under fire

Chapter 1485 The joke of the battle plan

Chapter 1485 The joke of the battle plan

Li Xiang and Wan Baxi concealed heavy firepower, targeting the Devils artillery unit.

Crazy Yang led the attack, saying in a small area that it was just a decoy.

The battle plan formulated by Hu Yi used the dark night to drive away the fearful puppet army with firepower and attack the devil's defense line.

There are many contingencies in the battlefield, and of course the devils will not act completely according to the routine.

Suddenly, the shouts of devils' messengers came from the open area with a strong smell of gunpowder and blood.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was in the camp of the devils, soon discovered that the devils had changed.

It didn't take long, and the devils next to each other yelled at each other and marched towards the gun tower in an orderly manner.

Although the time spent with Jiuying was not long, it was still judged that the devils were gathering.

If Heideng Xiahuo devil wants to fight a positional battle with the Eighth Route Army, it is impossible to shrink the line of defense.

It is obvious that there is a big move, the most likely is to prepare to run north in the dark.

If the devil escaped and said it, it would be strange if someone believed it!
The facts were before him, and he couldn't help but believe it.

From a distance, I could see the yelling of devils gathering in the darkness on the other side of the gun tower.

He couldn't understand what the devil was yelling, and he had no plan to sneak into the devil's team again.

The devils will definitely count the number of people when they gather, and if they pretend to be deaf and dumb at that time, they will definitely not be able to hide it.

While the devils in front were not paying attention, they lay directly in the trench.

Listening to the footsteps of the devils going away in front, another squad of devils from behind came along the trench.

Pulling out a grenade and holding it in his hand, he hesitated for a while but was not willing to dial the safety pin.

He muttered bitterly: "The son of a bitch is going to run away. I can't follow up to die now. There are too many devils. Let me let you off this time. One day I will kill all these devils."

It seems that all the devils who can move have gone to the gun tower.

Well-trained devils evacuated equally quickly.

Slowly pushing away the devil's body that covered him, poked his head out of the trench.

In the trench behind him lay a large mass of devil corpses.

Legend has it that devils will definitely take the corpse with them when they leave the battlefield?
It doesn't seem like that's the case.
With just one glance, only Zhang Xiaodao was left alive in the second trench.

In the dark, I couldn't see the movement of the devils over the 50-meter Kaijiu gun tower.

Suddenly a faint voice came from behind.

Zhang Xiaodao was startled and turned around quickly.

The voice came from among the corpses.

There was a ghost doctor who checked the devil on the ground before, this devil should be suspended animation!
Zhang Xiaodao didn't answer, and went directly to the devil, and without waiting for the devil to continue muttering, directly twisted the devil's neck.

Then he stood up, without hesitation, took out the grenade, flipped the safety cap, and threw it at the devil artillery position in his memory.

Then throw another one.

Then he quickly grabbed the loaded [-] large capped butt placed outside the trench and held it firmly against his shoulder.

The devil's position, which was dismantling heavy mortars, suddenly appeared.

In the previous attack, black guns were fired one after another, and the devils who were about to fire shells into the mortar's mouth were knocked down one after another.

He knew very well that he was only [-] meters away from the devil's artillery position.

The flash of the explosion was very dazzling, and he even faintly saw the panicked face of the devil who was blown up.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the artillery position, and the devils gathered around the car in the open field were a little confused.

Immediately squat half kneel and raise the gun!

The devils assembled, and the devils who stayed outside the guard post heard the explosion and turned back quickly.

Just in time to see the second grenade explode.
"Anti-cannon!" A certain devil yelled loudly.

The sudden explosion made the devils subconsciously squat down on the spot.

The first reaction in my heart was that the retreat plan was seen through by Balu.

The edge of the green gauze tent on the east and west sides.

The mortars, which had not fired all afternoon, finally got their chance.

In the flash of the first explosion, Wanba took a closer look at the dark crowd of devils beside the cars outside the blockhouse.

Turn the hand wheel of the mortar level machine directly into a hot wheel.

After the flash of the second explosion, two mortar shells flew into the air one after the other.

