under fire

Chapter 155 Thoughts of the Rich

Chapter 155 Thoughts of the Rich
After the sun rose, it got into the wandering clouds. Occasionally, mixed mist sprinkled sword-like light and shadow from the gaps in the clouds, piercing into the mountains and disappearing.

The two hills are facing each other, and there is a small valley in the middle, facing two hills, one south and one north.

Bald Mountain, in fact, is like a piece of flat land, with a ditch in the middle, but it is a bit deep. The road up and down the mountain is slanted and winding, with occasional small flats and some shrubs swaying in the mountain wind.

On the brim of a dirty and curly hat, there are a few strands of grass crawling, under the brim, a pair of narrow and slender eyes, and the thin eyebrows leaning towards the middle, tense.

Hu Yi was still lying behind the rocks, looking coldly towards the south. What he was considering now was not to support the headquarters, or to inquire about the news of the headquarters, nor to find the second echelon that had been transferred from the division headquarters. Right now, the devils were found in the west , South has pursuers reluctantly.

Now I have to run east, but the result is that after two days at the most, I will walk out of the mountain with my tail, encounter the devils who are stuck on the way out of the mountain and enter the mountain, and be attacked back and forth.

Or run around with the devils in the mountains, the devils behind are like a bullshit plaster, you can't shake it off, it's not the first time you play chase with devils, devils are short-legged, but devils are well-trained, living conditions are good, and the body is natural That's good, it's not comparable to the eight roads that often suffer from food shortages.

Moreover, devils have strong stamina, and their perseverance is not comparable to that of Jiulian and other miscellaneous troops. The most important thing is that there are devils everywhere in the mountains.

Instead, there was only one way left, and that was to go north, and I didn’t want to go. First, there was an order issued by the division headquarter, and second, there was no other way.

There are many factors that are unfavorable to Jiulian. After so many days, food is scarce, bullets are in short supply, and there may be devil planes in the sky, although they have not seen it until now.

The devils on the opposite side are half of the squadron. They got off a shift in the front and went to the ravine. They gathered the devils' leading soldiers and were fighting with Pan Zhuzi, who was broken in the middle of the mountain. You shot me twice. The two sides fought for a long time, and the fight became fierce ,lively.

It's just that the devil with a good gun is indeed very arrogant, but due to the bad terrain, he was crushed in the ditch and was very angry. The sergeant who led the team deliberately detoured, but apart from this road between the two hills, no matter where he went , Look at the cliffs on both sides, and then calculate the itinerary, it will take at least half a day, so I can only give up.

What's more, at that time, the eight roads in front might run away at any time, and it seems meaningless to take a detour.

Until now, when I went down to the ravine and hid behind the rocks, I was still in a dilemma, so I could only slam the bullets halfway up the mountain.

Fortunately, before coming down, the squadron leader gave an order to shoot and shoot occasionally, and it just stuck. As for the sergeant in the ravine, he didn't get the order to attack, so he was happy to practice marksmanship.

But the eight roads on the mountainside did not show their heads, and occasionally threw two big stones down.

Naturally, I don't know what the squadron leader's idea is. Maybe, he just wants to stick here and wait for reinforcements from other directions to outflank. After all, the mountains are now full of imperial warriors. Thinking of this, the sergeant fought even more vigorously.

The only thing that dissatisfied him was that he was wearing Balu's ragged clothes, which was very uncomfortable. On the opposite side of the mountain, several Balu shot into the ravine with one shot and one shot. Two warriors were killed in battle, one was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured.

Sergeant Cao was a little unhappy again, the squadron leader was even reluctant to use the grenadier, how could such a battle fully achieve its goal?
Fortunately, the squadron leader's command is still a bit good, and he transferred another squad of troops to shoot at the eighth road on the opposite half of the mountain. Laimi, sticking your head out, you don't even need a telescope, you can see the figure on the opposite side.


