under fire

Chapter 151

Chapter 151
In the dark night, the voice showed a rare innocence, waiting for Hu Yi to meet his request with full expectation.

Xiao Hongying is very familiar with the radio station, this girl's preferences are very different from other people's, and those strange things are her favorite.

The radio station attracted her deeply, and there is no need for a correspondent to run away to communicate with the division. Baili can send a message, and the silly and bold girl fell in love with it at a glance. In the Eighth Route Army, a good guy only at the brigade level, It's right in front of you, if you don't get it back, will you be able to sleep in the future?

Tian Sisi's yelling made Hu Yi full of black lines and speechless. This matter was exactly the same as the last time when he engaged in bicycles. Needless to say, she...she fell in love with the radio station that the three devils were playing with!

Strangely, at this moment, Hu Yi seemed to have completely forgotten about the troops of the division headquarters who were still following him, completely forgotten that the elites of the devil's advance team were below him, and that he still had an important task ahead of him.

A rope was torn off by Luo Fugui from the former soldier of the secret service company, and the other end was tied to that soldier.

"Boss Hu, this guy said that in order not to reveal their whereabouts, they descended from the ten-meter-high cliff and slipped down by dragging the rope."

Hu Yi finally understood that the secret agent company's skill in detail was not a level higher than that of Jiulian.

A secret agent company has rules everywhere. For the big boss Jiulian who doesn't care about anything, there is of course a lot of gap between the two sides.

To put it bluntly, it is the exchange of countless human lives for Jiulian to come to this day.

Of course, everyone in Jiulian has some real materials, just like the bear Luo Fugui at this time, he really has some skills, and he has dug out one of the secrets of the secret service company's life-saving skills.

Now, what we have to face is actually three devils. As for whether there are any devils in the rear, the secret service company has sent people there long ago. Anyway, we haven't heard back yet, so it seems that there should be none.

Hu Yi weighed it for a moment, the radio soldier of the devil seemed to be delivering goods to the door, for the sake of the girl, he had to get the radio back no matter what, even if the devil in front found out, he was going north anyway, so it didn't matter.

Being able to lure the devils to the north doesn't seem to be a big problem. Of course, those whose division headquarters are in the mountains will not be exposed.

Even if things were revealed and he ran northward, during this period of time, did he spend less time running?
In this barren and precipitous mountain surrounded by wolves, the radio is of course the most advanced technology, which represents combat effectiveness, represents the priority of intelligence, and of course represents advanced power.

Radio is a good thing, most people have seen it, and everyone knows its usefulness, will it work?Didn't I get a radio soldier just now, the passwords and so on, the rammers naturally don't understand, let alone the newcomers and the five big and three rough bears behind the Jiulian.

Seeing that the devil under the torch in the distance has already started to clean up the radio antenna, the opportunity is not lost, the devil must go to the place where the guns are still sporadic ahead, and join the devils in the brigade.

The gunshots from the south seemed to be sporadic, and the sound was a little vague. The spy company that encountered the devils must not have all died. It should be that after discovering the devils, they were planning to lead the devils to the south. It must be able to overwhelm the other side. It is not easy for the pursuer to wipe out the pursued.

Hu Yi no longer hesitated: "Everyone, all get off the cliff, girl, go and call the people behind, all come down, mules, get ready, grab the radio station and run away!"

Hu Yi was going to make another money from the devils. Anyway, he was used to being chased by devils, and this time it was not bad. The destination of his group was to go north, and the devils who had placed orders in front of them would collect some interest first to make up the number.

"He's a grandma, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry down, the devil is about to run away, you are still hesitating, you have to listen to my command when you enter the Ninth Company, you know that?"

That Xiong was triumphantly directing Liu Jin, the squad leader of the secret service company, and teaching him the rules of the Ninth Company. The soldiers of the special secret service company who were struggling with pulling the rope didn't have a tree anywhere to tie the rope to. He had to wait for the forty people behind him. All the soldiers went down from here. Fortunately, the people of Jiulian didn't intend to go directly down the hunting path. It was more dangerous to take the hunting path.

