacterial warfare in the Weihe River Basin is because Weihe River is an important combination of Lu Province, Central Hebei, Southern Hebei, and Taihang bases, and has a very strategic position.

The population is too large, and the Tuba Road is easily hidden among these ordinary people. Moreover, the Ping-Han Railway has been damaged many times.

In addition to the important strategic location, the main reason is that the riverbed of the Wei River is similar to the Yellow River, and is higher than the plain ground, which is conducive to breaking the embankment and releasing water.

Coupled with the torrential rain in the past few days, the water level of the Wei River rose rapidly, seriously threatening the safety of the Jinpu Railway controlled by the devils and the important rear military base Dezhou.

Breaking the embankment of the Wei River to release the water on the low-lying west bank will not only keep the Ping-Han and Jin-Pu railway lines, but also keep Dezhou.

In addition, the implementation of germ warfare has two purposes, one is to test the march of the devils in the cholera-endemic area, combat epidemic prevention and endurance.

In terms of germ warfare, it means conducting "resistance tests". The second is to test the ability to kill cholera, and to conduct exercises and preparations for attacking the northern powers and using biological weapons.

In order to cover up the truth of the bacterial warfare in Luxi, the bacterial warfare in the 12th autumn was declared as "the No. [-] Army of the North China Front fought in Luxi in the [-]th Autumn".

Bacteria release and combat activities are all under the guise of sanitation and epidemic prevention after heavy rains.

Battle plans, orders, and reports all use hidden words and irony.

The devil officers and soldiers who cooperated in the execution of the operation were strictly kept secret. Except for a few high-level personnel, the rest of the officers and soldiers, including the specific operators, did not know what they were doing.
Moreover, before ordering the troops to set off, it had already been strictly ordered that the goal of this operation was not to wipe out the Eight Routes.

This guy was attacked by the Eight Routes, and then launched revenge against the Eight Routes. It was completely out of his mind.

Killing a deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army is completely incomparable with the lives of soldiers of the Imperial Army!
What's more, that bastard Xiong Erlang made a mistake in command, not only fell into the eight-way siege, but even lost a squadron!
Even with the use of poison gas bombs, Tuba was still not defeated.

This kind of situation made him feel very strange. When the imperial army attacked a few years ago, it rarely encountered such a big loss when it encountered a national army with acceptable equipment on the plain.

At that time, apart from the excitement of chasing and massacring the fleeing Chinese soldiers, my heart was full of pride.

At this time, his subordinates actually sent him a telegram saying that the loss was heavy, which was not bad, and immediately ordered reinforcements.

A brigade of devils and a regiment of puppet troops quickly assembled and hurried south.

Two men in black riding horses quickly headed south in the green gauze tent.

The traffic officers along the way acted quickly, constantly running around the green gauze tents and villages in the field to tell each other.

The news began to be reported step by step, and the militia quickly organized the transfer of ordinary people along the southward road of the devils.

As long as the devils and puppet troops are dispatched, it is not a good thing, and as long as they can hide, they will never stay in the village.

Captain Guizi, who led the reinforcements, was sitting in the cab of the car, looking at the stretching green gauze curtains on both sides of the road.

Feeling emotional: "It's unbelievable that that guy Dashi was beaten by Tubalu"

The three-wheeled motorcycle in front maneuvered quickly, and the on-board light machine gun fired at both sides of the road from time to time.

The yellow-green painted armored artillery vehicle that followed followed shone brightly in the setting sun, and heavy machine guns fired occasionally.

Suddenly there was an explosion ahead.

The vanguard soldiers returned from the front on motorcycles and reported: "Report to the captain, the Eighth Route militiamen are digging the road ahead, and the vanguard troops meet Tuba. Whether it is a strong attack or a detour, please tell the captain."

A bad feeling rose in the captain's heart: "How many people are there on Tuba Road? How about the weapons and equipment?"

The messenger hurriedly replied: "There are not many troops on the Tuba Road. They just planted a lot of mines on the road. It seems that they have been waiting for us for a long time."

Before the orderer could finish his sentence, he heard a loud thunderclap from behind.
Countless things followed and fell from the sky.

The captain quickly opened the car door, surrounded by devil guards, watching the dust rising from the convoy behind and still rolling.

A section of thigh hit the road not far from the captain, and it seemed that Tuba Road was preventing him from going south for reinforcements.

The captain looked at the stretching green gauze curtains on both sides, and suddenly chuckled: "Military information reports that the remnants of the Tuba Road in the mountains have entered the plains, did they come here?"

The assistant looked at the map that had already been unfolded by his subordinates: "Tuba Road is good at fighting guerrillas, and fighting positional warfare is not their strong point, so it is unlikely that they will choose this place as the decisive battle."

The captain nodded: "Then, the real purpose of the Tuba Road should be the old routine: encircling the spot to fight for aid."

The assistant snorted: "It's possible to stop us from moving forward. As for the reinforcements. Who would dare to attack the imperial army on the plain?"

Bang bang bang.
Sporadic gunshots sounded in the distant green gauze tent.

It seems that there is no point, some unlucky guy was shot in the arm and screamed
The two light machine guns mounted on the car by the devil immediately returned fire.

Directly silence the guerrillas who shoot black guns
Captain Pei, who lost his troops and generals, did not participate in the siege of Dashi Xiong Erlang.

The superior ordered him to dig up the road to prevent the devils from Qinghe County from going south.

He couldn't understand that the Eighth Route Army generally wouldn't fight this kind of head-on battle with the enemy.

Except for the green gauze tents on the plain, all battlefield conditions were not conducive to the Eighth Route Army's guerrilla warfare.

The dense green gauze tents seem to be beneficial to the ambush side, but they are also not conducive to the Eighth Route Army's maneuvering on the plain.

The 23rd regiment who came from the third division presumably wanted to avenge Commander Zhao
The Devils armored vehicle is completely invincible.

He was still skeptical when the traffic officer who came back swore that the guard battalion had wiped out more than ten Devils armored vehicles.

Without heavy firepower, how could it be the opponent of the Devils armored vehicle?

To deal with the Devils armored vehicles, in addition to digging trenches to hinder the movement of the armored vehicles, can two mortars with grenades be able to defeat the Devils armored vehicles?
If so, the little devil would have been sent back to grandma's house long ago!

Captain Guizi is a warrior on the battlefield.

Just glanced at the overturned car, and immediately understood the layout of the eight roads.

Land mines, trenches, black guns. Standard tactics to hinder the imperial army's progress southward.

Immediately ordered the armored vehicles to clear the way, and the puppet army followed closely to fill in the trenches dug by the Eighth Road on the road.

The whole army must maintain the speed of march, and must arrive at the place where Dashi Xiong Erlang was attacked within three hours.

(End of this chapter)

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