under fire

Chapter 153 On the Hill

Chapter 153 On the Hill

Thanks to "Aiyo wah-hh", the wind dances to the stone city, the beauty explodes, and the autumn wind is bleak and the flood is surging!Let you carry the scapegoat, hahahahaha

Dawn came quickly, and throughout the night, in the ravines and hills, the gunfire never stopped.

With the cool mountain wind blowing, there were two teams parked on two hills not far apart.

Eight roads are right in front of you. Now, the old devil Lieutenant Okawa has a serious expression, and he intends to throw all the few grenades over there. After thinking about it, it is too far away, and it may not be able to hit the eight roads on the opposite side, and he thinks it is worthless.

I pulled the map and looked carefully, and after walking for a long time, I saw that the speed of the eight roads in front was not slow, and I seemed to be powerless to catch up. I was too tired. , It is not clear at all whether they have any purpose.

Maybe it was just being chased and escaped by himself.

I wanted to give up a long time ago, but the Eighth Route Army even took the responsibility for the radio soldier who succeeded in the sneak attack and put himself carelessly behind to send the report.

Draw a line with your finger, and then go forward to the Nanluo River. On the opposite hill, several Eighth Route Army occasionally appear in the steep mountains.

After careful analysis, the people from the [-]th Division in the north had already caught up, but there was no radio station. Otherwise, if they were called to block a little ahead, none of the eight roads would be able to escape.

Knowing that the Eighth Route Headquarters had been besieged and annihilation was imminent, I felt better, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and suddenly thought of something, and immediately ordered the devils to start working and look for firewood everywhere.

Knowing that the possibility of success in this matter is very small, at least there is hope.

Hu Yi crouched behind a protruding rock on a flat ground, holding up a telescope to observe the movements of the devils on the opposite hill. The distance between the two sides was not very far.

Chen Chong and the girl were right behind Hu Yi, pressing a blanket under the girl's body, as if they were sleeping, their long eyelashes moved, obviously not asleep, Chen Chong was lying on the other side behind Hu Yi, the ground was uneven, moving from time to time Lower your body and cover your face with a hat.

The marching speed of the secret service company was really fast. As soon as Tiangang saw some light, he sent two soldiers to the front to explore the way.

In the newly dug pit, the fire was raging, and the water in the buried pot had already boiled, and Wang Xiaosan was throwing millet into the pot.

Xu Xiao next to him dropped the shovel in his hand, and sat on the ground that had just been leveled with the shovel to wipe his sweat.

On the opposite side of the devil, it took at least two hours to chase down the mountain and then go up the mountain. Obviously, the devil's fighting ability is strong, but compared with the eight roads, it is not as good as marching on the mountain.

This is not like the plains, devils have cars, marching in the mountains, the key depends on who has the longest legs!
The sun slowly emerged from the mountain clouds, and a few cypress trees emerged from the weathered cracks around the bare stone hillside. The thin, curved branches and leaves are stubbornly swaying with the mountain wind. It's no different from a broken wooden stick with an umbrella.

The devils on the opposite side were also burying the pot to make a living, and they didn't go all out in pursuit, even though they knew that the eighth way to grab the radio station was ahead.

It's not that they don't want to chase, it's estimated that the devil's physical strength has almost reached its limit, and nothing can be said, but the devil stayed in the valley of the vanguard. Tang Dagou led the puppet squad to join the remaining ten or so of Pan Zhuzi's platoon, and stayed halfway up the mountain On the road, occasionally shooting at the devils hiding behind rocks in the valley.

Half of them were sleeping on a slightly flat place on the mountainside. Seven or eight of Tang Dagou's men, with their rifles aside, were throwing stones at the devils down the mountain.

After the Ninth Company's bullets were supplied to the Secret Service Company, there were not many bullets left, so they had to save them. These old recruits originally didn't have as many bullets as the Nineth Company's guys, because their rifle bullets can only use [-].

Most of the ammunition was to be reserved for the Czech machine guns.

