under fire

Chapter 1476 The Meaning of the Grass on the Wall

Chapter 1476 The Meaning of the Grass on the Wall
Captain Pei looked serious.

Bian continued to break the road, lay mines and fire black guns, successfully delaying the speed of the devils' march southward.

But the devils and the puppet army reacted. The light and heavy machine guns of the armored vehicles and the intensive firepower of the puppet army's rifles hit the soldiers in the green gauze tent.

Soldiers hiding in the green yarn and shooting black guns began to suffer casualties.

Moreover, as time goes by, the casualties gradually increase.

In just half an hour, more than ten soldiers were sacrificed, and more than thirty wounded were injured and unable to move.

The old Chinese doctor accompanying the team had no choice but to bandage the wounded and apply herbal medicine to the wound.

Arm and leg injuries are not a big problem as long as the blood vessels are not broken.

However, he was injured in the summer, and infection became the biggest threat to the fighters.

No one knows whether it will survive or not.

A brigade of devils who sent reinforcements to the south was blocked by a small group of Tuba roads.

It was too risky to continue marching in the dark, so Captain Guizi decided not to rely on armored vehicles or cars.

He believes that it is impossible for Tuba Road to set up large-scale ambushes on all roads on the plain.

Immediately let a squadron leader escort the cars and armored vehicles loaded with luggage to detour.

The other devils and puppet troops only carried guns and supplementary ammunition, and all ran forward.

In this way, it would be a waste of effort to dig trenches and cut roads on Tuba Road.

The little trick of ambush hidden in the green gauze tent, the imperial army led by the puppet army will not suffer any more losses.

The sound of dense footsteps sounded on the road, and the puppet army marched southward with torches.

The imperial brigade was behind, and the puppet head who was forced to be the vanguard by rifles and machine guns had no choice but to order his men to run ahead as cannon fodder.

Being able to be the head of the regiment naturally has a few brushes, and while trotting, he explained to the adjutant: "Hurry up and explain to the brothers carefully, before the eight roads don't shoot, no one should shoot blindly into the green gauze tent."

The adjutant was worried: "If we step on the landmines buried in eight routes, we will still have brothers with broken legs and arms."

"Unlucky and sad, don't you know how to let them walk along the side of the road?" The false regiment leader immediately gave instructions: "The eighth road lacks supplies, and it is impossible to plant landmines all over the road."

The guard platoon leader next to him rolled his eyes and lowered his voice: "Commander, why don't we send two brothers to discuss with Tubalu?"

"How to discuss?" The puppet regiment leader didn't get angry. It's not easy to be a puppet army because they have family members and roots.

"Think about it, let's give the devils the lead, our brother is the one who hurts the most, and the one who dies the most is also our brother, and this time following the devils to beat the eight roads hard, those dirt roads will also use their usual method: settle accounts after autumn .”

"Since you mentioned this. Do you have any good ideas?"

"The humble staff thinks that it's safer to step on two boats these days. Send them some bullets, what do you think?"

"Then you take the two brothers over there and tell them that you don't want to attack me, or else I will get ruthless, and I'm afraid!"

"Don't worry, commander, I promise to complete the task!" The pseudo-guard platoon leader immediately prepared to arrange people to work.

The adjutant's mind was spinning quickly, and he quickly added: "Also, wait a moment, let some brothers enter the green gauze tent"


The adjutant looked cautious: "You are stupid, if we are the pioneers, the brothers will be unscathed, and no one will be reduced, how can we explain to the imperial army?"

Pseudo regiment leader: "That's right, the devil has military police and military doctors. If we have a dead body and no wounded, we can't hide it."

The pseudo-guard platoon leader wanted to make a mistake: "The big deal is to ask the brothers to drill a few holes in the arms and legs."

The adjutant had already thought of a solution: "Hey, I have a good solution."

The false regiment leader stopped in his tracks: "If you fart, let it go."

"Let a few trustworthy brothers go to the Eighth Road, and bring their wounded and change their clothes."

"High, it's really high!" The false regiment leader immediately looked at his subordinates with admiration, and said in a sarcastic tone, "It seems that you usually have a lot of dealings with the Eighth Route Army."

The adjutant who usually hangs out with the head of the regiment doesn't care: "See what you said, it's the head of the regiment who teaches well on weekdays."

