under fire

Chapter 1481 Use the enemy's spear to attack the enemy's shield

Chapter 1481 Use the enemy's spear to attack the enemy's shield

At night on the plain, the summer wind brings warmth.

Standing in the green gauze tent, looking up, you can see the sky full of stars and the deep sky.

Looking around, it was all black like death.

From time to time, the flashes of the ninety-two infantry guns tore apart the night.

The cannons boomed.

The sporadic gunfire became inaudible, but it never stopped.

Behind the bunker outside the gun tower is the devil artillery position.

The Japs heavy mortar artillerymen lay convulsively on the ground, still clinging to the deadly mustard gas bombs before dying.

The trench stretched out for about thirty steps, and in the darkness behind the mound of soil, there was a wretched devil second lieutenant lying behind the rifle.

Seeing a ghost messenger running back and forth in the trench, he quickly turned to the trench facing outwards on the other side.

There is still a [-] rifle behind the pile of soil.

Zhang Xiaodao murmured silently in his heart, and Liu Yuanqing confessed that only the devil's heavy mortar could fire gas bombs.

Another more eye-catching Devil [-]nd infantry artillery kept firing, which was far less terrible than the consequences caused by the explosion of poison gas bombs.

Waiting for the devil's messenger to wait, he ran past the traffic trench behind him, and then turned back to the trench to face the gun tower.

Even if you expose yourself, you must not let the mortar go off!
The devil fired a grenade and blasted the soil north of the outer trench into craters.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, the floating sand in the open land gradually fell to the ground, and the night became much quieter again.

All the corpses in the open field were thrown into the trenches.

A dozen or so figures didn't care about the grenade bombs constantly exploding outside the trench, and were busy picking up the devil's equipment in the trench.

A void in a trench mound.

Crazy Yang poked his head and looked at the [-]nd infantry artillery position of the devil artillery in the distance.

Huge flashes are always accompanied by a deafening booming shot.


The main battalion commander who entered the trench was worried: "They have been bombed, and I don't know how many people are left."

The first company commander of the main force stared wide-eyed: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe anyone who dared to fight the devils, even if they were defeated, they would be honored."

"Can you improve a bit? Learn how they play."

"Hey, if these bastards under my command can have such equipment, is it still worth learning?"

"If I tell you that their heavy firepower hasn't moved yet, would you believe it?"

"Hehe, Battalion Commander, are you trying to make fun of me? They are throwing canisters, and the heavy machine guns have already fired. What heavy firepower do they have?"

"They also have two mortars and two dozen light machine guns"

"Battalion Commander, do you believe it yourself?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, or I wouldn't believe it!"

"No wonder, the deputy commander can leave at ease"

The Battalion Commander held a shredder, shook his head, and the dust from the military cap slid down on his body: "Gather all your shrews and bullets together to form an assault squad!"

"Isn't that right? Shouldn't the assault use a grenade bayonet? The first company commander of the main force quickly pulled out a grenade and shook the rifle placed on the trench in front of him."

To the west, Xiao Hongying kept half-squinting her eyes to watch the movements of the Devil Artillery.

The Devil's [-]-step gun flashed too fiercely.

Xiao Hongying's eyes were blurred early, she turned her head and yelled at the observer: "Big dog, did you see clearly?"

"Two [-]-step guns, heavy mortars capable of firing mustard gas bombs have not been fired, and at least thirty grenadiers!"

"This firepower, it would be great if it fell into my special agent company"

"You are beautiful! Can you carry a rifle?"

"A mule can carry it."

"There's movement on the top of the Huo Cannon Tower! The unlucky commander is probably on the top floor."

how do you know?

What the hell, we are now under siege from all sides, it is impossible for him to wait for his subordinates to report on the battle situation on the second floor.

i can't see the target
Of course you can't see the target, the devils piled sacks on the top of the gun tower.

A correspondent from the main regiment trotted in front of Hu Yi: "Report to Battalion Commander Hu, the deputy commander told you to get ready, turn north immediately, and set up a position at the intersection of the northern highway."

