under fire

Chapter 1482 The Hidden Secret

Chapter 1482 The Hidden Secret

The tactic of encircling the spot and attacking aid is not very clever.

Small enough for a sharpshooter to kill an opponent trying to rescue him by using the opponent's immobile wounded.

It is so big that it can ambush the enemy who comes to reinforce by relying on the enemy's team.

The focus of reinforcements is to occupy favorable terrain in advance, and attack the enemy who moves to the traps or positions set in advance by one's own side for reinforcements.

The essence of mobile warfare is to stay away from enemy groups and seize the initiative.

Reinforcement uses favorable terrain to attack the enemy who has lost cover because he must move during the reinforcement process.

Although, everyone knows that the puppet army is also a Chinese.

But those who surrendered to the devils were enemies, spies who betrayed the Han nation.

Even if they courted the [-]th Route Army, the real reason was to try to reduce casualties.

In Hu Yi's eyes, as long as the reinforcements came to the Qingshazhang battlefield, whether it was the puppet army or the autonomous army.

All are enemies.

The instructor told the story of the farmer and the snake more than once.

As a soldier, the heart of killing is indispensable, and sympathizing with the opponent will make you scarred.

There is a saying in Jiuying: Only a dead enemy is a good enemy!
Needless to say, killing the enemy devils, they will not show mercy to the puppet soldiers who voted for the devils.

Under the gaze of countless eyes in the green gauze tent.

The puppet army advancing with torches suddenly stopped.

Some of the soldiers hiding in the green gauze tent began to lose their breath, and their breathing became short of breath.

Immediately, the squad leader comforted: "Don't be nervous, let them pass first, and then push them forward from behind later."

The radio station on the second floor of the blockhouse kept beeping.

The reinforcements of the puppet army from the north finally arrived.

Dashi Xiong Erlang did not show the slightest happy expression on his face after the sandbag construction on the top of the turret.

He watched helplessly as a team under his command was completely annihilated.

It's not that the combat effectiveness of his elites is really bad.

It was because he cherished his subordinates and was unwilling to fight for casualties with the Eighth Route Army, which led to the slightest mistake in command.

Only when the boat capsized in the gutter and was besieged by the Eighth Route Army.

In the back, he was going to confront the Eight Routes head-on, but fell into the Eight Routes trick again.

With the fighting power of the imperial army, breaking out of the siege was easy.

But it has become a burden to carry dozens of cars by myself.

So that you make mistakes again and again.

And Balu seems to understand every step of his arrangement clearly!
A very absurd thought suddenly rose in my heart: there must be someone in the Eight Routes who knows the imperial army very well.

Suddenly, I felt a hatred for those Chinese soldiers studying in the Army School.

It must be them!
Although the 59th Division is a second-rate garrison force of the Imperial Army, it is far inferior to the main force in terms of equipment and personnel quality.

But it is definitely not an existence that these Tuba roads can look up to.

Now that the reinforcements have arrived, how to kill those who dared to surround the warriors of the imperial army is the top priority.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a good way.

Because those Eight Routes are familiar with the green gauze tent and can escape at any time.

I finally understood the fact that the headquarters' most powerful method of looting, burning and killing all the guerrillas did not completely solve the problem.

Just now the military doctor secretly told himself that the "Eighteen Autumn" plan that is being implemented can reduce the number of Chinese in the most complicated Weihe section of the plain by half.
As an ordinary captain, I still don't know too much.

The Eighteenth Autumn Plan is not just a plan for combat or public security.

A huge secret is involved in the middle.

Casting Hulila is just the beginning.

Outside Mei County.

Chen Chong sat in the darkness outside the village.

Xu Xiao, who ran over like a wandering ghost, said nervously: "A lot of devils have come to the county hospital, look at their military uniforms, there are several assistant officers."

Chen Chong raised his hand and touched Xu Xiao's head: "Have you learned to recognize devils' ranks?"

"The devil must be holding back something." Xu Xiao really didn't like people touching his head, because...it would make him look short.

Although he is really short.

"Tell me in detail, what happened when Lao Zhou called us over so urgently?"

"Uncle Zhou said that the county hospital is very abnormal."

Chen Chong was stunned for a moment: "County hospital?"

"There are too many devil doctors in the county hospital. There are more doctors in a county than there are devils in the gendarmerie headquarters."

Chen Chong's first reaction to Xu Xiaoxiao's increase in doctors in the county was that the devils must be preparing to go into the mountains again.

Because, the increase in doctors must be a preparation for the possible wounded that may be caused by the devils in the next raid.

For him, the secrets behind these little things are completely beyond the limits of his thinking.

It's just that I vaguely feel that things should not be that simple.

This kind of thing is very abnormal, Lao Zhou only needs to send the information back to the former enemy headquarters through the traffic officer.

in the village.

Li Youcai was very uncomfortable.

Sitting opposite the oil lamp was Political Commissar Ding, who was somewhat disgusted with Commissar Ding.

Because there was a stranger sitting next to Political Commissar Ding, one more person who knew his identity was more dangerous.

There are two people on the other side, and I am alone, a bit like an interrogator.

The stranger saw Li Youcai's vigilance and preparedness, and introduced himself with a smile on his face: "My surname is Lin, and I am an officer of the independent regiment enemy workers."

"Stop me in the middle of the night, please speak up if you have something to say." Li Youcai interrupted the other party's self-introduction without hesitation, he doesn't care if you are Director Su or Director Lin
"Okay, then I won't be polite. It is said that you have a good relationship with Nurse Keiko from the county hospital?"

"It's just acquaintance." Li Youcai was taken aback, his face remained unchanged. How could this matter spread so widely?
The young man asked: "Can I meet with her in private?"

"Why do you push me to do this? Wouldn't it be better for you to let Hu. Gao Yidao go?"

The tea mug under Political Commissar Ding on the opposite side was not steady.

From what this kid said, both Jiuying and Erying seem to have something to do with that female nurse?

"Huliela, do you know?" Director Lin's face lit by the light of the oil lamp became serious.

"Know a little bit, can you just say it?"

"We suspect that the Meixian County Hospital may be a bacterial factory of devils"

"What did you say?" Li Youcai, who was well-informed and never changed his face when a mountain collapsed in front of him, jumped up from the stool.

"Don't say you really don't know!" Officer Lin's tone carried a hint of warning.

"What proof?" Standing there, Li Youcai's face was cloudy, and he sat down slowly after a while. Although he had been away from Meixian for a while, people still reported to him the troubles in Meixian.

"There are our eyeliners in the Meixian detective team. A few days before the incident, they took advantage of the night to go north, and they seemed to be covering some people." In order to increase credibility, Officer Lin revealed some secrets: "According to our investigation , under their cover, someone dropped bacteria into the concentration camp..."

"No matter who is covering, it will not be me!" Li Youcai felt that this matter should not be involved.

Something is wrong, they want to drag themselves into the water, they have long heard that Hu Lie will die if he touches it.

I don't play anymore, so let's do whatever I like.

Lao Tzu is now the deputy captain of the An County Investigative Team, and at worst, he lives in seclusion like the county maintenance chairman on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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