under fire

Chapter 152 Run away with a shot

Chapter 152

Bang, bang... The rifle shot, the flash woke up the darkness, and the bullets screamed into the darkness.

The devil's vanguard did not light a torch, and advanced in the dark.About to enter the position about 50 meters away from the attack of the Devil Radio Soldiers, he was discovered by two soldiers of the special agent company who rushed forward.

Unsurprisingly, the devil soldiers began to fight back, the gunshots rang out, and clusters of flashes bloomed like fireworks in the dark night, shaking countless heartstrings.

The bear was still working on the devil's corpse.After scolding his grandma, he picked up his machine gun and got up, looked at the location of the gunfire in the distance, he couldn't shoot because of the black lights, and strode away towards the audience who had already run northward.

Seeing that Liujin who was digging through the devil's corpse with him was still playing with the corpse, he turned his head and said anxiously: "Your grandma's, hurry up, they've been searched, you're still fucking! Hurry up!"

Liu Jin was a few seconds behind, and got up and rushed to the mule. At that moment, he was expecting that a hand grenade that had been pulled out of its string was stuffed into the crotch of the devil's corpse, and Griphook tied two bush sticks to the stone in Kashan Road. In the gap, it will pull the fire as soon as it is turned.

Although those idiots in Jiulian didn't know how to make a thunder, as a special agent company, he was proud because he would.

He is a soldier of the secret service company, and he is a smart squad leader. From the first day he joined the army in the south, he dreamed of becoming a member of the special service company. He was willing to become a squad leader in the spy company.

Boom. The devil tore away the grenadier and fired.

The devil brigade was less than a mile away, and the straight-line distance was even shorter, and the devils who pulled it back did not hesitate to grenade.

In the dark night, invisible gunpowder smoke began to rise from the mountain road, which awakened a rifle dropped by a fleeing devil soldier who had just searched in the ditch, and also shocked the running bear, shaking the entire mountain road, and trembling the wild jumping of the audience heart of……

When Hao Yun was on the radio, Hu Yi dragged the girl and ran north. In the dark night, the girl's small flashlight gave off a dim light, and the soldiers of the secret service company were dumbfounded. The Ninth Company is really rich. There are high-end goods!
When Hu Yi heard gunshots and explosions, he looked back a few times and saw everything in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, more than a dozen people went up to deal with three devils, and one of them escaped. At the same time, a soldier of the spy company injured his arm, and all the soldiers of the Ninth Company on the cliff went down to the mountain road, huddled together.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Waiting for the devils to come and play?" There was a crisp voice.

The audience came back to their senses, quickly lit the torches they had prepared long ago, and ran northward with their legs apart.

Everyone's thoughts are different. The mule has a special feeling for the capture, and the soldiers of the secret service company are unwilling to put down the gun, even if it is the rifle that the devil soldier fell off the cliff.

Nine Company Li Xiang led his crippled platoon, and after fiddling with the formation, he followed Tang Dagou and the half-immortal mob who ran far north.

Lighted the torch, the purpose is to pull the devil away.

The secret agents and generals, who had caught up earlier, also quickened their pace after Hu Yi, the girl.

"What's the use of us using the radio, you have to fix it?" Hu Yi looked at Hao Yun in front of him carrying the radio on his back, walking briskly.

"The brigade doesn't have it, but we all have it. How imposing is that?" The girl turned her head and smiled at Hu Yi behind her without a care, the dim light of the flashlight in her hand swinging back and forth.

"Be careful and save it."

"Hey, there are still mules."

"It's not wise to provoke devils at all."

"They're all being bullied into their old den, why don't you give them some flair?"

There is a special agent company leading the soldiers in front, and they are not afraid of going the wrong way, the formation is scattered, chaotic, and they run away like ducks being chased on the trail!

Style is contagious, so the pleasure of shooting and running will sooner or later be transmitted to the soldiers of the secret service company. As long as they enter the Ninth Company, they will follow suit sooner or later.