"We're ready." Hu Yi was completely blind with bandages on his eyes.

Luo Fugui was a little confused, so he asked Hu Yi: "What's going on?"

"The puppet army passed by from the north. Under the resistance of the Lunan detachment, they are already about five miles away from the northern crossroads. Now they are going to be led here."

Luo Fugui was stunned for a moment: "Didn't the puppet army make an agreement with the Lunan Detachment to fake a fight?"

"Hehe, what kind of things are the puppet soldiers? They run rampant in the countryside. Don't you know that they work for tigers?"

"Aren't we cheating them if we do this, if in the future"

"Do you think you can talk about credibility with the puppet army?" In order to prevent the devils from launching poison gas bombs, Hu Yi had already withdrawn all the heavy firepower from the north to the green gauze tent two miles away and re-arranged.

The purpose is simple, to lead the puppet troops who came for reinforcements to the north of the artillery tower.

After Crazy Yang withdrew from the trenches in the north, he drove the puppet army along the road into the open ground with heavy firepower, and attacked the devil's artillery position.

The plan can be said to be very insidious.

There is no need to sympathize with those puppet troops who are doing harm to one side.

He has no intention of being soft on the enemy at all, kindness does not control soldiers!
Perhaps, the puppet army would negotiate with the Eighth Route Army if they were afraid of death, but once dawn, although the combat effectiveness of the puppet army is not very good, they can always catch the target if there are many gunmen fighting indiscriminately.

Let the puppet army attack the devil's position, it seems impossible.

It is actually not difficult to operate.

The puppet army did not have a radio station, and even if the devils behind saw something wrong, it was too late.

Things like the Eighth Route Army besieging the invincible devils in the plains may happen.

Heideng Xiahuo took advantage of the enemy's inability to communicate in real time, and gave them a spear to attack the enemy's shield, completely confusing the battlefield.

Fishing in muddy water is better
The dense footsteps continued.

The sound was getting louder and closer, and it had already filled the gap between the explosions of the shells fired by the Devil's [-]-step gun.

"I said... aren't we letting the puppet army join the devils?"

"Do you think the black lights are blind, the devils dare to let people into their positions?"

"It seems reasonable hehe, I have been waiting since noon until now, and my grenade is finally about to open!"

Don't move for a while, let the commander of the puppet army drive straight in, and divide the puppet army and the devils who are reinforcing behind into two from the middle.
"What if the puppet army doesn't rush to the devil's position?"

The devils behind will not give them a chance, as long as we keep the green gauze tent, he can only approach the gun tower if he wants to survive.

"The enemy is coming!"

The vanguard of the puppet army marching forward with torches finally approached the battlefield.

Listening to the gunshots from the south, the false battalion commander felt that the battle did not seem to be very intense.

Naturally, he has some skills to be a battalion commander.

After heaving a sigh of relief, he immediately called his subordinates to gather together first.

If Heideng Xiahuo ran around without forming a good formation, he would not be able to find soldiers, soldiers would not be able to find generals, and the team might collapse directly.

What's more, in the dark night where there are green gauze curtains on both sides of the road.

And it is likely to be ambushed by the Eighth Route Army.

Although the eight-way blocking reinforcement team promised not to plant landmines on the road along the way.

But if he really took action against Balu, they probably wouldn't be polite to him anymore.

Moreover, if Balu dared to let him come over, he definitely has a backup.

Either they are not afraid of themselves at all, or they have some bad water.

Deliberately want to get in touch with Eight Roads, in exchange for sending guns and ammunition to everyone.

But now he is copying the rear route of the Eighth Route Army that surrounded the imperial army.

Not far behind, the imperial army was staring at him, and it was impossible not to move forward.

In the dark, if the Eighth Route Army ambushed a team of troops on both sides of the road, not to mention many, even a company would be able to make it hard for them to walk around.

The puppet battalion commander was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot for a while, the imperial army would come up soon behind, and the Eighth Route position was in front.

I have to think about it quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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