But it doesn't matter, there is no big difference whether there are bullets or not. Along the way, except for Tang Dagou, this class has not fired a few shots.

Luo Fugui put down the clothes all over his body, and complained: "Hao Yun, your grandmother, you can't even memorize a radio station. You are a soldier, and I feel panicked when I look at it."

Hao Yun was lying on the slope, looking at Luo Fugui's virtue, he felt a little upset, he could see that this mule was obviously a ghost who was afraid of death, but he was an eight-way machine gunner, carrying a large bag of messy things on his back. Machine guns run fast, of course, they are far worse than those of the spy company.

I don't know how this person's body grows.

This guy was obviously afraid of devils, but after the devil died, he dared to mess with everything, even the things on the dead devil's body.I don't understand that devil's uniform of the Eighth Route Army, even the broken bullet bag has to be snatched back. I don't understand why this thing is.

"You can, I might as well be you, who told you to be an animal?" After finishing speaking, he turned over carefully.

The mule was not annoyed either. He turned his head and looked at the majestic green hills all around him. He was groping in his bag, as if he was thinking about something, and murmured frightenedly, "I got rich this time. I didn't expect to search for a devil and do something Got to this thing."

Looking around, no one noticed him, even Hao Yun ignored him, sat in a mountain, pulled out the strip bullet belt seized from the devil soldier, and carefully pulled out a bullet belt from one of the pockets. When the things came out, the things in the bag were obviously not bullets, and it seemed that there was not much difference in weight, with edges and corners!
Lu Laizao secretly took it out and bit it with his teeth, but the yellow thing is not a bullet. I have heard of it, seen it in Xinglong Town, and never seen it in the independent group!
Mule has been thinking that this devil actually has this thing, but it seems unreal. He has seen this thing in Xinglong Town, and now he has at least twenty of them!
How much is this worth?Everyone has something they like.

It didn't seem safe to put it on my body, so I looked around again to make sure no one was paying attention, and I didn't have an idea for a while.

After thinking about it, he got up and took a few steps, and leaned over to Hu Yi: "Boss Hu, uh, let's go to the headquarters like this, there are so many devils over there, why don't we go around here a few times?"

After being silent for a while, Hu Yi put down the binoculars, and Chen Chong, who was following him, immediately pulled it over, put it close to his eyes, and looked around.

Hu Yi suddenly whispered: "If there is a chance, I would not go there either. We are soldiers, and we have no choice but to obey orders."

On the other side of Hu Yi was a girl lying on her stomach, and without opening her eyes, she scolded: "Dead mule, you just want to be a deserter, you are shameless, so you can't be quiet for a while? Auntie just squinted for a while, what bad idea did you come up with, hurry up!" roll!"

Luo Fugui grinned and rolled his eyes at the girl: "Bah, bah, the mountains are high and the road is far away. I am as tired as a dog because of your crap!"

"Who the hell is calling me?" At some point, Tang Dagou swayed over, patted his mouth with his hands, and yawned.

The gang of old and newcomers following behind were swaying up the mountain in a crooked line.

Seeing more and more people around Hu Yi, Luo Fugui calmed down and stopped talking.

At this time, Chen Chong took the initiative to speak: "Company Commander, there is movement from the devil."

After speaking, he handed over the telescope.

Hu Yi turned his head in surprise, took the binoculars, and glanced at it. On the opposite hill, the devils had burned three piles of fire, distributed in different directions, emitting thick smoke.

Luo Fugui let out a laugh: "These devils are so stupid, they can't burn it even if they burn it. His grandma's, they deserve it to starve to death."

Turning around to look at Xu Xiao who was following Wang Xiaosan, he said to himself: "It's so slow to cook porridge, Wang Xiaosan is such a waste!"

"To shut up!"

Hu Yi was rarely serious.

 Of course, I would also like to thank myself for being able to make up 150 chapters from a pit. 32 words, which is equivalent to [-] essays of [-] words, is not easy!

  For those who talk sarcasticly, if you don’t like it, then you can download the app to see a hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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