The devil's shooting speed was unexpectedly slow, and the two sides seemed to be staying here, firing their guns into the mountains.

Since the devils in the ravine did not charge, after two of them died, they stopped attacking and just fired coldly up the mountain.

On the contrary, the devils on the opposite side of the mountain would occasionally retaliate with intensive firepower at the position where they fired.

In this kind of battle, the two sides fought happily.

"Platoon leader, this little devil doesn't seem to be very good. His marksmanship is also stinky, and he is wearing our clothes."

Bang, after a gunshot, the bullet knocked the hat of the speaking soldier away, he quickly lowered his head, lay down on the not wide ground, pressed against the ground, sweating coldly, touched the hair on his head that had been curled by the scorching bullet, his face paled. whitish.

"I told you kid, don't show your head, be careful, we're the only ones in the line, we have to keep our money, otherwise we won't have a chance to stand up." Pan Zhuzi said sternly.

"Platoon leader, don't tell me, the rammed goods brought back from the security forces of the Ninth Company ran all the way, and few of them were injured!"

"Guys who ran away when they heard the gunshot, can you count on them, and they have the same virtue as their company commander."

Under the steep mountains and cliffs, there is a natural rock depression next to it. The snoring stopped with a kick, and the bear got up in a daze, raised his head, and was quite frightened by the grimace of the girl who came to see him.

"Has the devil come?" Xiong finally had enough sleep, blinked his eyes sleepily, seemed to be in the west, seemed to be far away, and there was a booming sound from the sky: "Grandma's worldly troubles, you can't stop sleeping!"

"Haven't had enough sleep yet? Get up quickly, the ghost plane is gone."

"Is there really a plane coming?"

"Would you like to take a look? It hasn't flown far yet!"

The bear turned over and hesitated for a moment.

He pulled Xu Xiao, who was cleaning the machine gun beside him, and felt that his belongings were still there.

He rubbed his big gray hands, wondering in a daze. Hearing that the thing that can fly in the sky is made of iron, it always feels unreal.

Seeing the girl walking away, she muttered, took out a tarpaulin bag from her pocket, opened it layer by layer, revealing a stack of gold bars, the bear grinned and drooled happily, and put it away carefully.

Now, the girl is in front, after hesitating for a while, she still opened her throat: "Girl, hey, that, come here and tell you something!"

"What's the matter, you're so fussy, go up to the top of the mountain to see the plane, just now the devil's plane flew close to the top of the mountain, the fox said he would come back later, he had to ask Hao Yun to watch his aunt, but he didn't even look at the plane to make."

The dazed bear was not in the mood to look at the iron guy in the sky.

He has always been a bear who eats alone, but this time he was so generous that he pulled out the two gold bars left in his hand, dazzling.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The eyes of the girl who turned back were bright.

Quickly snatched it up, thought about it, put it in his mouth and bit it with small tiger teeth, and a tooth mark clearly appeared on it.

Xiong's grin on the opposite side gradually disappeared, turning into an ugly bleak, quietly, and then very seriously and carefully: "Well, I want to retire and go home, do you think it's possible?"

"You want to be a deserter? Huh?" The voice raised an octave, the wide eyes began to shrink, narrowed into a slit, and the braid on the head exploded.

It's strange, just for a short while, Xiong suddenly felt that the life in Balu was pretty good. If he really went back to his hometown, he would either have to serve as a security force, or he might be caught by the devils to build a gun tower or go to the county town?It's purely no different from sending someone to die. What's the use of having money?If you go to Liquor Station Village?I still have to farm the land with those messy villagers. Thinking about the virtues of the villagers, they are just big girls, but the captain of the militia is not afraid of death on the hill, and he can't help shivering.

"I was just joking with you, just... think... see if you will miss me!" He whispered to the girl, as if he was giving himself an excuse, but also as if he was comforting himself.

Luo Fugui's thought of becoming a deserter was only for a moment. As for why he thought this way, maybe it was because he was rich.

(End of this chapter)

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