under fire

Chapter 1486 Seeing the bad situation, the 8th Road slipped away?

Chapter 1486 Seeing the bad luck and slipping away?
The retreat order has been issued, and the assembly point is suddenly bombarded by eight routes.

Xiong Erlang, who was still looking north with a telescope on the second floor of the turret, was a little confused. How could Tubalu know that he was preparing for an "assault"?
The main force of the Tuba Road has already moved westward on a large scale. How could there be such a powerful Eight Road?

Sharpshooters, Mortars, Grenadiers, Heavy Machine Guns...

For the imperial army, these are just standard configurations, and Tubalu should use big swords and spears...

From the afternoon to the present, tens of thousands of bullets can't last for so long!
However, he was satisfied with the quick response of his men to fight back.

The elites with high shooting skills lay down on the ground and hit the grenade to perfection.

One round after another grenade silenced the mortars and grenades of the mice hidden in the green gauze tent.

Looking at his subordinates easily gaining the upper hand, it seems that there is not much difference between the Eight Routes except for playing some tactical tricks.

Some hesitated to issue new orders.

It is not easy to change the assault formation arranged by the newly assembled warriors in the dark.

The devil's ministries outside the turret carried out orders without any compromise.

Even the corpses of the comrades who died in battle were too late to be cremated.

Xiong Erlang's retreat order has already begun.

Footsteps began to sound, and soon spread and swept across the north of the blockhouse like a wave.

The momentum is amazing.

After the downsizing, most of the devils in the squadron quickly scattered into the darkness and charged northward.

Another group of devils spread out and rushed to the two wings, providing flank protection for the troops about to launch a full-scale attack northward.

There are constant explosions and flashes in the distance, and more is boundless darkness.

The Devils at the head lowered their bodies as much as possible, with the muzzle pointing north of the rifle tightly in their hands.

In less than a minute, the leading team has advanced more than 1 meters and rushed to the trench position of the second line of defense in front.

The suppressed machine guns on both wings were fully fired.

The lieutenant in charge originally thought that he would be greeted with a rain of black bullets from the Tuba Road, but unexpectedly found that he was not blocked by the Eight Roads in the trench.

In the eyes of some devils, facing the unstoppable offensive of the imperial army, the eight roads in the trench should stare in horror at this time, like a rabbit being hunted, they have already fled desperately under the attack of the imperial army.

Without hesitation, the devil infantry jumped over the dark trenches of the second line of defense by running at their speed, and continued to attack north without stopping.

The engineering team that followed was pulling and carrying picks, preparing to fill in the trenches that had been dug into trenches on the previous road.

The machine gun team lying on the ground and shooting also found that they did not encounter any resistance, and then got up and shot alternately with the infantry skillfully, covering the commando team charging forward along the road.

The black gauze tent is in sight, the eighth road who likes to hide in the dark and shoot black guns sneak attack...

Still a shot has not been fired!
The excited Second Lieutenant, the commander of the Devils Commando, tightly held the handle of the command knife, followed behind his men with short legs and yelled loudly to maintain the attack formation and rush northward.

Sweat flowed from the hair and ran down the forehead, and I didn't even bother to wipe it off...


The Devils Assault Squadron rushing towards the darkness to the east, the attack was also smooth, seeing the dark green gauze tent 40 meters in front of them, about to enter the bombing distance...

The machine gun group following the commando's flank got down on the spot and fired into the green gauze tent first, providing cover for the commando team with machine gun fire.

The devils rushing forward could hear it clearly. The eight-way position, which was hit by countless grenades from the imperial army, made the sound of a grenade being fired from a grenadier.

Once the team of more than a hundred imperial troops charged up, it would be impossible to stop the advance of the imperial army with a single grenade shot from the Eighth Route Army.

The sky seemed to sparkle a bit.

Then, the night sky seems to suddenly appear a bright moon from my hometown?

The light emitted is even much brighter than the moon.

The figure of the devil, who is vigorously charging with the cat's lower back, is clearly visible.


A gunshot and a voice burst out like spring thunder in the dark green veil at the same time.

The sound of gunfire is an order, and the commander shouting "fight" is just a habit developed in combat.

Da da da.
Da da
Da da da da
A company of the Eighth Route Main Battalion was lying in the shallow pit on the edge of the green gauze tent, replenishing ammunition from the Ninth Battalion. Two Czech machine guns fired almost simultaneously, and the two tongues of flame shone dazzlingly.