In the dark, it is not easy to reveal the position by shooting a shot to change the place. The chance of being hit is very small, basically negligible, and the devils lined up in a column cannot fire together.

Therefore, the excess adrenaline of squad leader Liu Jin made him forget that the devil was right behind him, and there were two good brothers behind him. Fortunately, the shameless bear who squeezed over didn't snatch bullets from him, and no one even interfered when he ordered another soldier to go down the slope to get back the rifle dropped by the escaped devil.

In normal training, I often tell myself to be calm when encountering problems, so when the devil raised his gun, he hugged the fire!The choice of the priority target was correct, but he didn't expect the other devil to react so quickly. The shot before fleeing injured one of his soldiers.

The devil radio soldier who had been caught alive was shot twice in the eye by the commander of the Ninth Company who rushed up.

While running, I looked back to observe the movement behind me. In the shock wave and flash of the grenade fired by the devil's grenade, the soldiers at the bottom of the slope also climbed up, joined the two soldiers behind, and ran across the place where the devil's corpse was. Nothing happened. Unexpectedly, relieved, and slowed down.

Looking forward to seeing if the booby traps I set up would be effective, I wanted to stop and watch. Seeing the shadow of the bear running in front, the sound of gunshots getting closer, I gritted my teeth and tried to keep up.

The explosion of the Devil's grenade stopped, but the gunshots continued to get closer, and the two soldiers followed behind.

"How's the situation?" asked panting.

"Report to the squad leader. Later, I followed the ghosts of almost the same class. I couldn't see clearly. Hehe, we're fine." He was also panting like a cow.


The mule watched the three of them pass him coldly and ran forward, a little panicked, this soldier of the secret service company really can run like his grandmother!Could it be that he was the only one left at the end?

Hearing footsteps behind him, he deliberately leaned against the mountain wall to prevent the people behind him from passing.

"Hey, can't you give in? Why are you carrying so many things? The devil is about to catch up, so throw them away quickly." Liu Jin's voice sounded kind to the mule.

The soldiers of the secret service company run fast, but it doesn't mean that the devils can also run so fast.

They had been marching all the time, and they didn't rest in the middle of the night. This group of devils originally reported the purpose of trying their luck, hoping to find the headquarters where the eight routes escaped.

The devil squadron with the radio station, who else can there be besides the advance team?

Lieutenant Okawa looked ahead. On the way Yamashita had just come, there were winding torches and a long line.

Now that there is no radio station, the advance team can still play a role as a fart?
What difference can the troops following Mountain Sweep make?What kind of imperial elites have become a mopping-up force to wipe out the Eighth Route Army, so it's useless.

What makes him very unhappy is, where did these eight roads come from?
Look up to the cliff, and then look into the ditch below the mountain, the black mountain, the mountain wind is laughing.

He swung his knife to split a piece of bush next to him, and cursed in a low voice.

Now, there is no way to communicate with other troops. Fortunately, before the attack, the radio soldiers had already sent their current location to those idiots of the [-]th Army. By the time they arrived, the Eight Routes under the mountain should have disappeared long ago.

The torches at the bottom of the mountain were still winding northwards, which was the way he had come here. The origin and whereabouts of these eight roads were unknown, and the only thing that drove him crazy was that they robbed his precious radio station.

I want to run after grabbing something, but there is no door!

In the middle of the night, the pigeons could not be released.

The eight roads in front were running for their lives, and there were sharp soldiers holding on tightly, so the troops had to sway and follow.

No one can maintain a rapid march for a long time. Next, it depends on whose endurance is better and whose breath can be held longer.

The troops gathered behind followed up. As for the results of the battle, two of the Eighth Route Army were brought down in the south, and the others all ran away.

Five of them were injured on my side, but fortunately none of them were serious, but the radio soldier and two warriors were killed. The result was very unsatisfactory, which is a shame.

What's even more hateful is that Balu even buried a grenade on the radio soldier. Fortunately, the elites on his side stepped out and found that the radio soldier was smoking. Fortunately, his men responded in time and threw the grenade together with the radio soldier's body. Down the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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