The three guys who put away the radio and were about to go on the road were dumbfounded and a little confused. A team of about ten appeared on the dark road behind.

The scene suddenly became weird and embarrassing. The three dumbfounded spectators didn't blink for a long time. Didn't the troops all go forward?With all these movements on the mountain road behind, are there still laggards following up?

These three devils had been walking in the team, and they didn't know if there were people behind their team.

I am confused, I look like myself, several groups, lined up in a row, without a torch, sneaking into the light of the devil's torch from the darkness.

The style suddenly became weird, both guns were pointed at the ground, and the three idiots were still thinking about what language to ask, messing in the wind.

"Hand in the gun and don't kill!" Liu Jin was so excited that blood rushed to his head, and the muzzle of the gun was raised!

It's over!It's over now!This time I was really cheated!

Of course the bear was at the end of the line, yelling in his heart, these heartless bastards are not as stupid as they are!What the hell are these two hundred and fifty!Have you ever fought a war?If you shoot, shoot, call a fart!
Liu Jin was an old soldier, and without hesitation, Hao raised his gun to the guy opposite who was raising the gun, and let go of the devil with a gun in one hand and a torch in the other, and another guy who had no weapon in his hand and carried a box on his back.

Anyway, Company Commander Hu said they were devils, and the eighth sound was a clear proof. The devils raised their guns, and it is better to strike first, and someone will stand up to them if they make a mistake.

The other devil threw down the torch and lay down, put his hand on the gun, and fired at the menacing crowd. He didn't have time to pull the bolt again, then turned sideways, turned down the hillside next to the road, and left the radio soldier behind. , and ran away with hands and feet.

Tsk tsk, that movement is smooth and never sloppy, it makes a bunch of passionate soldiers look stupid.

In the peripheral vision of the torch on the ground, the unarmed radio soldier came to his senses, and was about to jump down the slope. He had already rushed to the squad leader Liu Jin in front of him, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the belt of the box on the devil's back.

Both of them turned down the slope, but fortunately there were many people coming up from behind, stretching their arms and legs, and pulling them back almost dangerously.

"Report, the radio soldiers were attacked!" The bloody, ragged devil tried his best to keep up with the large army of devils ahead.

The two gunshots behind him had already attracted the attention of the devils!
"How many people?" The lieutenant trembled in his heart when he saw that only one came back.

"more than ten!"


An ear melon seed was thrown, and then kicked again.

The devil who reported was kicked into the bushes by the side of the road.

I was in a good mood at first, but because of this devil's report, I got angry and had a toothache. Now, the radio station must have been robbed by Eighth Route!

Is this eighth route a god, he will know that the radio soldier just happened to send the report there?Still ambushing in advance, and the eight roads in front deliberately ambush to attract?How did he know that the radio soldiers would leave, it was incredible, maybe these eight roads have been following him?

The lieutenant has never underestimated the enemy, still made mistakes, and lost the radio station before doing anything!The few pigeons that are still on their backs can only report to the military headquarters one-way.

The devil who was kicked into the bushes was full of thorns, and was screaming vigorously. The lieutenant wished he could draw his knife and chop this guy.

The order came: "There are only a few dirt roads in front, it's not worth pursuing, let all the chasing troops come back, go back, and we must snatch the radio station back! Open the way."

Without the radio station, and being played around by the eight roads, the devils are blown up!

Upon hearing this, several second lieutenant officers immediately turned around and ordered the chasing team to return.

The lieutenant kicked the wounded soldier in the bush again, and walked back first, surrounded by all the devils.

Seeing that the lieutenant had gone far away, the two second lieutenants said in a low voice: "Mine, take the people first, yours, gather troops behind, please."

"Don't worry, mine will follow..."

The two devil officers muttered to each other, went their separate ways, and followed the lieutenant's order back.

(End of this chapter)

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