under fire

Chapter 156 Judgment of the Air Force

Chapter 156 Judgment of the Air Force
Staying in such a place and fighting with the ghosts dressed up as eight-way, it seems that you can defend or retreat, but in fact it is extremely risky.

Sleeping in the mountains continuously, without strong perseverance, will collapse sooner or later. Even if Jiulian is used to being poor, he can't bear such days.

It's not that there are no villages on the road, and the dilapidated villages and old villages have long since disappeared.The local cadres of the Eighth Route Army who got the news did a good job of responding. No matter who they were, they would not take the initiative to contact the teams that appeared in the mountains without familiar leaders.

Doesn't Jiulian have a radio station?
It's a pity that the radio soldiers added in Linli don't have codebooks!Because he was only a backup, and the leader of Jiulian was followed by devils, so he didn't dare to contact the retreated second echelon, but in the middle of the night, he sent a soldier from the special service team across the mountains to report.

The vast mountains suddenly became empty, and the people in the villages in the mountains disappeared out of thin air.

Jiulian's mission, just started, seems to have failed!Because, without the code book, the news cannot be sent out or sent back to the division headquarters!As for using plain codes, how stupid would that be? The devil's intelligence department is not a vegetarian either.

Since there is no one in the village, it is still a violation of discipline to enter people's homes without permission. Of course Jiulian Lao Qin is not here

But.But there was still a special agent squad, and the exhausted Jiulian still couldn't get a full night's sleep.

The most important reason is that the secret service team discovered that there were heavy soldiers in the west, and then there were ghosts chasing the soldiers!
Hu Yi wandered around one by one on the hill. It seemed that it would be very difficult for the devils to attack directly from behind. Don't worry, you can't dig a trench on the stone mountain, and even build a pile of stones!

Having nothing to do, Jiulian lay down in the sun and went straight to sleep, but the girl and mule Xu Xiao and Hao Yun were missing.

The Ping spy company found devils in the west hills, making it impossible for Jiulian to march in broad daylight, so it could only stay here first. Dong, in that case, it will definitely become a turtle in a urn, and Jiulian is that turtle.

As for whether there are devils on the way to the east, so far, I don't know!
The radio soldiers didn't have a code book, and Hu Yiming knew that the mission had failed, but he had to stay here until dark before moving on!

Jiulian had only a few people left, and the fire burning on the hill was not lit, but thick smoke filled the air.

It was a bit late when the devil plane found this place, because the pilot found black smoke everywhere in the mountain when the pilot entered the mountain. up.

The squadron leader of the Changzhi Air Force received an order from the headquarters early in the morning: the Dachuan advance team, which was attacking from the south, did not contact the headquarters at the appointed time, something must have gone wrong!
The order from the headquarters was sent directly to the airport: full search!

To deal with the Eighth Route Army in the mountains, in the mountains and mountains, the plane is useless, and the pilots are often sick.

As soon as the briefing came out, the ghost pilots of a squadron were very excited. After refueling and loading bombs, they took off slowly and entered the mountain in formation. More than a dozen bombers and fighter jets followed the reconnaissance plane, lined up, and advanced into the mountain to the position where the team sent the report last. search.

Draw a line from south to north, look for the advancing team everywhere, and conduct a careful search for places where smoke is everywhere.

Near noon, the reconnaissance plane finally found the guidance on the ground first, and troublesome things happened. Triangular fires appeared on two opposite hills at the same time, and both were attack guidance!

The reconnaissance plane ran out of fuel, and after notifying the other planes in the air, it returned first. A fighter jet and two bombers flew over in no time.

There are people on both sides of the hill. After searching for so long, I found two pulls at once. The pilot was confused, and the two sides pointed at each other. What does this mean?
But at least it proves one thing, the Okawa advance team is still there, who is the rest?Not sure.

How to tell?The pilot got mad, lowered the altitude, and flew through the burning smoke, still unable to tell!
It can be seen that both sides on the hill were wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms, and they couldn't tell the difference at all, so they had to hover in the sky. The pilot cursed: You don't even pull out the plaster flag, who knows the truth!

In fact, he wronged the squadron leader Da Chuan, the plaster flag was staying in Luo Fugui's backpack, marching at night, the devil's flag bearer and the radio soldiers were attacked, the lights were in the dark, and the trophies were not clearly seen.

If the staff of the division headquarters were changed here, maybe Okawa Toyoshi and his gang would be doomed.

The circling plane made one group gnash their teeth and curse, while the other group trembled in fear.

In the canyon between the two hills, smoke is rising!Successfully attracted the attention of the devil pilot.

