under fire

Chapter 1480 Blossoms Everywhere

Chapter 1480 Blossoms Everywhere

Certain professional strategic analysts among devils.

Or called China Hands, through the continuous in-depth investigation of the occupied areas by the intelligence agents, the understanding of this ancient land has become more and more thorough.

It has been more than a year since the eight-way headquarters was terminated.

The people were displaced by the severe drought in the plain, and it seemed that there was no more soil for Tuba Road to survive.

Most of the national army was driven to the south of the Yellow River, and most of the soldiers who failed to escape were captured.

The devils cared for them, and gave them face not to mention surrendering to the enemy, but to join the Wang puppet government in Nanjing as a national salvation soldier.

However, those dirt roads are still pervasive like mice to wreak havoc.

One rat droppings can spoil a pot of soup.

What's more, there is more than one rat shitting on the plain
The devil's elite decision-makers immediately sowed discord and tried their best to let the national army basically attack the Eighth Route in northern Shaanxi.

The main force of the Eighth Route in the North China Plain and north of the Taihang Mountains had to defend their foundation.

Play chess well.
Various insidious tricks and coups have been rolled out in the occupied areas one after another, and it seems that long-term peace and stability in the occupied areas will soon be achieved.

I thought I could sit back and relax from now on.

However, contrary to expectations, after the Pingyuan Shangtubalu left, the remaining handful of Tubalu were still fanning the flames everywhere.

The Ping-Han Railway was frequently damaged, the autonomous army along the Zhanghe River "rebelled", and the imperial army was attacked one after another
The law and order situation shows no sign of improving.
In the area of ​​Yunmeng Mountain, where the great strategist Guiguzi practiced Taoism, a group of unidentified Eight Routes established their base.

Anti-University student advanced study class led by Ma Liang.

It is one of the teams that established the base.

The superior just assigned them the latest task, anti-mopping up. Attacking Tangyin Railway Station.

Destroyed the Pangsun puppet army who defected to the enemy and went north to Xiaqiu to sweep up the railway supply line.

During the day, the local situation in Tangyin County was roughly arranged.

Before dark, Ma Liang issued an order to attack.

Ma Liang is now the captain, and there are more than [-] people in the study team under him.

On the surface, it is an armed task force behind enemy lines.

The Anti-University students are all from the platoon-level commanders of the front-line combat units, and their combat and command abilities are good.

Ma Liang felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

The trainees in the squad are subdivided into three sub-teams, and each sub-team is divided into three groups.

Each three-person group is an action team, and the team is small but fine.

On the surface, it looks no different from other student teams.

Although the marksmanship of the students is not as good as that of the devils, they have to completely crush the puppet army.

However, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness of a small group of troops is, they can't beat the puppet army with a large number of people.

This time the task is heavy.

Outside Tangyin City.

Connect with the appropriate local government liaison.

A middle-aged man was introducing the situation of Tangyin County to Ma.

"Tangyin Station is located outside the county seat. The Ping-Han Railway runs north-south. There is a squadron of devils stationed at the station. The original garrison in the county was the Puppet 23rd Division of Lu Chaoyuan. Pang Bingxun went north after he joined the devils. Lu Chaoyuan changed defense"

"You mean, there is a puppet army stationed in the county?" Ma Liang almost dropped his jaw in fright.

The puppet army of a battalion and regiment fought, and the puppet army of a brigade also fought.

How many people does this army have?

With a platoon of troops under his command, attacking a train station guarded by a squadron of devils, it is absolutely impossible to walk around.

Not to mention there is a puppet army.
"I don't think I can take any risks right now." Ma Liang's face darkened, and he closed his mouth after a while. Suddenly, he had an idea in his mind, contact the old bandit Qi who stayed in the plains and mountainous areas after traveling to the east to do it together!

The middle-aged people had no hope of Ma Liang's platoon destroying the railway, but the briefing had to continue: "It is very difficult to attack the railway station, so the superior asked us to just create chaos so that the devil's train can't go south and north normally."

"Some time ago, the railway was destroyed by the devil, and the devil repaired the railway so quickly?"

The middle-aged man paused for a moment: "The devil's power is far beyond our imagination. You come here this time, besides facing the attack on the train station, you have another mission."

