under fire

Chapter 149 Encounter

Chapter 149 Encounter
Li Lianchang has a black line, why is there such a fear of death in the Eighth Route, he despised him, but he had to continue to say: "Leave the north to you, because I have no choice. The division has already contacted the northern side of Shaanxi. There is a strict order that the division headquarters must be concealed to preserve their vitality, and the troops that have entered the plain have been ordered to wait for the opportunity to adopt a full-scale offensive posture against the occupied area to reduce the pressure on the headquarters and division headquarters.

Moreover, now the division headquarters has actually become the temporary headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, but now we also want no one, no guns, and the only Beishan Regiment, which is now filled in, is still alive and dead, and there is no news. No, there are many troops outside the mountain, but they can't enter the mountain at all, and in this mountain, there are so many devils coming out from nowhere, and they are everywhere. You know, these people in our division, a total of As far as the combat unit of a company is concerned, most of the others are civilians and have no experience in combat at all, so they died in vain if they went there. "

"We are full of fights and calculations, and there is only one platoon. Do you think you are joking?" Hu Yi felt that this errand seemed impossible to escape, and his heart was sour. The majestic Eighth Route Army was forced into this position.

"After you pass by, go to the mountainous area in the north to join Staff Li. They will bring the radio station and support some of you. If you can get close to the headquarters, just find a way to figure out the situation there. You don't need reinforcements. The main thing is I also want to inquire about the news, but the people in the political department disagree, and now this place has become a temporary headquarters, and there is no leader without a group of dragons. The security work of the division headquarters is also very important, otherwise, it is not your share, of course, you also You don’t have to go, the chief of staff has already prepared, and the civilian staff is also eight-way, if that’s the case, I’ve misread the person.”

"You're such an old-fashioned way of destroying the generals!" A little girl's voice came from the side: "However, you said that you don't need reinforcements, just go and see? If we take the lead? How many people will you give us!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Let's go to Shizipo, that place surrounded by tens of thousands of devils, that wicked girl, is your brain really smoking?" The dog's eyes were as unblinking as copper bells.

"I can't help it. I said we were allowed to choose, but in fact we didn't have a choice at all. It's better to just agree." The little girl wrung her fingers embarrassedly.

"What the hell, then why didn't their secret service team go? They are better at reconnaissance of these things. Don't we just entrust us with the task of guarding the division headquarters?" Tang Dagou's hair stood on end, his hat shaking.

"You idiot, half of the people in our team are from the security forces. The division guard, can the secret service company be at ease? The troubles in the afternoon are not over yet. Look at our troops. Is there a decent one? It's full of crooked melons, broken dates, and it's slowing you down when you walk!" The little girl started to laugh out of nowhere, and the louder the laughter, the louder she became, the more arrogant she became, and she looked stupid at the people in front of her, and panicked .

"Are you out of your mind?" Banxian stretched out his hand, ready to touch the girl's forehead.

The little girl's jet-black face froze exaggeratedly for a few minutes, and then she said bitterly: "Isn't it just to find out some news, we don't do enough of this? Don't the radio soldiers have to give us a , Auntie let him come and go!"

"Ah? Radio station?" The girl Ganqing had her own ideas.

"To tell you the truth, I knew this girl was not a good bird! I didn't expect that she would even deceive her own people, but she can do it!" Hao Yun secretly said to the half-immortal next to him.

Banxian quickly waved his hand: "Oh? I said you are a bastard, be careful! This is a fearless guy, don't let him play to death!"

Hao Yun didn't mind the cold sweat on Banxian's head at all, raised his eyebrows vigorously, and lowered his voice: "Let's find a chance, let's run?"

"Where do you live? There are devils everywhere. We voted eight times from the public security army, and then we were caught by devils. If we don't light up sky lanterns, I will take your surname."

"Then go to die like this, you have to find a way!"

Hao Yun's heart was half-suspended, he really didn't expect that the gang of the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment were all idiots, and he was in the national army, never slipped away when the situation was not good, and now, he didn't even have a chance to slip away.

That Hu Yi, who was said to have been voted by the national army, is a complete idiot, his head was caught by the door!
Company Commander Li still transferred a squad, and Squad Leader Liu Jin personally led the team and supplemented Jiulian as a guide. Facing the Jiulian who was ready to go, he couldn't let go of hesitation, and added to the little pigtail on the stretcher and next to him: "Also, there is a chance, Can you... support the headquarters."

"What did you just say?" Quade stared at the brass bell.

The company commander was discouraged: "Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

"Hey, let me discuss something for you. What if the radio station soldiers die? If they really encounter devils, once the battle starts, I can't guarantee their safety."

The telegraph operator died before leaving the division: "Success, I'll go and talk to the chiefs and see if I can send you an extra telegraph operator."


A row of soldiers was gathering, and Hu Yi on the stretcher was standing there. A group of people came up the hillside ahead. The division commander, wearing glasses, wandered through the ranks, corrected each soldier's hat, straightened his uniform, and His face suddenly became serious, his eyes showed sadness, and he stood in front of the stretcher with a low hoarse voice: "Let's go!"

In the middle of the night, there were footsteps in the mountains, and an army rushed past, the stretcher bearer was in front, the bayonets were shining brightly, the torches were murderous, and their momentum was so terrifying, it was the Ninth Company with a messy team.

"Stop, there is an unidentified team ahead, and they are about to pass the mountain pass. Everyone, turn off the torches, wait for them to pass, and the comrades in the south have verified their identities before leaving."

The soldiers of the secret service company stopped the sad team not far from the mouth of the valley.

For a moment, a large piece of the ground was immediately tilted, and there was a snoring in an instant.

The general guard of the secret service company frowned and sighed secretly: This group of people can withstand the attack of the devils, and the intelligence is definitely wrong!
Hearing the sound, Squad Leader Liujin didn't bother to lie down with the people on the ground, with his rifle on his shoulder, he hurriedly swayed here and there, past the bodies of the Jiulian, and arrived at the front of the team. "Hey, why are you here? Is there any situation ahead? Are there devils? That's great."

"Uh, Liu Jin, why are you here? Are you going to change the whistle? Oh, I haven't verified my identity yet, so I don't know where it came from, but it's from the north, so it shouldn't be a devil!"

"Oh? Could it be the second echelon of the chief of staff, they came so fast?"

Squad leader Liujin couldn't help beaming with joy, he dragged the soldiers forward, hid in the bushes behind the stone, poked his head out secretly, and watched the team slowly approaching in the distance with torches behind them, blocked by the mountain, faintly Translucent, there should be a team.

The heavily armed team walked in order, and in the light of the torches, the short figures lined up in a column and were approaching.

Everyone carries guns and backpacks, what a mighty teacher!
(End of this chapter)

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