The bullets pulled back and forth in the assault line of the charging devil skirmishers.

The eight-way light machine gunner may be a melon egg, and the machine gun shooting has no rhythm at all...

Lieutenant Devil fell behind, how could he watch the elite being slaughtered.

Immediately ordered the machine guns and grenades to dial the firepower...

Charge requires courage, the courage to charge forward against the rain of bullets.

Those devils who fell down and couldn't run anymore, maybe they didn't die but they didn't have a chance to raise their guns.

Because, in front of them, is the back of their companions.

The flares went out quickly.

The charging ghost figure was quickly obliterated by the night.

Those eight roads seem to have escaped!

Escape under the obvious terrain advantage?

The result of the battle was completely unexpected. No matter from which angle you look at it, it doesn't make sense to retreat when you have the upper hand!
The lieutenant, who originally thought there would be a fierce battle, hesitated.

Turning desperately in the mind
The Eighth Route Army dared to take action against the large number of imperial troops coming from the north for reinforcements, so it was impossible to give up the favorable battlefield conditions.

Perhaps the Eighth Route will devote all its troops to the north.

To the south, a large number of Eighth Routes are launching a fierce attack on the guard troops behind them.

The situation on the battlefield is completely opposite. There seems to be only one reason: Eight Routes deliberately let themselves go north!
In the north, there is a brigade of the imperial army who has been reinforced, plus a regiment of the imperial association army.

Moreover, reinforcements are encircling the Eight Routes.

With Balu's character as timid as that mouse, it is impossible not to know.

What on earth does Tubalu want to do?
Want to lead the imperial army into the green gauze tent to hide and seek?
Years of combat experience told me to be calm and not to take any chances on the battlefield.

The lieutenant seemed to suddenly understand something. Eighth Road probably wanted to use the green gauze tent to compete with the imperial army for casualties!
Hehe, although Balu is more familiar with Qingshazhang than the warriors under him.

But after the two parties entered the green gauze tent, whoever took the offensive would suffer!
As long as you don't take the initiative to attack the Eight Routes, you will never be passive.

Tubalu didn't expect that the imperial army would take the initiative to make a strategic shift to the north, and there was no chance of fighting with Balu at all.

In the lieutenant's dictionary, the word escape can only be reserved for Balu!
The bullets fired from the green veil violently knocked some brave warriors to the ground.

And more bullets continued to rampage roughly in the open ground.

After the rain of bullets, one after another devils, wounded soldiers and blood stains were poured on the open ground...

Seeing his warriors rushing into the green gauze tent, Lieutenant Guizi immediately shouted and issued a new order: "Keep the formation, establish a defensive line, and push northward with all your strength!"


The devils who assaulted along the road seemed to go very smoothly, not even encountering a single bullet!
The second lieutenant finally understood what was going on: the imperial association army who had been reinforced had reached the edge of the battlefield, and Tuba escaped!

"Warriors, keep going, everyone must remember that we are the invincible imperial elite."

After speaking, he turned around and gave an order to the devils behind: "Enter the green gauze tents on the two wings, set up peripheral positions along the road, and guard the baggage team."

He saw the imperial warriors attacking from the two wings approaching him along the edge of the green gauze tent.

The second lieutenant immediately led the team to continue the assault north.

After receiving the news that the vanguard had successfully broken through the Eighth Line of Defense, the result was completely within Xiong Erlang's expectations.

Immediately wave and let the convoy hit the road!
The car engine roared, followed by turning on the headlights, and as the clutch was released, the leading car body rushed forward.

Once the car is in motion, although there are sharpshooters in the eight-way team, it is almost impossible to hit the headlights of the moving car.

Even if you hit one or two, with so many cars in a row, you don't have to worry about lighting problems at all.

The devil military doctor sat in the cargo compartment, and the car creaked and swayed forward.

A grenade hit the side of the car.

The body trembled violently, and the military doctor sitting on the wooden board of the cargo compartment was knocked into the cargo compartment.

When he got up from the ground in embarrassment, he quickly touched the side, and the gas ammunition box was intact.

Then he raised his hand and touched the bumped head, it seemed a little slippery.
Based on the feeling, I may have a bloody head!
Quickly pull the bandage around your head.

[Brothers don’t need money for recommendation tickets, throw away two for fun]

(End of this chapter)

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