under fire

Chapter 1489 The owner of the green gauze tent

In order to prevent being randomly bombed by the eight-way grenade, all the devil cars parked on the road turned off their lights.

The devil infantry began to expand the security range into the green gauze tent.

To deal with the eight roads hiding in the green gauze tent and shooting black guns, the devils began to deal ruthlessly: as long as they judged the approximate location of the eight roads shooting in the dark, they immediately threw grenades and machine guns.

Finally, the Tuba Road within 50 meters of the green gauze tents on both sides of the road was cleared.

Dagou took a squad of veterans from the Ninth Battalion to hide in Qingsha Tibetan, and the devils were not far away.

Both sides were aware of the other's existence, and after several consecutive firefights, neither side seemed to have lost much.

Gunshots began to fade away.

Like the big dog, there are more than ten squads leading soldiers to fight against the devils, lurking on both sides of the road!
Hu Yi's "guard battalion" was seriously downsized, and the deputy commander added a sharp knife platoon from the main battalion to the guard battalion before leaving.

Almost all the fighters in the Sharp Knife Platoon are veterans who have been fighting guerrillas for many years.

After being replenished with ammunition from the Ninth Battalion, it was like a fish in water immediately after entering the dark green gauze tent.

Black guns everywhere.
After the guerrillas who were familiar with the crops entered the green gauze tent, they couldn't see the devils clearly like Dagou and others.

But they can always perceive the existence of devils in advance.

Insects chirping in summer nights, the wind at night and even the friction of enemy military uniforms and sorghum leaves.
They are all ways for guerrillas to judge the position of the enemy.

A three-person group of devils led the way, and under the cover of darkness, they lay on the ground and continued to crawl toward the depths of the green gauze tent.

Followed by Jagbombers, flanked by machine gun crews
The offensive formation must be called a perfect one!
Devils will not be so stupid as to arrange the cordon outside the highway neatly.

Naturally, the eight roads had to be confused about the specific arrangement.

in the dark.

Countless pairs of eyes fixed on the location where the sound came out.

The soldiers learn quickly. According to the methods provided by the guerrillas, they listen carefully to the movements made by the enemy when they are moving in the green gauze tent, slowly grasp and judge the enemy's location, and even form a bird's-eye view in their minds: the general distribution of the enemy , distance, and number of people.
The thinking of the soldiers was different from that of the commanders. No one thought about why the devils continued to rush into the green gauze tent in the dark night.

I only know that when the devil comes, it is not enough if it is not killed.

The sound of Xixi Suosu kept ringing, and the sound was getting closer.

The Devils assault team crawled on the ground, and quickly approached the soldiers hidden in the green gauze tent within ten meters.

The soldiers began to clenched the black bayonets in their hands.

The big dog leading the team shook his head.

He pulled out a grenade, removed the insurance and smashed off the hood, raised his arm and threw it up with all his strength, and smashed it behind the devil who was coming.

The grenade exploded more than twenty places away from the road.

The devils near the bombing point immediately burst into commotion.

Elites in front entered the depths of the green gauze tent, and the devils near the bombing point did not dare to shoot at all.

The situation seems a bit awkward, there is nothing wrong with holding a rifle and staring at it!
Bang bang bang.
Suddenly, there was a burst of pistol gunshots from the depths of the green gauze tent.

The devil trio that Crazy Yang was approaching let out screams one after another.

After three voices, the movement disappeared.

Hearing the bullets whizzing past his head, Crazy Yang in the group next to him gasped, turned his black face and rushed into the darkness, shouting: "Are you courting death?".

Unable to see each other in the dark, the big dog simply ignored Crazy Yang's anger.

He muttered in a low voice: "One against three, you can really figure it out! My tricks will work!"

"Change position" Crazy Yang is not interested in talking nonsense with this guy, the devil who heard the gunshots will definitely come over to check the situation.

Even followed by throwing grenades!

The groups of devils who entered the green gauze tent were not too far apart.

The sound of shelling guns cannot be completely covered by the sound of explosions.

Immediately, a trio of two devils left the cover with guns and moved towards the position where the gun was fired.

In the green gauze tent shrouded in darkness, you can't see your fingers. The devil still dares to act, he is really brave enough.

"What happened?" the devil asked his companion, the bird's voice came from the darkness.

Crazy Yang, who had changed his position again, hid in the dense sorghum field and replied in bird language: "I found signs of eight-way activities."

The devil's first-class soldier slightly lowered his gun and warned: "Be careful!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost trio turned around.

Unconsciously, during the time he was talking with his "companion", several black shadows had already sneaked behind them.

In order to keep in touch with each other, the devils hiding in the green gauze tent just let the various ministries make the illusion of slowly attacking outwards.

Its purpose is to cover the assault team from entering the green gauze tent.

Darkness is bad for the attacking side.

After probing back and forth several times, the devil no longer rushed into the depths of the green gauze tent.

The two sides seemed to only shoot black guns occasionally, and later, even if Balu ran to the edge of the cordon to shoot black guns, the devils simply stopped throwing grenades and just fired a few shots indiscriminately.

The devils who came in reinforcements spread out from the north road to both sides.

The devil's plan is well judged, completely cut off the entire north side of the road on both sides, in order to prevent the Eighth Route Army from sneaking northward under the cover of the green gauze tent, and finally achieve the goal of encircling.

Hu Yi couldn't see, so he could only make a judgment based on the reports of the soldiers!

The devils who were surrounded did not play their cards according to the routine, but took the initiative to attack, all the way north.

The road is narrow, and the plan to drive out the puppet army and attack the second line of defense of the devils directly fell through.

For a mature commander, it is very important to make accurate arrangements based on the unexpected movements of the enemy and the current battlefield situation.

Instead of driving the puppet army to attack the rear line of the Ninth Battalion to block the devils in the north, the devils parked the convoy on the road instead.

He continued to extend the cordon to the two wings, obviously wanting to cooperate with the devils who came from reinforcements to attack from both sides, and finally surrounded the Ninth Battalion.

The devil's every move did not meet Hu Yi's expectations.

Li Laosan mixed with the puppet army on the road, and Wan Baxi next to him was setting up grenade positions.

Six grenade launchers have already been prepared, ready to shoot at the convoy behind the devils at any time.

It's a pity that there is no light on the position of the Devils team.

The soldiers could not determine the elevation angle of the grenadier to adjust the shooting distance.

Because of the existence of the radio station, the devil commander just ordered the vanguard team to set up a position on the road and wait for it.

No one was sent into the green gauze tent to go around to the north to contact the reinforcements.

"The lighting is ready, when will it be fired?" Wen Wuquan was lying on the west side of the road in the green gauze tent used for irrigation, ready to pull the grenade to fire the belt at any time.

Xiao Hongying next to her shook her head: "Why are you in a hurry, wait until the devils surround you."

"Well, I really can't think of it, how can I ambush the devils at this time!"

"Hey, the devil's chicken-neck heavy machine gun that was taken out of the armored vehicle has not been fired yet."

"Just a few heavy machine guns can beat so many devils, I feel like hanging"

"Who said we have to fight devils?"

"Uh, I don't understand what you're saying."

"Think slowly."

"I can't think of it. Tell me?"

"Do you think the deputy commander didn't see the way when he left suddenly?"

"The more you talk, the more confused I become"

"Let me ask you, who is the owner of this green gauze tent?"


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