under fire

Chapter 1497

Chapter 1497
After the poison gas bomb explodes, the mustard gas forms a mixed suspension in the air, which is dispersed with the wind.

After being inhaled by the human body, the nasal mucosa is first injured by the poisonous gas.

Then the whole airway began to feel uncomfortable.

Didn't realize the horror of mustard gas.

Staying on the road shrouded in poisonous gas, the devils continued to inhale the mustard gas slowly accumulated, and the entire respiratory tract began to be stimulated and convulsed.

Many devils' lungs were burning as if they were on fire, and they writhed and hissed on the ground holding their fiery throats.

Irrigation did not show relief at all, and the entire respiratory mucosa swelled.

Breathing slowly becomes difficult.

A certain devil finally couldn't stand the feeling of being burned, having difficulty breathing and almost suffocating, which completely exceeded the limit of the human body's tolerance.

With trembling hands, he took out the bayonet and aimed it at the neck, piercing the brain directly from the lower jaw
One death relieves all pain.

With the first came the second.

Devil medics wearing gas masks at the center of the explosion sucked various antidotes into syringes and stabbed the elites' arms and butts continuously.

In order to attack bears and things in the north, the devils who lack mechanized equipment absolutely use the Hu Lie La virus with their swords.

As for the mustard gas bomb that Xiong Erlang was carrying, the devil's higher-ups knew very well that apart from the high cost of making this thing, the consequences of being hit by mustard gas were very miserable and inhumane!

No matter who is poisoned, there is no cure at this stage!
Once used, it can easily arouse international outrage.

The military doctor who knew the real situation died unexpectedly, so that although Xiong Erlang knew that the mustard gas was very powerful, he didn't know how powerful it was.

He could only watch helplessly as the blood sprayed out from the swaggering elite subordinates after wiping their necks rushed high.

Or maybe the poisonous gas penetrates slowly from the skin.

He was wearing a gas mask and his respiratory tract was fine for the time being.

Signs of constant itching on the skin that seems to be getting worse
Zhang Xiaodao, who was on the periphery, suddenly felt uncomfortable all over.

The itchy feeling on his body became more and more serious, and Wu Xiaoshu, who was behind him, also kept scratching his body and seemed to have difficulty breathing.

"It's poisonous gas!" Zhang Xiaodao took a deep breath of air with a faint garlic smell, and suddenly felt a creepy feeling: "We have to leave quickly!".

Wu Xiaoshu, who was behind him, suddenly shook his head, then lowered his voice: "The poisonous gas released by the devil spreads quickly in the green gauze tent, you should go first."

"I've been delaying you for so long, now you have the nerve to say let me go first?" Zhang Xiaodao shook his head: "Hurry up, I will carry you on my back!"

Wu Xiaoshu looked at the dark green gauze curtain in the south under the light of stars and moon: "No, let's go together, we can't go fast!"

"Since you want to block a bullet for me before you die, do you have any objections?" Zhang Xiaodao was annoyed.

He stretched out his hand and lifted Wu Xiaoshu onto his shoulder.

Wu Xiaoshu didn't struggle: "The devil is not a fool. If you take me with you, the two of us may die. Let me go quickly. I can stop the devil for at least half a minute! It's enough for you to escape."

"You're so fucking talkative. Believe it or not, I'm going back to fight the devil now?"

Wu Xiaoshu replied honestly: "I don't believe it!"

"Then don't talk nonsense"

"Hey, what does it have to do with nonsense if I believe it or not?"

"I'm very tired carrying you, okay? Can you stop for a while?"

"Zhang, you have to let me go now, I don't need you to take me out of here, if you dare not let me down, I will shoot now, I will not shoot you, but the devil behind heard the gun He will definitely beat the two of us into a sieve immediately!" After Wu Xiaoshu finished speaking, he clicked down the barrel gun head next to Zhang Xiaodao's ear.

Zhang Xiaodao stopped, threw Wu Xiaoshu to the ground, and grabbed Wu Xiaoshu's military uniform by the chest: "How dare you threaten me?"