Could it be that the eight roads are in the canyon?Maybe the warriors on the hill ran out of grenades?
The pilot immediately changed direction, pulled back from east to west and ran back and forth over the canyon.

Feeling that there was no problem, the pilot began to descend and plunged directly into the canyon!
It is not impossible to use machine guns and rifles to shoot Japanese planes!This is the best opportunity.

It's just that Jiulian and his party don't have this awareness yet!Of course, Pan Zhuzi halfway up the mountain, let alone.

The valley is not very big, after one round, the three planes started forming up, and finally, they waved their wings in the sky.

Unexpectedly, Balu was hiding in a ravine and the Dachuan advance team was able to find this place in the vast mountains. The pilots were very impressed.

Hu Yi on the hill, sweating profusely, observed nervously. The machine gun in front of him aimed several times at the plane, but he still held back his actions because the Devil plane did not drop bombs on his head. Finally, a fighter jet swooped in first. down the valley.

Airborne machine guns fired tentatively into the valley.

The sound of bullets swishing against the air, flying wildly.

The platoon leader Pan was dumbfounded. He had never seen this thing before. For some reason, Pan Zhuzi felt wrong. This iron guy can fly in the sky. Fortunately, the markings on the fuselage are clearly visible. The devil's guy is definitely not good. thing.

Maybe it was dizzy, dazzled, feeling wrong, and the instinct to shoot was not wrong, so he immediately ordered to fire on the plane. The speed of the plane, a few broken rifles, I don’t know what to expect, how can I Hit, the guy has gone away in the blink of an eye.

In fact, the pilot was also blind and unable to maneuver aiming, a shuttle of bullets flew directly into the bottom of the canyon, and the bullets hit the side of the devil soldiers who were looking up happily, scaring these guys into turning their heads into turtles.

He cursed a lot, looked around, looked around, dressed in the Eighth Route Army uniform, and hurriedly murmured an apology to the pilot.

Behind a hidden location on the south hill, Lieutenant Guizi put down his binoculars.

When the infantry squad went down to the valley to attack, it was very difficult. The Czech-style light machine gun and a dozen or so [-] rifles on the mountainside beat the eight roads on the opposite mountainside so that they couldn't lift their heads.

However, there was still no progress, and the available attack surface was too narrow, and the attacking troops did not dare to leave behind the stone, because it would become a living target for the Eighth Route Army.

The desperate Balu would occasionally throw grenades into the ravine, and what was even more outrageous was throwing stones like primitive people.

Lieutenant Okawa didn't pay much attention until the piles of smoking fires appeared on the opposite side. The location where the cunning Tubalu started the fire was hidden behind a rock on the opposite side.

Lieutenant Okawa held up the binoculars for a long time and didn't see how the fire in Balu was burning. Balu might be cooking, and he didn't believe that Balu could do this kind of skill at all.

From cooking in the morning to noon, Balu can really eat. Lieutenant Okawa didn't believe that anyone in Tubalu could provide aviation guidance.

It wasn't until the reconnaissance plane came over that a fighter group brought by it finally appeared in sight, and a scene that was absolutely unbelievable finally appeared in front of our eyes.

The warhead plane has been attracted, can't those aviation idiots see themselves waving?But there was no attack on the Eight Routes on the hill at all.

Still in a dream, how could Tubalu understand these high technologies?

What's important is that the idiots of the aviation soldiers plunged into the ravine and opened fire. Did they take the wrong medicine?

The purpose of the pilot's reconnaissance has been achieved. Now that someone is firing on the plane, the pilot can see everything clearly, so of course he must prepare to attack.

The Eighth Route must have occupied the mountainside. Although I didn't figure out why the advancing team would divide the troops into two sides, since we found out the enemy's situation, why hesitate?
The warhead plane came back after a circle, shaking its wings, and began to call the bombers to attack. It took the lead to plunge into the canyon to cover and suppress.

Lieutenant Okawa is stupid!

Is the airman crazy?It’s useless for ravine bombing, the ravine below is imperial infantry, and a wave of aerial bombs goes down, can it be better?

The grenadier had already been set up, but in the end there was no order to shoot. The distance was too far, it was useless to shoot, and it was easy to cause misunderstandings. How did the gang on the opposite side make the aviation soldiers change their minds? After thinking for a long time, they finally figured out clear!It was the smoking fire that should have directed the attack towards him.

Both sides are pointing, and there is a ditch in the middle, so it is not surprising that the pilot entered the ditch.

He was so angry that he drew his command saber, and vented his anger on a small cypress tree in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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