under fire

Chapter 1469 Ambush is not easy

Chapter 1469 Ambush is not easy
Without any warning, the devils launched an attack on the invisible Eight Routes...

Eight-way guerrilla warfare, naturally they will not form a good battle formation to fight head-on with the devils.

It is a big joke for the devils to deal with the Eighth Route Army in the same way as they used to deal with the national army.

The essence of guerrilla warfare lies in mastering the basic elements of the battlefield and taking the initiative to kill the enemy in motion.

Any time is a good time to start a fight as long as you find the terrain that works for you.

The devils knew that the Eight Routes for the ambush were not strong.

The puppet army following the armored vehicles is the best pioneer. It is their duty to cast devils and find the way for the army.

If these puppet troops can survive, it is not a big deal to get promoted and pay money.

The sound of light machine gun fire once again resounded continuously through the green gauze curtain at dusk.

Bullets don't seem to like the environment, since there are no targets.

Aimlessly but unscrupulously, he violently attacked the green gauze tent.

The rustling of sorghum stems and leaves being smashed and shredded can be heard endlessly, and blood will occasionally pass by.

The sandy soil on the road seemed smooth, even clean, but no one knew where the landmines were buried.

The devils cleared the way with machine guns on the leading three-wheeled motorcycles, and the armored vehicles suppressed the two wings with fire.

As long as one dared to fire a gun anywhere in the green gauze tent, there would be a heavy rain of bullets from light machine guns and rifles to return fire immediately.

In order to maintain the firepower of the lead vehicle, three three-wheeled motorcycles alternately served as the lead vehicle.

Follow the squad as a unit of troops into the green gauze tent to start the search.

Followed by more than [-] people in cars, mules, horses, and luggage, they rushed southward in a mighty way.

The army of devils is as formidable as a rainbow!

In the green gauze tent, countless pairs of big eyes watched the devil's three-wheeled motorcycle that was about to reach the mine site.

The enemy had already entered the attack range of the light machine gun, but Captain Pei still did not give the order to shoot.

The devil's three-wheeled motorcycle in the lead raised dust all over the sky, and the on-board light machine gun continuously fired three points at the edge of the green gauze tent.

The dust raised by the devil's tricycle was so thick that it was hard to see how many devils were behind.

For the same reason, the ghosts behind cannot see the situation ahead.

The road is only a few meters wide, and it is not difficult to lay an ambush.

The reason is very simple. No matter how they fight, the real enemies that the Eighth Route Army must face are only the three-wheeled motorcycles in front of the devils and the devils' armored vehicles.

The puppet soldiers who followed had to cover their mouths and noses with wet towels, and followed closely behind the armored vehicles that opened the way to eat dust.

Visibility was very low, and the puppet soldiers could only stare at the back of the front and run desperately forward.

The roar of armored vehicles and the roar of bullets fired from light machine guns can be heard in my ears.

There was a sudden explosion.

The eight-way mine fuze buried on the road always had a delay problem, so that the explosion of the mine did not overturn the leading devil motorcycle.

The driver of the second three-wheeled motorcycle who was following him saw a cloud of dust and gunpowder smoke in front of him. To the smoke.

He believes that as long as the craters that may be formed at the blast point are avoided, there will be absolutely no problem in rushing through the gunpowder smoke.

The landmines on the Tuba Road blow hard, but they are actually very weak. As long as the speed is maintained enough, whether it is the explosion of the landmine or the fragments formed after the explosion, it is not a big threat to the imperial army.

The real threat is the black guns from Tuba Road on both sides of the road.

Captain Pei watched the explosion form a cloud of gunpowder smoke and dust, and never thought that the little devil would dare to ride the three-wheeled motorcycle directly into the thunder.

Xindao little devil is indeed brave!
Little devils are not afraid of death!

The militaristic ideology made this nation warlike, relying on training far superior to that of the Eighth Route Army, it almost brought battlefield attacks to the extreme.

The battlefield will always be the domain of the wise and the brave.

Team Pei snorted coldly, and ordered to the soldiers next to him: "When the devil reaches the trench and stops, be sure to destroy the devil's three-wheeled motorcycle."

Watching the Devil's three-wheeled motorcycle approaching the horizontally dug ghost road trench.

The messenger soldier next to Captain Pei blew his whistle suddenly.

Lying on the edge of the road, a group of riflemen in the green gauze tents immediately pulled their guns and loaded them.

After aiming empty-handed for a long time, he began to hold the rifle to form a three-point line with the target.
The devil's three-wheeled motorbike driver, who was lucky enough not to be bombed after wading through the landmine, saw the broken ditch of the road ahead from a distance.

Immediately hit the brakes and stop on the side of the road.

It is not close to the trench. Any fool knows that it is possible to get shot if you are close to the trench.

The three-wheeled motorcycle following behind stopped next to the head car with harsh brakes.

Following the rapid establishment of two vehicle-mounted machine gun groups.

Without waiting for the eight-way shooting in the green gauze tent in front, the machine guns began to fire violently on the two wings.

Now, it's time for the Imperial Association Army behind to contribute!
The Devil's armored vehicle followed closely, arrived next to the three-wheeled motorcycle, and exchanged a few words with the driver of the lead vehicle, the Devil.

The armored car moved forward again.

The puppet soldiers who followed the armored vehicles and ate the dust came forward yelling.

This kind of infantry-tank coordination tactics has been practiced many times.

Some of the puppet troops who surpassed the three-wheeled motorcycles began to enter the green gauze tents on both sides
Another part of the puppet army followed the armored vehicles and prepared to fill in the trenches ahead.
Bang bang bang.
Da da da.
The rifles that had been waiting for a long time on the edge of the green gauze tent near the trench to launch an ambush finally fired.

A round of bullets flew horizontally from the green gauze tent towards the devil's three-wheeled motorcycle.

This thing is so hateful that it can escape the mine explosion by relying on its speed.

Rifle bullets flew towards the puppet troops who seemed to enter the green gauze tent to set up a guard.

More than a dozen grenades flew towards the puppet army who was following the armored vehicle and was about to go forward to fill the trench.

The whistling sound of the bullets was like the panting of death, completely covering the entire area of ​​dust and mist brought up by the armored vehicles.

The bullets were ferocious in the smoke and dust, and the screams continued.

The faces that fell on the ground seemed to gradually become clear, and it took only a few breaths before the three-wheeled motorcycle that explored the road was exhausted...

Team Pei kept counting, and when he counted to ten, he immediately gave the order: "Withdraw!"

The machine gun turret of the Devil's armored vehicle creaked, and finally turned to the side to ambush the despicable attackers.

chug chug.
Machine gun ballistics began to rage in the side green gauze tent.

Not all the puppet soldiers lying on the ground were shot, they just heard the gunshot and subconsciously lay on the ground to hide from the bullets.

The ballistic of the overhead machine gun finally rang.

The puppet soldiers finally had the courage to raise their guns and shoot furiously at the green gauze tent.

A certain puppet army pulled the bolt of the gun smoothly, wanting to give a sigh of relief for the brother next to him who was shot in the head.

A dense rain of bullets rustled from the road towards the eighth route army that was crawling and retreating in the green gauze tent.

The Eighth Route Army's retreat was not without regulations.

The shallow traffic trench played a huge role at this time.

One figure after another slowly crawled in the green gauze tent.

This is a very clever method. If there is no one who has endured the devil's machine gun many times and paid blood, he will definitely not be able to think of this method.

(End of this chapter)

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