under fire

Chapter 1487 Isn't betrayal the same as drinking water?

Chapter 1487 Isn't treason the same as drinking water?

It took almost no effort.

The devil's vanguard and the convoy of supplies successfully broke out of the eight-way encirclement.

The head of the Imperial Association Army, whose reinforcements arrived, has already sent someone over to make contact.

Xiong Erlang contacted the reinforcements through the radio, and the number and name of the Imperial Association Army were verified correctly.

The sound of heavy machine guns in the north seemed to have never stopped.

According to what the Imperial Association Army said, the Eighth Route cut off the reinforcements from the Imperial Association Army and the Imperial Army from the middle.

Still fighting the Royal Army inextricably.

But there was no attack on the Royal Association Army!

Things are too weird, when did Eighth Road stop picking on the soft persimmons of the Imperial Association Army?
As for the Imperial Association Army not taking an offensive on the Eighth Route Back Route, I will find trouble with the head of the Imperial Association Army later on.

Xiong Erlang and his men quickly studied the current situation.

It is agreed that the Eighth Route Army never expected the imperial army to suddenly attack north.

The road ahead was full of puppet army crowds. In order to prevent changes, it was agreed that the plan to drive the puppet troops on the road to both sides of the road was temporarily abandoned to allow the imperial army to continue northward.

The imperial army team stopped on the road, and the edge of the green gauze tent was already under the control of the imperial army commando.

The nearly unscathed devils lined up and waited on the ground holding their guns.
Thinking of the loss of soldiers and generals, some devils even wanted to return to the gun towers and take away the remains of the warriors still lying in the trenches.

Some devils began to silently mourn their fallen comrades in their hearts.

Some devils discussed with each other and carefully analyzed and summarized the two days of fighting.

Someone proposed to organize a commando to go into the green gauze tent and find the Eight Routes to wipe out the weeds.

Some people suggested that they should go back and kill Tubalu who attacked and occupied the gun tower from the south.

Be sure to air dry them on stakes for public display.

After the devil's vanguard team set up a guard on the spot, several sergeants surrounded the devil's second lieutenant, also discussing.

The head of the division once said that without fear, there is no surrender!

The death of an imperial warrior must be buried with ten or a hundred Chinese!
It's a pity that those Tubalu escaped, which is very troublesome.

Tubalu is always hiding in the dark like a mouse. If they have hatred, they can hold it to death!

Those eight roads should all be killed, even if there is only one left, there will be trouble sooner or later.

The imperial army clearly came to rescue them, but they hated the imperial army.

In this regard, Balu is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

Before waiting for the new order to be issued, the leading second lieutenant felt inexplicably sad.

Why can't those eight routes understand the imperial army?

Why can't they put down their guns and get to work.

The imperial army can ensure that they have food, and they can also have Shunian provided by the imperial army.

The imperial army will teach them how to get rid of poverty and get rid of being enslaved by those landowners.

A certain farmer who rented land, the imperial army just robbed the woman of a rich family.

The farmer actually sneaked into the house of the company commander of the Royal Association Army who led the team a year later, and killed the whole family of the Imperial Association Army overnight.

Then cast eight ways.
He really doesn't understand these groups of people who believe in death.
Shaking his head, he drove these thoughts away.

Looking around, he found that the strength of the Imperial Association Army had been gathered. At this time, the initiative on the battlefield was already in his hands.

No one thought that Tuba Road would still be hidden in the green gauze tents on both sides of the road where heavy troops from the Imperial Association Army were deployed.

Indeed, there are not many eight roads on both sides of the road.
A platoon of Eighth Route has been mixed into the puppet army.

The head of the pseudo regiment leader stood more than ten meters in front of the devil, with sweat pouring from his forehead.

Next to him, Li Laosan, disguised as a guard of the puppet army, belched and advised the puppet regiment leader in a low voice: "It's time now, I advise you not to play tricks."

The false regiment leader stretched his stiff thigh a little: "You said you could bring my wife and children out of the city, and if something happens to them, I'll never end with you."

Li Laosan curled his lips: "Oh, you still dare to speak hard at this time."

"I even asked the Imperial Army military doctor to treat your wounded with good intentions, but you are pretending to be the Imperial Army Yin Laozi."

"I said, Captain Song, don't be ignorant of good and bad. If more than twenty light machine guns were fired at the same time, how many do you think you have left?"

"If you make such a fuss, I will have no way to survive in the future." Heideng was blind, wearing the uniform of the imperial army and sneaking into the puppet army. The puppet regiment leader never thought that Balu would be so bold.

"Hehe, if you didn't hear that you didn't do many bad things, do you think you can still stand here and talk to me?"

