under fire

Chapter 1475 The sun from the west

Chapter 1475 The sun from the west

Near the North Highway.

A flare went up into the sky.

The observer, who thought he was standing on the top of the gun tower, was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

Dashi Xiong Erlang, who was also standing on the top of the turret but did not show his head, was really angry this time. The soldiers can be killed and cannot be humiliated. Tubalu is like a clown, relying on the imperial army not willing to fight casualties with them in the dark.

Dare to compare marksmanship with the imperial army just because there are one or two sharpshooters?
If you don't show him some flair, is it really a boast that the imperial army is invincible?
"I'll fight with you on Tuba roads!" Xiong Erlang grinned, he didn't take these Tuba roads surrounding him seriously at all.

He raised his hand and slapped the sleepy messenger on the forehead, then kicked the messenger to the ground, and said in a strict tone, "Commander: All heavy firepower is suspended! Compete marksmanship with the Eighth Route Army!"

The orderly has not closed his eyes for two days and one night, and it is a talent to be able to doze off amidst the sound of guns and guns on the battlefield.

Confused, he hurried down to the gun tower to convey Xiong Erlang's latest order to the devils.

There are no accurate shooting parameters in the dark, and mortars, grenades, and heavy machine guns are also useless.

He doesn't want to use the lights.
The fortifications of the Imperial Army were built in open land, and with a dozen flares, you couldn't see eight roads, but you could only see yourself.

One side relies on the green gauze tent, and the other relies on trench fortifications.

From the perspective of terrain, the two sides are evenly matched. Uh. Each has its own strengths.

The night is different from the day, and neither side stands out.

The target position can only be determined by the flash of the opponent's shot at the moment.

Both sides are relying on each other. Without the use of heavy firepower, as long as the body is attacked, the body will be exposed, and whoever will definitely suffer.

North side.

A gray figure emerges from the green gauze curtain.

Crawl in the open to the trenches outside the Devils.

The main shooting position of the machine gun on the east side is in the devil's position.

At this time, you are outside the outer trenches of the devils, so you don't have to worry about accidental injury.

The devils abandoned the outer trenches because they were about to evacuate, but suddenly received an order to attract them on the spot.

Then enter the outer trenches through the traffic pit, but the troops are scattered.

Moreover, Tuba Road actually changed the defensive direction of the southern section of the outer trench to inward in a short period of time.

It shows that among the commanders of the Eight Routes, there must be masters of soil work.

So just give up.

Northern section of the trench.

From the edge of the green gauze tent to the second trench of the devils, the outer trenches were hastily made through the devils.

The defense direction of the excavated mound is outward.

Become the best cover for Crazy Yang to lead an assault.

If you want to see the devil's second line of defense clearly, you have to probe.

In the same way, if the devil wants to see the Eight Routes coming out of the green gauze tent, he also has to probe.

Crazy Yang lay flat in the open pit and did not move at all.

The big dog in the nearby shallow pit flashed briefly when shot by the devils.

Quickly aimed at the devil's left arm holding the gun, but missed the devil's head wearing a steel helmet.
Humming in his mouth, he said, "What the hell, dare to compete with me in marksmanship. Grandpa will never let you die so easily."

Stop the gunshots.

The targeted devil was immediately shot in the arm and slid into the trench.

Shooting while talking can still hit a target [-] meters away, which is absolutely impossible without firing a thousand and eight hundred bullets.

Immediately after the shot, the big dog who changed into a pit half-closed his eyes.

The shallow pit where the shot was fired just now immediately attracted seven or eight rifles to return fire.

Shaking his head, he tried to shake the flash of light that was still in front of his eyes when he shot just now out of the dog's head: "Fucking little devil, I will break your arms one by one, I don't believe you are not afraid."

Then raise the rifle again and aim at a bright spot in the darkness.

He didn't forget to yell at Crazy Yang next to him: "Your surname is Yang, don't stay there for too long, be careful of devils throwing bombs."