The guard platoon leader next to him was familiar with this scene.

Quickly pulled out more than [-] cronies, confessed under the cover of the false head, and quickly got into the gauze tent.

The long-distance march is a test for these puppet troops who usually train laxly.

Naturally, the dialogue between the head of the group and his confidants will not be spread everywhere.

Ordinary puppet soldiers are still in fear.

Because walking on the road at night may be shot badly, or your legs may be blown up by landmines.

There are smart people who directly leave the team and join the green gauze tent as deserters.

It's the same idea as the pseudo-head of the group.

The guard platoon leader rushed to the front line quickly.

Tuba Road on both sides of the road continued to throw grenades on the road.

Even the sound of landmine explosions was repeated every now and then.

The guard platoon leader immediately ordered everyone to get down and fight back, and there were loud gunshots from time to time.

The exchange of fire between the two sides was extremely intense.

Moreover, the puppet army carried the wounded back from time to time
The ghost captain behind was not in a calm mood.

The bad thing is that the forward speed is very slow, slightly faster than a snail.

Fortunately, the people from Tuba Road must be the main force, and the sound of gunshots and bullets can be heard endlessly.

Along the way, I saw more than ten corpses of the Imperial Association Army placed on the side of the road.

There were more than [-] injured, and there seemed to be more on the side of the road ahead.

Fortunately, the imperial army did not lose.

I thought that the Royal Association Army was quite brave in fighting.

Not to chill their hearts, they immediately ordered the military doctors to treat them well, and the killed Imperial Association troops would be rewarded after returning.

It seems inappropriate to think of the rule formulated by the headquarters that the Imperial Association Army should not carry more than [-] ammunition.

He ordered his subordinates to replenish ammunition for the Imperial Association Army in front.

The devil military doctor squatted by the side of the road, operating on the injured Huangxie army.

The team is still advancing, and the operation is naturally not as detailed as that given to the devil.

Ask a few imperial association troops to help suppress the desperately struggling wounded.

The scalpel cut open the wound casually, and the camera directly pulled the shrapnel out.

Little devil, I miss your grandma. The wounded yelled at me.

The devil military doctor is well-informed, so of course he can understand what the wounded mean about the little devil.

He didn't think about anything else, he just smiled badly, stretched out his hand and pressed on the wound until the wounded rolled his eyes.

Then he pulled out the bandage and wrapped it up quickly.

Follow on to the next one.

This operation is quite easy. It does not need to be performed on soldiers of the imperial army, and it also needs to consider the feelings of the wounded.

It is even possible to be beaten by the wounded
The devil team did not stop moving forward.

Soon, the wounded lying on the ground could only see the backs of the devils' rear.

A few black shadows emerged from the green gauze tent by the side of the road.

Carry the wounded on stretchers on the road into the green gauze tent.

The wounded who woke up heard the familiar humming sound from the wounded behind him, and suddenly asked, "Dog, can you stop humming?"

Gouzi stopped humming and answered: "Brother Man Niu, it seems like a devil who performed an operation on us just now?"

"Hehe, you still call him a little devil and his grandma."

The puppet army who followed answered: "That little devil is at least 30 years old, and his grandma must be seven or eighty with gray hair, so you can do it?"

"Brother, what's your name?" The wounded may have forgotten the pain, or it may be numb to the pain, so he stopped moaning.

"Everyone meets by chance, and we say goodbye in a blink of an eye, why ask for your name?" How dare the puppet army tell the other party his real name.

The wounded man said angrily: "When a man breaks into the rivers and lakes, he will not change his surname when he walks, and his name will not be changed when he sits."

"Don't, don't, let's say goodbye this time. I will take my single-plank bridge, and you will take your Yangguan road. Don't say you know me when you see me in the future."

"I said, how good it is for you to follow us to fight the devils, do you have to be a puppet army and let people poke your back?"

"Don't talk about these useless things. You have been in the Eighth Route Army for so long, and you have never seen your family live well, and you were beaten so badly by the imperial army."

"Let the devil be cannon fodder, as if your life is not miserable!"

"Life is not easy these days, and life is even more difficult."

"I can't tell, what you guys say is pretty good"

(End of this chapter)

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