under fire

Chapter 1488 The Undeterred Bear 2 Lang

Chapter 1488 The Unyielding Xiong Erlang

"Report to the company commander, we caught someone alive!" A thin soldier ran to the main company commander.

"A devil prisoner?" The company commander of the main force frowned: "It's fine to send it to the back. You also come to ask me about this?"

"He said his surname was Zhang and he was from the guard camp."

"What did you say? Is his name Zhang Xiaodao?" The company commander was overjoyed, his tone hurried.

"Uh, it seems to be"

The company commander directly reached out and held the small body of the correspondent by the collar of the military uniform: "Your mother, where is he? Hurry up and take me there."

The main company commander followed the correspondent to the edge of the trench, and asked the correspondent leading the way with a happy face: "Where is the person?"

The correspondent was a little dumbfounded, and couldn't see anything in the dark: "Will you take the prisoners to the back?"

Borrowing the bright light from the devil's tracer bullets, the correspondent suddenly found a stunned soldier lying in the ditch.

And the captive just disappeared.

The company commander also saw the bodies of the soldiers in the trench, so he slipped into the trench and stretched out his hands to check the breath of the two soldiers on the ground. Fortunately, their breathing was even and long.

He lifted the soldier's head and put it on his lap, then turned around and asked the correspondent standing on the edge of the trench: "What are you doing in a daze, quickly bring the water bottle"

The company commander took the water bottle handed over by the correspondent, unscrewed the lid, poured it into his mouth, and then sprayed it all on the soldier's face on the ground.

The guard soldier wakes up leisurely.

What caught his eyes was a blurry sky full of stars.

It took a while to see the company commander with the background of the starry sky, and subconsciously yelled: "The company commander is not good, the prisoners have escaped!"

"I'm fine, hurry up and tell me, what's going on?"

"That. The captive resisted, we are going to subdue him"

"Hey, uniform? Are you making small moves again?" The main company commander was shocked: "Is that man called Zhang Xiaodao?"

"Seems to be!"

"He is one of his own, you almost made a big mistake!" The company commander got up and was about to send someone to find Zhang Xiaodao.

"Company commander, he not only knocked us two out, but also took off our uniforms"

"" Hehe. Are you quite aggrieved?Alright, immediately go to the front to dig trenches.”

on the road.

In order to prevent the attack of the eight-way grenade, the devils turned off all the car lights, and the plain fell into darkness again.

Xiong Erlang has experienced hundreds of battles, so he has an accurate grasp of the current situation.

Did not continue north, the team swayed and stopped on the road!

Set up the radio and argue with the captain who is coming for reinforcements on how to deal with the current situation.

Tubalu must have wanted to use the darkness and the green gauze tent to fight the black spear of the imperial army.

At this time, the elites of the empire have completely occupied the edge of the green gauze tent. As long as they don't take the initiative to attack the Eight Routes, the initiative is still in their hands.

The two quarreled through telegrams for a long time without any result.

The reinforcement captain blamed Xiong Erlang for not leaving the gun tower. Now that there is no bait, it will be very difficult to suppress this group of Eighth Route Army!
I suddenly remembered that I saw the tactics of the eight-way guerrilla warfare in the briefing: the enemy is stationed and we are harassing!
Obviously, Eight Routes is preparing to continue to harass.

It is absolutely useless to deal with the Tuba Road in the black night green gauze tent on a large scale.

In this case, it doesn't matter how good the Warriors' shooting skills are.

The imperial army has a noble status, so naturally they can't risk their lives too deeply into the green gauze tent.

Immediately, another small team of devils was sent out to crawl into the green gauze tent in batches.

Isn't it harassment?The elites with excellent shooting skills and tactics are definitely better than Tubalu!

Having been bullied by Balu three times, Xiong Erlang did not give up and wanted to send another commando.
The reinforcements have already deployed to set up an encirclement circle. It is not a problem to identify friend and foe in the dark, but it is not worthwhile to fight against the casualties.

Xiong Erlang finally decided to send another elite team into the Qingsha tent.

Almost killed by one of his own people, Zhang Xiaodao, who walked openly outside the blockhouse, was full of anger.

With the military uniform on his body and his authentic southern Hebei accent, he didn't arouse the suspicion of the soldiers of the main regiment.