Wu Xiaoshu has already raised his pistol, aiming the gun at the green gauze tent in the north: "Hurry up and get out, I'm counting to three now, if you don't let go... I'll shoot the devils behind!"

Zhang Xiaodao let go of his hand, and threw Wu Xiaoshu into the green gauze next to him, extremely angry: "Your mother is crazy!"

Wu Xiaoshu shook his head: "Devils are not fools, it is absolutely unrealistic for us to bring them into the encirclement."

"Shut up, I'm going to be mad at you, since you want to die, I'll let you go!" Zhang Xiaodao followed up with his stubborn temper, pointed the [-] cap at the direction where the devils were chasing from the north, and loaded it with a bang.

Wu Xiaoshu was taken aback: "There are too many devils chasing us, it's beyond our ability to handle it, so hurry up and leave!"

Zhang Xiaodao didn't shoot him, but put the loaded rifle aside, grinned in the dark, pulled out a grenade, pulled off the insurance and smashed off the cap, raised his hand and threw it towards the approximate direction of the crowd of devils who had been following him.

Wu Xiaoshu was immediately dumbfounded, this guy definitely lacks two brains.

I just didn't want to be a burden to him, so I proposed to split up.

Sacrifice himself so that Zhang Xiaodao can escape.

Didn't you say that it's okay to fight hard with devils?

"We're not running away silently now, we're attacking now!" Zhang Xiaodao raised the [-] rifle, aimed at the night and suddenly pulled the trigger.

The explosion of the grenade sounded almost simultaneously with the gunfire.

Wu Xiaoshu felt hit on the face by something.

Although this thing is very rare, he has seen it before!
Gaz mask!

In the afternoon, I saw several people wearing this thing in the guard camp team.

"Now you are staying in the green gauze tent honestly. No devil can find you in the black light. Our side can actually be regarded as the upper hand. There is not much poisonous gas floating over. If you are not poisoned to death, find a chance to leave safely. "Zhang Xiaodao, who dropped the gas mask, fired while not forgetting to explain to Wu Xiaoshu.

After five bullets passed, Zhang Xiaodao was far away from Wu Xiaoshu's hiding place.

Wu Xiaoshu's scalp is numb, Zhang Xiaodao is definitely a lunatic!

He alone dared to challenge dozens of devils!
Since his surname Zhang is not afraid of death, is he afraid of himself?
First, he bumped into the devil with Zhang Xiaodao, and after he was injured, Zhang Xiaodao failed to get away from the devil.

Now...it should be my highlight moment!

Zhang Xiaodao, who was shot in the [-]th rifle, did not stop at the last shooting position, but continued to walk quickly around the chasing devils in the green yarn.

Get down suddenly.Arching his body, he quickly pressed a row of bullets into the rifle.

Slowly pull the bolt, pushing the cartridge into the chamber as silently as possible.

The devil who was bombed by a grenade unexpectedly did not shoot back at himself.

There is no grenade thrown for small-scale coverage.

He didn't even mean to shoot.

Don't let go!
See the hell!

Zhang Xiaodao was a little confused, is this still a kid?
He didn't understand, the devils were behind him, but they didn't fight back.

This is unscientific, unless the person following behind is not a devil!
This. Absolutely impossible!
The chasing devil was speechless.

After chasing the two and eight roads for a long time, trying to find the headquarters of the eight roads, they accidentally found a group of eight roads coming out of the imperial army's security area.

Originally, two groups of three were sent to deal with the two or eight people who escaped ahead.

The rest of the devils were holding their rifles and grenades, preparing for battle.

I plan to wipe out the group of Eighth Route who came out of the defense zone!

Unexpectedly, the two Tubalu who escaped would dare to attack a small squad of imperial troops first!

This world has not changed, okay?
The Second Lieutenant Guizi, who didn't know the casualties of his subordinates for the time being, gritted his teeth: "Damn Balu, they are all mad dogs!"

(End of this chapter)

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