under fire

Chapter 154 Exploded Experience

Chapter 154 Exploded Experience

The audience was stunned for a while, not understanding what Lianchang Hu was wrong with looking at the smoking fires on the opposite hill, and even used a stern tone to the beloved general Luo Fugui, which was rare.

The girl seemed to have realized something, pulled her beloved binoculars, and searched in the direction Hu Yi was looking at. The ghost on the opposite side was lying on the ground looming in the bushes on the slope of the hill, as if deliberately comparing with Balu who can sleep better like.

The little girl looked at it for a long time, but she couldn't understand it at all. The devil was on the opposite hill. It seemed that it was the same as before, except that there were a few more fires.

I don't understand, so I just don't care about it. The radio station I just got back is the big deal. The radio station soldiers tossed and said that they need to study it. Tian Sanqi and Li Xiang surrounded the radio station, listening to the excited guy telling a story.

In order to save electricity, I kept it for critical times, and then put the radio into the box again, and kept it next to the radio soldier.

Hu Yi said the sentence that made the mule shut up, but he didn't speak again.

The audience couldn't understand, seeing that Hu Yi was staring stupidly at the hills in the south, so the audience also looked south along the line of sight, the mountain was still that mountain, and the devil was still that devil.

I still don't understand, maybe, maybe the company commander became stupid, scattered and lay down on the ground.

The shout of "a figure appeared in the distance to the north" attracted the attention of the audience.

The one who was running back was a soldier of the secret service company. As the distance got closer, he panted and shouted at Hu Yi: "Company commander, ten miles ahead, devils are found on the mountain ridge to the west, and the east is safe!"

What the soldier reported made Hu Yi a little dazed, and finally put away the binoculars and rubbed his eyes.

It seemed that the situation was a bit serious. At dawn, the secret service company led people to reconnaissance ahead. According to them, there was a river and a bridge ahead, and they had to go to reconnaissance first.

Jiulian now has about forty people, nearly half of the security forces, Li Xiangpai is sleeping, Banxian is interested in watching Wang Xiaosan cook porridge, and occasionally helps add firewood.

Unexpectedly, devils appeared in front, and the group of devils in the back also hung behind hauntingly.

Hu Yi didn't use his binoculars, turned his head again, and carefully looked at the smoking piles of fires of the devil, one of which was facing his side, and the other two were leaning against the boulders on the hill.

Thinking back carefully, after explaining the things learned in the martial arts hall, a Cheling finally confirmed that it was the devil's sign to guide the plane in the sky.

Three piles of smoking fires in the shape of brand characters are leaning against the mountain bag, pointing to three directions, which is the direction the devil wants to point to.

However, can the devil plane find this place?The answer is in the affirmative, because if you burn a few piles of fire on the top of the mountain and emit thick smoke, you may not be able to see it in the mountain, but it is the best direction for the plane in the sky.

It's just that, so far, it seems that they haven't heard the sound of the devil's plane, maybe it will come soon.

Except for the shrubs on the top of the mountain, due to the lack of water, there will not be a three-day-old tree. A soldier is leaning on the back of the stone, wearing an Eighth Route Army military cap at a slant. The two buttons on the front of the cap have been undone. .

Suddenly, he was hit on the head, and a clod of soil was splashed on the military cap, like a chrysanthemum!
"Who? Who the hell?"

"The fox is calling you, come quickly!" The crisp voice yawned.

"Have you ever seen a ghost like this before?"

Tang Dagou held up the binoculars that Hu Yi handed over with one hand, and went back and forth twice: "I have seen that sometimes the devils fly over, and in order to identify the enemy and us, they will set up flags in front of the position. Sometimes the weather is not good, just light a few piles of fire !” After speaking, his face changed: “Then hurry up and run, the devil is pointing the way!”

"What direction can the three piles of fire point to? Do you think it's lighting a beacon fire to play pigs and monkeys? It's really interesting." The mule couldn't help interjecting.

"Don't be so unbelievable, hehe, it's really possible. I've heard people say that the two piles close together are the tail, and the single pile of fire refers to the direction of attack. Otherwise, you should look carefully."

"That's true!" The girl holding the binoculars answered.

The audience has a new understanding of Tang Dagou's insight.

"What the hell are you waiting for, why don't you run away?"

"Don't run, they're making a fire, the devils on the other side wear the same clothes as us, and we're going to make a dozen or eight piles of fire." A voice came from the side, and everyone looked sideways, but it was the soldier from the spy company who came to report.

talent!Jiulian is full of talents.

"Don't look at me, we have done a lot of this before! When the reactionaries were besieged and suppressed, the planes bombed them a lot. We all know that we either hang out with the enemy or run off into the woods. Now, the devils are in the same military uniform as us. Where to run, burn a few piles of fire that are similar to devils."

After finishing speaking, he looked down triumphantly and despised everything, the Tuba Independence Regiment ground beetle who had not been bombed by a plane.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Let's do it, hurry up!" Tang Dagou was blown up at one point, and he has been blown up by planes many times, so he can really sum up some experience.

Hu Yi never thought that such unlucky things might happen in the mountains.

I added a squad of special agents to this side, about fifty, and the devils seemed to advance into the team, and the brigade was watching.

Tang Dagou led a few men and looked around for something that could light a fire on the bare hill.

On the other side, with a machine gun hung crookedly on his neck with his cuffs folded, he leaned against the boulder on the top of the mountain, his body with dry blood looked majestic and invincible.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, he proudly raised his crooked eyebrows: "Little one, come here quickly!"

"Squad leader, what's the matter? I still need to help them get some firewood." Xu Xiao followed the figure cutting the bushes in front, and was pulling out some dry branches from the bushes. Turning around in surprise, he sniffed the snot flowing from the right side, Leave a black slot.

"Come here if I tell you to come over and tell you something."

"What's the matter, I'm listening!" Xu Xiao answered while working.

"Come here quickly!" Mule raised his voice, rarely being harsh to Xu Xiao.

The audience who swung bayonets in front heard impatiently: "Is it over? What can you do, nagging like a sissy? You don't work and you're talking nonsense."

Tian Sanqi, who was slashing at the bushes with a bayonet, stopped his movements, ready to wait for Xu Xiao to clean up.

Turning around, he didn't see Xu Xiao's figure. Looking back, the kid had already stood firmly in front of the bear, shouting loudly: "This is time to stop doing business, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Get out! The surname Tian, ​​your grandma, if I want to talk about serious business, can you take care of me?" Xiong Man scolded back indifferently.

Looking around for a moment, he stuffed a small cloth bag into the dry food bag on Xu Xiao's chest, the edges and corners made the bag drop obviously.

"Xiao Ah, half of the squad leader's net worth belongs to you, so don't lose it." Xiong whispered carefully.

"What, half of your net worth?" Xu Xiao asked, blinking, reaching out to touch the bag of things that were as heavy as bullets.

 In this chapter, we learned about the decisive battle towards the front line.

(End of this chapter)

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