under fire

Chapter 1490

Chapter 1490
Xiong Erlang carefully discerned the sporadic gunshots in the green gauze tent.

There are more sounds from Tomosaka rifles, and less sounds from eight-way seven-nine rifles.

He remembered an old Chinese saying: A true hero cannot hate overnight.

Only a coward would say that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

The invincible imperial army was repeatedly slapped in the face by the Eighth Route Army.

Now that the reinforcements are here, those eight people must pay their lives as the price!
The current location is close to the canal. If Tubalu leaves by boat, if he looks for bad luck after tonight, it will be extremely difficult to find the trail of this group of Balu.

He thought he was just following the orders from above when it came to casting Hu Lie La Bacteria.

As for how many ordinary people will die because of this, he doesn't care at all.

If possible, it would be better to kill all the common people on the plain like Nanjing did!
At that time, the reclamation group in the Northeast will be relocated here, and this place will truly become the land of the empire.

At that time, Tuba Road could no longer turn waves or wind.

The enemy is clear and we are dark!

The devils in large numbers stopped on the highway and did not leave.

Even if the devils sent a large number of reinforcements, Hu Yi did not intend to leave.

With such a stupid opponent, there are not many opportunities for such a good shot!

One of the essence of guerrilla: the enemy is stationed and we are harassed.

The big dog platoon leader who hadn't been itchy for a day, took advantage of Crazy Yang and the devils chatting with the devils, and led a squad of more than ten people to quickly insert into the gap between the devils' ranks.

In the green gauze tent that was so dark that you could barely see your fingers, Dagou and his party didn't dare to disperse.

The team quickly stopped in a green gauze tent that was some distance away from the devils around.

After Crazy Yang caught up and quickly established a vigilance, the big dog began to remind his subordinates: "Listen up, we are surrounded by devils now. If anyone's team falls behind and gets singled out, he will play the glorious bomb himself!"

Squad leader Wu Shu, who came over from Division [-], muttered: "Platoon leader, you're in vain. Even if we are caught by the devils and want to defect to the enemy, the little devils won't understand what we say."

"Shut up, the first action of the three disciplines is to obey the command and answer yes!"

"Oh, I laughed so hard, you, a deserter from the National Army, tell me about discipline."

"Why don't you think that you are old, believe it or not, now you have been promoted from class leader to group leader?"

"Okay, I'm Genzheng Miaohong, well, you can do whatever you want." Wu Shu swiftly placed the light machine gun, pointing the gun in the direction of the road: "Hey, we take such a big risk, how do we fight?"

"You can fight as much as you want, anyway, you can't let the devils idle"

Heideng Xiahuo breaks through the green gauze tent and enters the devil's defense line, the risk is extremely high!
In the eyes of the big dog, Crazy Yang, the company commander, is not qualified at all!

A person who can't speak can be a good company commander. Unless the sun comes out from the west.

I really don't know what's wrong with the little girl, she has to let this guy be the company commander.

What the hell, I, Tang Dagou, talk about qualifications. I am older than Crazy Yang who just participated in the Eighth Route. Damn it, forget it, devils and birds are not easy to learn

Zhang Xiaodao followed the correspondent, thinking that he would be able to return to the guard camp after going around in circles.

Accidentally ran into a group of devils sneaking into the green gauze tent.

Pull the trigger of the [-] big cover before being discovered by the devil.

The unique gunshot of the [-] rifle resounded in the green gauze tent.

The strong kinetic energy penetrated the leader's head, drilled a big hole from the back of the head, and brought out a large red and white thing.

The devil's corpse swayed twice, twitched twice, and then fell silent.

Almost at the same time as the gun was fired, the ghosts fired back.

One of the remaining two devils of the leading trio raised his gun and shot, and the other took off the safety of the grenade and smashed his hood and threw it at the place where Zhang Xiaodao fired the gun.

After Zhang Xiaodao shot, he yelled, and immediately pushed aside the sorghum pole and ran sideways.

The devil's grenade exploded suddenly, and the correspondent Wu Xiaoshu, who landed behind Zhang Xiaodao, was a little slow to react.

He didn't run far behind Zhang Xiaodao.

After being chased by grenade fragments, he hit the back one after another, let out a scream from his mouth, and fell forward.
Zhang Xiaodao, who was lying on the ground of the green gauze tent, felt a gust of wind blowing over his head, and he knew very well that the correspondent behind him, Wu Xiaoshu, should be injured.

After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to crawl back and take Wu Xiaoshu away.

The devil's grenade exploded at the position where he fired first. The correspondent should only be injured, and he should not be so unlucky to die
"Leave me alone!" The correspondent had already pulled out the glory bomb, but he didn't dare to call out loudly, so he could only make a soft plea with the occasional gunshots in the distance.

Zhang Xiaodao didn't care so much, and dragged the correspondent's injured body to the north: "Don't worry, even if you are going to die, you have to drag a few devils to cover your back, right?"

"You hurry up, after I'm done, I'll lie here and wait for the devil to come over"

"You idiot, even if you want to avenge yourself from the devil before you die, you still have to choose a good place, don't you? You don't really think that the devil will be so stupid as to see if you are dead, and then let you have a chance A grenade blows him up and kills him one or two?"

"I will be your burden"

"Don't worry, the devils don't know our exact location, and his grenade didn't come from the wind."

"Well, I still have to complete the task assigned by the battalion commander to deliver the letter to your battalion commander. Hurry up and report to Battalion Commander Hu, saying that our battalion has deepened the outer trenches of the devils to 1.6 meters. As long as the little devil enters the trenches, he won't even try to explore. gun out and shoot"

"Digging a hole is such an insidious trick. You can really figure it out."

"You put me down, hurry up and inform Battalion Commander Hu, and drive the puppet army to the south."

"puppet army?"

"You don't know?" Wu Xiaoshu was stunned for a moment: "Uh, you are scouting in the south, so you don't know the current situation."

"Tell me."

"A regiment of puppet troops came first from the north, followed by hundreds of devils. Your battalion cut off the devils and puppet troops from the middle, and blocked the devils who came to reinforce them on the road." If there is a possibility of survival, who will not cherish it? Chance?
"I can see that you don't talk too much. You don't seem to be seriously injured, do you?"

"The fart is not heavy, and I got at least three pieces of shrapnel on my back."

The second lieutenant Guizi who led the team behind had a serious expression on his face.

He didn't expect that a mere Tubalu would dare to attack the imperial army!
The battle losses of the two sides were one to one, and it seemed to be a tie, but in fact the imperial army suffered a big loss!

How could Tubalu's life be compared with that of the imperial elite?

It was an extremely stupid decision for Captain Xiong Erlang to order the imperial warriors to enter the green gauze tent!

Tubalu likes to fight guerrillas, so he shouldn't follow the rhythm of Balu at this time!

The best way is for the large army to leave here immediately, leaving only some elites who are good at tracking, find the Eight Routes lair and wipe them all out!
With so many people coming from the Eighth Route, it is absolutely impossible for him to disappear without a trace!

Of course, the second lieutenant's eyesight must be inferior to that of Xiong Erlang.

For example, he muttered in a low voice to ask his subordinates to deploy their defenses.

At the same time, he ordered a three-person group of devils to slowly approach the bombing point.

(End of this chapter)

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