Then, a wave of grenade grenades slammed into the gathering place of the devils.

Zhang Xiaodao finished throwing the grenade, raised his rifle, and pointed at the devil's guard post to the south.

The devil's guard post, who was leaning out half of his body and raising his gun to observe around, was shot immediately.

This shot was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

The withdrawal of the devils does not mean that all the devils in the second trench have left.

There is a squad of devils on alert to the south.

Immediately raise your gun and look around for your target.

Boom. Boom.
Two mortar shells fell into the place where the devils gathered and exploded.

The earth shakes and the mountains shake uh. There are no mountains.

The sound of the cannon is an order.

Three red offensive flares went off again.

Full attack signal!

The main battalion hidden in the outer trenches on the south side has already sounded the charge horn.

"Kill it."

"Come on."

The devil's outer guard post no longer cares whether there is any problem between the rear and the assembly point.

Besides, there are so many imperial warriors assembled, as the outer guard posts, their task is to deal with the Tuba roads who are charging and attacking on the outside.

The devil's understanding of the night is no worse than that of Balu.

The sergeant leading the guard fired a shot at the place where the voice was the loudest in the darkness.

A dazzling ballistic light flashed across the open ground.

Tuba Road seems to be everywhere in the open land.

The bullets in the rifle in Sergeant Cao's hand were different from ordinary bullets, they contained a row of tracer bullets.

Used as a shooting guide for companions.

At the same time, the dazzling ballistic trajectory is also a sign to direct the shooting direction of his elites.

The mortars on the east and west opened fire at the same time, and the main battalion commander in the south launched an attack.

Completely inconsistent with the battle plan.

The original battle plan was that the Ninth Battalion drove the puppet army to attack the devils' defense line.

Crazy Yang sent people to sneak into the puppet army to find opportunities to fish in troubled waters!

The best part of the plan is throwing grenades at the Japs, causing them to shoot each other.

The protagonist Crazy Yang is hiding in the trench on the north side.

Seeing the signal flares and hearing the Southern Charge, he immediately understood that the situation on the battlefield had changed.

Sticking to the battle plan is a joke in the Ninth Battalion!
Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately ordered: "All retreat!"

The soldiers who had cleaned up the battlefield and seized large and small bags on their backs stooped and ran along the trenches in both east and west directions.

Outside the gun tower.

The devil's two [-]-step guns have been attached to the tractor.

The mortar is still being loaded after dismantling.

The devil observers yelled loudly, and the lieutenants quickly ordered grenadiers, light and heavy machine guns to return fire quickly according to the battlefield regulations.

The grenadier quickly pulled the grenade and smashed it to the ground, and the ammunition hand deftly stuffed the grenade into the grenade.

Immediately pull the firing belt, and shoot blindly in the east-west direction where there is the sound of the mortar firing.

The night was torn apart again and again.

A bullet whizzed through the open ground where the devils were lying all over the ground, and slammed into the back of the devil who was carrying a mortar barrel and was passing it to the car.

There was a soft crash, the hot bullet casing jumped out, and another bullet was loaded.

Another bullet burrowed into the darkness.
Based on her feeling, Xiao Hongying was sure that the bullet hit the Devil Artillery soldier who was holding the mortar seat.

The flashes of the explosion were like lightning, one after another, briefly reflecting the gathering place of the devils like daylight.

Another bullet penetrated into the back of the Devil's machine gunner who had rearranged his machine gun.

In the dark, machine guns are more lethal.

Zhang Xiaodao didn't hit the devil's grenadier, and the devil's thing couldn't hit the target accurately in the dark.

If anyone is unlucky and suffers a blow...it is fate.

Continuous shooting emptied the magazine, and quickly retreated back to the trench.

Liu Yuanqing said that when shooting at night, tying wet and loose cotton on the muzzle can prevent muzzle flames.
But he didn't say that wet cotton would also burn.
Quickly tore off the first-aid kit that was on fire and smoking from the muzzle of the gun.

Quickly took out a row of bullets from the bullet box, quickly pressed the rifle, and pushed another bullet into the puller.

(End of this chapter)

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