under fire

Chapter 1498 you chase me chase

Chapter 1498 you chase me chase
Zhang Xiaodao was keenly aware that the signal flares that appeared in the north earlier meant that Battalion Commander Hu should be leading the team to attack the devils at this time.

There were no loud shouts of shouting and killing all over the mountains and plains, sparse and sporadic shooting, and even less noise than the Lunan guerrilla detachment attacking devils and ambush.

But the gunfire also proved that his speculation should be correct.

Launch an attack on the devils!It's exciting to think about it.

Eight-way ambushes and attacks on devils are often done, but attacks on devils are rare.

From the beginning of attacking the devil's car with the red instructor on the highway, the fighting seems to have never stopped.

The guard battalion swept across the plain, and the puppet troops guarding the gun tower could take it down almost without firing a gun.

Bandits in those places will be suppressed as soon as they are said.

And the devils, who are well-equipped and ridiculously powerful, will do what they say.

Follow such a team, have fun!

Maybe it was because he was using a [-] rifle, so the devil didn't fire back at him.

He didn't throw a grenade at himself either.

Zhang Xiaodao absolutely does not believe that devils are so stupid as to think that he is with them
Growing up in the green gauze tent, it is not the first time that the big girl and daughter-in-law who bumped into her met a man secretly in the depths of the green gauze tent.

Bai Huahua...uh...wrong thinking, the devil was clearly chasing him, and he took a grenade and five bullets, but the devil didn't fight back, which meant that the devil needed to keep silent at this time.

That means that behind or on the flanks of the devils, the Eighth Route Army appeared!

Since the devils don't do anything, don't blame your Uncle Zhang for being rude.
After reloading the bullet into the gun, he took out a grenade and threw it in the direction of the devil again.

He trusted his intuition, raised his gun and aimed at the darkness of the green veil, waiting for the flash after the grenade exploded.

The flash will illuminate the figure of the devil hiding in the green gauze tent.

Instructor Liu said that grass had grown on most of the graves of those who dared to attack the devils on the frontal battlefield.

Therefore, he chose to return a place with a black gun.
The green gauze account has a vast area.

The two sides invested two to three thousand troops and scattered them into the green gauze tent. Up to now, the two sides have not yet collided face to face on a large scale.


Eighth-way devils and puppet troops were mixed in the green gauze tent.

The scene is complicated, and the positions of each department are constantly changing.

Crazy Yang lay on the ground and raised his head slightly, raising his rifle to guard south.

Suddenly there were two grenade explosions ahead, followed by a [-]-cap rifle firing.

Listening to the sound of ten bullets fired, almost no two were fired in the same position.

In other words, every time that person shoots a shot, he will become a shooting position.

That guy is good at using a rifle, although he can't compare to the big dog and the girl next to him.

But it can almost match the shooting speed of a small knife
The green gauze tents are really dense, knowing that the devil is right in front of him, but he can't even see a hair of the devil.

What surprised him even more was that Po Tianmang didn't fire back after the devil "threw two grenades".

Looking at the outflanking big dog carrying a pistol, carrying a rifle and running fast, the devils facing the south seem to have encountered the guard post of the brother army hidden in the green gauze tent.Looking back, he muttered in a daze: "It's really like a dog..."

Further north.

A large number of puppet troops with guns gathered around the puppet regiment leader.

It seems that they are all waiting for the order from the false leader, and they need to get instructions from the leader every time they take a step
Just now he was still rejoicing that the lineup of his subordinates remained stable, but now the pseudo-head is on fire in his heart.

The expression on his face was full of disappointment. It was okay for his subordinates who had trained so hard to walk in a team.

He didn't expect to be this kind of guy on the battlefield.

Countless orders didn't work, and the subordinates still panicked and stopped. The puppet regiment couldn't help playing the emotional card with a sad face: "Brothers, listen to me and rush."

Puppet soldiers huddled together, look at me, I look at you, but no one moves.