Crazy Yang carefully observed the distribution of the devil's forces, calculated silently for a while, then turned to the direction of the big dog: "Cover me!"

The big dog raised his gun and grinned: "Tremble, little rabbit, hehe..."

However, the next scene completely stunned Big Dog.

A black figure jumped out of the pit and rushed straight to the outer trenches of the devils.

There is no cat waist, and there is no word for running.

Run straight ahead.

Dash straight ahead.

Braving the rain of bullets howling in the dark.

In the sound of gunshots and flashes, the devil's bullets were raised.

The devil's shooting skills are really good. With the flash of the eight-way shooting, he soon discovered that someone was running in the rain of bullets.

Isn't this guy afraid of death?
A devil grinned grimly, counting ahead based on his feeling, and was about to bring down the fool.

The moment the trigger was pressed, there seemed to be a shot in front of his eyes, and the man disappeared in the outer trench.

From turning the gun to aiming, it never took more than a second!
It's fucking unscientific.

To Big Dog's dismay, Crazy Yang let himself cover, and the guy disappeared into the front trench before he even fired a shot.

It's not how fast Crazy Yang is, but when the east side started shooting earlier, most of the devils were attracted to fight back eastward.

Crazy Yang led the commando to crawl a certain distance in the open ground.

Crazy Yang hid his body in the outer trenches of the devils, didn't stop for a moment, and ran westward quickly with his waist down.

If the devil dared to give up the entire circular trench directly, he naturally had a backup.

The grenadier fired quickly from the grenades that calculated the accurate distance to the outer trenches in advance.

A few grenades hit the trench accurately, and the captain ordered the heavy firepower to suspend firing.

It does not mean not to fire when there is an enemy situation.

Boom boom boom.
The grenade exploded in and outside the trenches behind Crazy Yang.

It was almost the position where Crazy Yang slid into the trench and both sides.

According to the general situation, no matter where Crazy Yang is in the trench, he is almost always within the range of the devil's grenade.

The grenade exploded in the trenches, producing the most lethal effect beyond just shrapnel.

Shock waves are even more lethal than shrapnel.

Crazy Yang stuck to the ground, propping his body up on his hands and lying in the trench.

By feeling, the bottom of the foot should have suffered a piece of shrapnel.

The shrapnel should not be able to penetrate the Guizizhao Wujun shoes with thousand-layer cloth soles.

The trenches on the north side have not been deepened, and the shock wave has limited lethality.

The trench was a hundred meters long, and the devil grenadiers calculated the advance. If they wanted to hit accurately in the dark, they naturally couldn't make too much deviation from left to right.

Otherwise, the grenade is likely to hit outside the circular trench.

The night is the greatest reliance for both sides, and it is purely a dream to smash all the grenades into the trenches accurately.

Crazy Yang gambled that it was impossible for the devil's grenade to hit him right next to him.

Shaking his head to shake the dust off his head.

Now the first thing to do is to shorten the distance from the devil.

Zhang Xiaodao was right in front of the devil's second line of defense, and that daring guy probably wanted to attack the devil's artillery.

Crazy Yang couldn't figure it out, Zhang Xiao didn't understand bird language, how did he stay in the devil's trench for so long without being discovered by the devil.

As Crazy Yang entered the trench to be bombed, the soldiers of the first echelon who followed immediately sped up their crawling movements.

Boom boom boom.
I saw the devils shooting grenades in the direction of the commandos.

The grenadier group in the green gauze tent was not to be outdone, and fired in the direction of the Devils artillery position.

A grenade hit the artillery position set up by the devils in the shallow pit.

In the devil's perception, even if the Eighth Route Army had grenade launchers, they could rarely hit them accurately.

After all, if that guy wants to hit accurately, it depends entirely on his touch.

Balu, which lacks even bullets, can shoot accurately unless the sun comes out from the west.
call out.
A flash of lighting really flashed suddenly in the western sky
Like the sun rising from the west.

Li Xiang, who had already moved to the west, fired another flare after hearing the girl yelling.

(End of this chapter)

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