Head Song gritted his teeth: "I have spies planted by devils under my command. If I don't find them out and clean them up, it's very likely that something bad will happen."

"To tell you the truth, I originally set up an ambush in the green gauze tent, and planned to use machine guns to drive you into a fight with the devils. If you didn't know the current affairs, at this time, hehe, you might have become innocent souls under the devil's bayonet." Wait for the next spring to grow grass on the grave!"

Head Song trembled: "So ruthless?"

Li Laosan smiled triumphantly: "Hehe, if you come to reinforce the devils in the middle of the night, if I don't beat you, who will you beat?
Head Song thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case: "Thank you Ba Ye for your kindness!
The puppet army turned against the water, just like cold water.

As for whether there are people in the puppet army placed by the Eight Routes, the result can be known without even thinking about it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Eighth Route to get close to the false regiment leader.

In the puppet army.

Platoon leader Ma Sanpao squatted in the dark and listened to the sound of gunfire in the north. He always felt that something was wrong.

Quietly poked a puppet soldier who was panting beside him: "It seems that something happened!"

The puppet army sniffed hard: "Isn't this all joining the warriors of the empire? What can happen?"

"Those people around the surname Song seem to have problems"

"The puppet army pulled their guns violently, but was stopped by Ma Sanpao: "Don't move! "

"What do you mean?"

"The person surnamed Song must have colluded with the Eighth Route Army, and he must be preparing to harm the imperial army."

"Then I will recruit our people immediately."

"Quiet, since the person surnamed Song wants to wear a pair of pants with Balu, don't blame us for being cruel."

"Then what should we do? Or, shoot him black."

"Hehe, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sneak into the Eight Routes!"


The devil ran away.

The main battalion commander led the soldiers to quickly occupy the gun tower and surrounding positions.

The correspondent shouted: "Be alert, be alert! Deepen the trench on the north side to more than 1.6 meters"

No one asked how deep 1.6 meters is. The battalion commander said that standing in the trench and holding his feet can see the outside of the trench.

"Hey, why is the smell of blood so strong here?"

"Looks like there's a dead body!"

"What are you shouting about? We are not afraid of the living devils, and we are even less afraid of the dead devils!"

"Tsk tsk. Those guys in the guard camp are really ruthless, why don't they take a few prisoners?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and dig deeper, the devil will be beaten back soon."

"Just bragging, the guard battalion only has two to three hundred people, not only to stop the puppet army from the north for reinforcements, but also to fight back the escaped devils?"

"You know what a fart, in addition to blocking the puppet army, they are also blocking the devil brigade coming from the north"

"According to you, he is better than us?"

"Let me tell you, there are people from our division's special agent company in the autonomous army. Otherwise, they can stop ten with one?"

"Really, then can we also accept their training?"

"Well, the people in the secret service company are amazing. They are all eight feet tall. Guess what I saw in the guard camp earlier?"


"Marshal Tianpeng!"

"Why don't you say you saw Monkey King?"

"Report to the company commander, we caught a man alive!"

"It's fine to send it to the back, and you come to ask me about this?"

"He said he was from the Guard Battalion"

"What did you say? What's his name? Is he called Zhang Xiaodao?" The company commander was overjoyed, his tone hurried.

"Uh, it seems to be"

"You mother, where is he? Hurry up and take me there."

Zhang Xiaodao, who was bare to the waist, squatted in the corner of the trench, and soldiers with rifles at both ends stood beside him as guards.

"Hey, hurry up and call your company commander over here."

The soldier next to him hit Zhang Xiaodao on the back with a gun butt: "You are quite arrogant, kid."

After a tense day, Zhang Xiaodao rolled his eyes when he was smashed into the trench.

"Oh, if you kill a prisoner on the battlefield, you will have to be locked up for three days when you go back! The soldiers next to you don't think killing a prisoner is a big deal at all."

"Don't talk nonsense, you still have energy." Seeing the prisoner's soldiers squatting down, they sniffed.

"Or, why let him lose his temper?"

"Get out, I don't want to be locked up!"

"Hehe, think about it, if we guard the prisoners, we will be on the battlefield later."

"What you said seems to make sense. It's a waste of food to keep him." The soldier immediately grabbed his rifle and took it back, the bright bayonet reflecting the starlight
The sharp bayonet accelerated sharply and directly pierced Zhang Xiaodao's neck.
Zhang Xiaodao was terrified, watching the Xueliang bayonet stabbing himself
The soldiers on the side held their loaded rifles for vigilance. As long as they resisted, they might be shot at any time.
(End of this chapter)

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