The farther north you go, the closer you are to the devil's rear team.

"Who are you? Hurry up and stop swaying around on the ground." The soldier in charge of security in the dark saw someone coming from behind, and hurriedly warned.

In the dark, the face of the visitor could not be seen clearly. The soldier asked this sentence with another meaning: the visitor reported his name.

The Eighth Route Army's means of identifying friend and foe. Relying on reporting my name, or reporting that I am a so-and-so in a certain company.

Zhang Xiaodao knew how to deal with it: "I am Zhang Xiaodao, scout from the guard battalion, and I have to go back and report something important. Can you arrange someone to lead the way?"

It is very dangerous for Heideng blindly running around on the ground. In addition to bumping into the enemy, he may be shot by his own people.

There was a sound of footsteps from behind, and a voice with surprise: "Guard battalion? Just in time, we are about to send a correspondent to contact Commander Hu, you just follow."

The situation on the battlefield is constantly changing, so it is not surprising that scouts from the guard battalion appear here.

From time to time, bullets roared in the green gauze tent.

Zhang Xiaodao walked quickly behind the correspondent of the main group. In order to avoid being discovered by the devils, neither of them spoke.

Xiong Erlang looked at the darkness and had to admit that the Tuba Road's guerrilla tactics were quite clever.

In his eyes, guerrilla tactics are tactics that the weak side has to adopt.

Although the imperial army doesn't like it, it doesn't mean that the imperial army won't.

The two passed by the soldier hiding in the green gauze tent, and the soldier suddenly asked, "Who is it?"

"Wu Xiaoshu, correspondent of the third company, hey, is there any movement from the enemy?"

"Not yet, Xiaoshu, be careful of the devil's cold gun."

"Don't worry, the little devil is beating me up, my luck is not that bad. I still have tasks, so let's go first."
After the short conversation, the two walked north again in the green gauze tent.

Zhang Xiaodao suddenly grabbed correspondent Wu Xiaoshu: "There is someone ahead!"

The correspondent was taken aback, and came back to his senses and blamed: "I know there are people, and they are all from us!"

"No, it's a devil!"

"You can really talk"

"It must be them, I can smell them!" After Zhang Xiaodao finished speaking, he sniffled.

The correspondent couldn't help but shuddered: "Can you smell devils?"

Zhang Xiaodao nodded: "Do you use soap in the shower?"

The correspondent shook his head in the dark: "I can't use it!"

"Do you smell soap in the air?"

The correspondent hurriedly sniffed his nose and tried to smell the smell of soap in the night wind. After several times in a row, he shook his head again: "I said. Is there something wrong with your nose?"

"Don't talk nonsense, they are here, there are at least a dozen!" Zhang Xiaodao didn't bother to explain to him, he was sure that there must be soap smell in the air.

"They? Who are they?" The correspondent looked at Zhang Xiaodao's figure in surprise: "I didn't see it. Could it be that your nose is sharper than a dog's?"

"Hey, if you stay on the battlefield for a year or so longer, you can still smell devils!"

The correspondent became excited after hearing this: "Really?"

"Hush" Zhang Xiaodao put his index finger in front of his lips.

The correspondent couldn't see Zhang Xiaodao's movements, but he could understand the meaning of the boos.

He hurriedly pulled the rifle on his back to prepare for battle, but he felt a little uneasy: "Could it be one of our own?"

"Didn't you just say that my nose is sharper than a dog? You don't believe me so quickly?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that what you said is too mysterious"

Zhang Xiaodao drew out his black bayonet: "Follow me, don't make any noise"

"Our platoon leader said that in the dark night, we, as the defensive side, have an absolute geographical advantage. At this time, we should calm down and continue to take the defensive position, so as not to change."

Before the correspondent could finish speaking, Zhang Xiaodao slapped him on the neck: "Shut your beak."

"Why are you beating someone?"

"So what if I hit you? Do you know what the guard battalion is about?"

"How can there be a background? When we beat the devils, you hid in the green gauze and didn't dare to fart. We attacked the devils twice in a row."

"I don't see that you can speak well."

"I am over-flattered!"

"Oh, you read... went to school?"

"I don't believe that you have other clever tricks besides guerrilla warfare!"

(End of this chapter)

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