under fire

Chapter 150 Radio

Chapter 150 Radio
"It's a devil!" came a deep voice.

In a blink of an eye, the one who spoke was the company commander of the independent regiment who had been lying on a stretcher.

The reconnaissance soldiers didn't have much experience, but they didn't like someone telling them what to do. He lowered his young black face and raised his eyebrows: "What do you know? Didn't you see that they were all wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms? You army Ji Huan Scattered guys, you, hehe, have you seen the face of the devil?"

After finishing speaking, he decisively waved to Liujin who was behind him: "Brother Liujin, let me ask!"

The approaching team was only fifty meters away, and the soldier who was about to get up was kicked in the buttocks, with great force and heavy force!
Then he covered his mouth with one hand, and his tower-like body overwhelmed the general of the secret service company.

Liu Jin's generals were dumbfounded, but the squad leader still took off his gun without ordering it, with the muzzle pointing to the ground, his face full of vigilance.

Liu Jin: "Commander Hu, isn't that good?"

On the one hand, there are former comrades in arms, and on the other hand, the new team that has only joined for less than an hour. They look down on this new team, and they walk around crookedly.

"There are devils in front, be on guard immediately, without orders, don't make any noise!" Hu Yi didn't bother to explain, after fighting devils for so many years, he knew the devil's urination.

Liu Jin hesitated for a moment, and he, who has always followed the rules, still issued a warning order, and all his subordinates immediately dispersed to find hiding places.

The movement attracted the attention of the Ninth Company soldiers who were sleeping behind but left a guard post.

A string of torches at the bottom of the mountain slowly climbed up the mountain. The mountain road was rugged and the forward speed was very slow. Five short figures walked out from behind the torches.

Everyone in the team was panting at the moment on the cliff. The leader stopped and looked at a small hunting path on the edge of the cliff. The torches made a scene: no footprints, no broken branches, no broken grass.

There seemed to be some weird sounds coming from the mountain wind, which were long and short. When I listened carefully, the sound seemed to disappear again.

Big waisted, round and ugly grimace gave an order, dressed in Eighth Route Army uniform, uniform rifles, standard marching ranks, sharp soldiers in front, the exhausted army was still majestic and walked past the small cliffs of the Ninth Company and the Secret Service Company.

Suddenly, a person tilted his body, maybe because his feet were not firmly stepped on, he exclaimed and cursed in a low voice: "Baya!".

There was a skinny torch beside him, and he yelled at the one who scolded him, so startled that the secret agents on the mountain and all the generals secretly said to be good!
I don't understand anything else. I have dealt with devils for so many years. What do these two words mean? I don't need to explain.
Is it so small?Don't you say that devils are powerful and unshakable?The hearts of the generals jumped violently, and their fingers trembled!
Although the team is slow, it is gradually moving away.

Only the bear with his back against the cliff, didn't even bother to look at the bustle below, sniffed his nose, stared at his haggard toad eyes, let go of his hand, and the soldier whose mouth was covered and couldn't move, straightened up and bent down, coughing , causing the public to look back.

A small body pointed at Luo Fugui: "Damn, why are you so hard on yourself?"

The bear was taken aback, what are you talking about?Can't help answering seriously: "Your grandma, don't you want to go down and say hello to them? They haven't gone far, there is still time to chase them now!"

It seems... that's the case, but at first it was because the team wore Eighth Route Army uniforms.

The soldier didn't stick to such trifles, he sniffed at Xiong fiercely: "You want me to thank you?"

"I want you to thank your grandma!"

The soldier who was scolded suddenly became like a demon: "Not good!"

A yell made the whole audience tremble with fear, and before they could blink, they stared at the devil in front of them. Thankfully, the devil who was far away didn't hear him.

The soldier who was kicked over by the bear lying on the ground cried sadly: "South, we have a squad of comrades who are ready to contact them! What should we do!"

I finally understood, it turned out that in order to ensure the safety of the division department, I moved the position to the south for a mile to contact the team from the north!

Hu Yi was looking at the torches that appeared again on the mountain road to the north, and was taken aback when he heard this. This arrangement is good, even if he encounters devils, he stays away from the division headquarters in the mountain. The location of the hunting path, but there is no trace of the hunting path that soldiers will definitely pass through when going down, but nothing is found, what is going on?The heart that mentioned the eyes of the throat slowly let go.

"Hurry up and report! Everyone is silent!" Hu Yi ordered in a low voice.

"Yes!" Liu Jin kicked the subordinate next to him, and the soldier ran back reluctantly. The devils are not seen in the mountains all year round. Is this a good opportunity to fight the devils, just miss it like this!

The torches were moving slowly on the mountain road, and the vanguard was about to reach the bottom of the cliff where Hu Yi was, and there was a lot of tension on the cliff!
Variation protrusions.

"Bang" a mile or so to the south, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

Then, bang bang bang bang, gunshots filled the night sky.

"Report to the lieutenant, the troops in front have already received fire from the Eighth Route, and the situation is unknown!" An awkward voice came from the foot of the mountain, and the dialect did not know where it came from.

"I'm not deaf, order, all speed up and attack south!" Fluent Mandarin.

The generals on the cliff were stunned and wide-eyed, pulled their bodies back, but stretched their necks, held their breath, and looked at the team below, almost everyone with guns, from the gap between the bushes. Under the torch, a long string began to run forward .

The ghosts spoke Chinese awkwardly. The troops of the Eighth Route Army came from all corners of the country, and they had all kinds of dialects. The soldiers couldn't tell from the language.

It turns out that the devil can also speak Chinese, no wonder it has not been discovered!
Including Lieutenant Guizi, half of the troops were left behind. He was waving the sheathed saber in his hand left and right. He shook his head and looked at the map opened by the assistant. He smiled happily. After a long time of ink staining, he opened his mouth in high spirits: "Order, attack from the front, Push forward with all your strength, near the battlefield, choose to go up the mountain and take a detour to occupy the high ground, pay attention to the movement behind the Eight Route Army, maybe you will gain something else!"


Ba, got a slap in the face.

Quickly change your mouth: "Yes"

"Immediately send a report to the idiots of the [-]th Division, we have found the trail of the Eighth Route!"

After the lieutenant ordered, he led the troops forward, followed by two devils, and started to set up the antenna in the depression of the cliff more than 100 meters south of the eight-way generals.

Hu Yi picked up the binoculars and observed carefully. He didn't know when, on the open space next to him lying on his stomach, a small crooked braid protruded from the top of his forehead.

"Oh, isn't that the radio soldier, fox, let's grab it?" The crisp voice was deliberately lowered.

"There are so many devils down there, are you dying? What if the division headquarters is exposed?" Liu Jin's heart trembled, and these reckless idiots also lowered their voices.

"Your grandma's as timid as a mouse, and a company of secret agents!" Luo Fugui, who has always been unwilling to confront devils head-on, and had to run with two shuttles, rolled his triangular eyes and pulled the bullets of the machine gun on the top of the magazine back and forth. , issued a slight cracking sound, piercing.

Hu Yi was holding the binoculars in his hand, ignoring the moji who were a few guys.

"Fox, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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