"The devils from behind will rush over soon, and their guns don't know if we are the Imperial Association Army!" Li Laosan, who was mixed in with the puppet army, began to boo.

The puppet soldiers who dared to vote for the devils and didn't even want their ancestors, how could Li Laosan be able to threaten them with a few words.

What's more, there are a few spies in the team who are deliberately spreading rumors that whoever rushes to the front will die first.

The Ninth Battalion Mobile Stretcher Headquarters moved southward in roughly coordination with the puppet army.

Luo Fugui personally carried the back of the stretcher, and behind his tall and thick body, followed a girl with her head wrapped in a black cloth and only her eyes exposed.

"Hey, I said girl, you are so strict with your cover, are you not afraid of realizing a rash on your neck?"

Xiao Hongying's tone was sharp: "It's better than being cut in the face by a sorghum leaf."

A soldier squeezed through the crowd facing south and came to Hu Yi's stretcher: "Report to the battalion commander, there is a problem with the puppet army, and they have stopped moving forward."

Hu Yi is quite different from many Eighth Route commanders.

If other commanders capture so many puppet troops, the first step must be to disarm them first.
If the opponent of the captive was a certain anti-Japanese guerrilla unit, they would also disarm immediately when encountering a hot-tempered commander.

If it is a commander with a relatively high level of consciousness, he will probably issue an IOU
Regardless of the category, disarming the opponent is a must and the first thing to do.

Seeing that Hu Yi was silent and silent, Liu Yuanqing who was next to him immediately took up the conversation: "Mule, immediately assemble a squad of soldiers with [-] big caps for me, and prepare a crooked fifth squad leader for me, and quickly take me to the puppet army Later, let's curse a few times, and then fire a few shots to give these cowardly puppet soldiers a fire to strengthen their courage."

Xiao Hongying stood beside Hu Yi's stretcher, she did not expect Liu Yuanqing to react so quickly.

Quickly asked Hu Yi on the stretcher: "Why didn't you talk just now?"

"I haven't figured out what to do."

"Yuan Qing seems to be planning to pretend to be a devil to put pressure on the puppet army. What should we do now?" Liu said.
"What else can I do? Hurry up and send someone to cover him. Don't let the devils behind hear the gunshots from Sanba Dagai and rush forward thinking that this is the devil's territory."

The vanguard of the devils advancing south quickly found the Eighth Route Headquarters dug out of the green gauze tent.

The first lieutenant who got the news carefully looked at the sand table in front of him by the light from the flashlights held by his subordinates.

He absolutely did not believe that Balu would forget to destroy the sand table while running away.

Eight Routes left the sand table in the headquarters they abandoned. Obviously, it must be a trap.

After looking carefully, I couldn't help but gasp!

The terrain of the plain is simple, just a solitary gun tower!
The open sand table around the turret was flattened.

The loosened soil in the distance should refer to the green gauze tent.

The sand table is not very complicated, and it is clear at a glance.

The lieutenant's face became serious.

Because, he found that the distribution and layout of the imperial army made of sorghum poles on the sand table were almost exactly the same as what he knew!
Balu knew the movements of the imperial army like the back of his hand.


Could it be that traitors were mixed into the imperial army?
The lieutenant who went into the battlefield immediately without any rest time was very calm.

Before he discovered the Eighth Route Headquarters, he didn't even look down on those earthy Eighth Routes!

After watching this sand table, his scalp started to tingle!
Colleagues once said how terrible the Eight Roads are, but before, he didn't think so at all!
It suddenly occurred to me that last year's raid on the Eighth Route headquarters, those desperate Eighth Routes chose to jump off the cliff in order not to be prisoners.

Although there is no necessary connection between the two.

But the lieutenant completely put down his vigilance.

Instruct the whole team to slow down the advance speed, and must maintain the formation, so as not to give eight opportunities!
(End of this chapter)

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