"There is one person that needs to be eliminated." The middle-aged man pointed to the map in front of him: "Tangyin is Yu Jingsan's den of heroin production, if possible, find a way to get rid of this drug-making scourge of Yu Jingsan. "

Ma Liang nodded: "I know some general information about Yu Jingsan, can you tell me in detail?"

The middle-aged man sorted out his thoughts and began to talk about the past of Yu Jingsan, a big cancer.

Yu Jingsan suffered from smallpox when he was young, and those who had smallpox developed chickenpox on their faces, which turned into pockmarks after the chickenpox broke out.

So, this guy got a nickname: Yu Dazi.

In his early years, he studied in a private school for several years. Around 43, he bought more than [-] rifles in the name of resisting bandits. He gathered a group of people and became the captain himself. He also colluded with local forces such as Yang Liting from Wuling and Yu Jie from Anyang. .

He fought many armed bandits in the east of An County, and gradually became famous as a "good bandit fighter".

In the 17th year of the Republic of China, he was appointed as the battalion commander of the Tangyin County Militia Corps. Due to his popularity, he was able to give up money and was soon promoted to the commander of the regiment.

Immediately afterwards, the local gentry and common people established the Red Gun Association to protect their homes and brutally suppressed it.

Then he was appointed as the honorary bandit suppression commander of the thirteen counties in northern Henan by the HEN provincial government.

Since then, the commander's fame has grown.

With a gun in hand, nature began to swell.

Bullying behavior also revealed.

The wife of Xiao in this village, Xing, is handsome in appearance and dominates her. She used threats to force Xiao to leave her hometown and never dared to return.

Soon after, Xiao Guojun, Xing's younger uncle, married his wife, Wang, and Yu Jingsan pointed out that he wanted to occupy her, but Wang firmly refused.

The bully became furious and ordered two of his men to throw Wang into a well and drown him.

In the 27th year of the Republic of China, devils invaded and occupied Tangyin, and the traitors Liu Longguang and Liu Xuexin went to Tangyin to serve as pseudo county governors and police captains.

Yu Jingsan took the lead in raising funds in the business world, raising various facilities, and enthusiastically supported Er Liu as he took office.

This guy once again recruited more than a hundred people to form a county puppet joint defense and self-defense group.

It didn't take long to be defeated by Dongchu's team. The team was all captured and all their weapons were seized.

Seeing that the situation was not good, this guy fled to Kaifeng, and took refuge in the sect of the pseudo-high-ranking official Xiao Ruichen, and became the captain of the guard by borrowing his good marksmanship from his previous fight with bandits.

But his sweet dreams didn't last long, because he once beat the devils, was detained by the devils' military police, was released under the guarantee of Xiao Ruichen, and returned to Tangyin with the devil's commission.

Stationed in Tangyin as the pseudo 23rd Division. Changlu Chaoyuan.

Both of them are not good birds. They found that the antiques everywhere in the troubled times are worthless, and they can't do anything without money.

Under the signal of the devil, he immediately encouraged the whole county to plant opium.

In troubled times, this thing can make a lot of money.

The urban and rural people in Tangyin were severely poisoned.

After making a fortune, he took advantage of last year's severe drought and widespread famine to purchase a large amount of land to grow opium at extremely low prices.

Later, there were too many people fleeing from famine, and there was no need to buy land. I just asked my subordinates to organize human races on any land I liked.
Yu Jingsan went to Kaifeng to see the big world. He thought it was not enough to sell tobacco and soil alone, so he bought equipment through devils and built a heroin manufacturing factory in Xilonghua Village.

This guy knows that he has done a lot of evil, and the Eighth Route Army and heroes from all walks of life want his life.

I usually live in seclusion, it's hard to kill this guy
Ma Liang and his three team leaders listened to the county magistrate's story about Yu Jingsan's past, and they were fascinated.

After a while, Ma Liang slapped the table: "This guy is bad breath, he must be killed!"


After Ma Liang led the team out of the village, they dispersed quickly.

Hidden in the mountains during the day, come out at night to move around.

The old bandit Qi who ran to the junction of the plains and mountains in the Yunmeng Mountains to fight guerrillas soon received a message from Ma Liang.

Immediately, the whole team went out of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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