under fire

Chapter 1500 The Empty Qinghe County

A crescent moon hangs high in the desolate sky.

It is located in Qinghe County by the canal at the junction of Hebei and Shandong.

The county town, which was once prosperous because of the canal, looked deserted in the darkness under the moonlight.

The searchlights on the city tower swayed on the bank of the moat outside the county seat from time to time.

On the edge of the suspension bridge, there are still traces of the waterline left by the soaring water level of the moat two days ago.

A group of puppet troops patrolling the city wall were leaning on the arrow stacks outside the city gate and whispering, occasionally looking south with their heads.

The city gate at the foot of the puppet army was closed tightly, and notices were pasted on both sides of the city gate hole.

A few unglued anthology orders fluttered in the night wind, and the face portraits on the yellow paper had long since faded.

One of them stated that in order to maintain order, the government decided to demolish the houses that had obviously been burned outside the Nancheng Gate, and restricted the owners of the houses to move out within half a month.

The owner's private house has long since disappeared, and the posthumous posthumous posthumous title is in the darkness shrouded in moonlight, a dilapidated scene.

Suddenly one or two dogs barking came from the city, followed by a series of unwilling dogs barking in the dark.

As time went by, the dog barking gradually disappeared, and the county returned to calm.

Not long after, a dog somewhere in the city couldn't help but yelled again, and then, the group of dogs barked one after another again.

Late at night, the county seat is still not peaceful.

After receiving the order from his superiors, Captain Cheng led the team to sneak for more than [-] miles after dark.

Arrive at a village about three miles west of Qinghe County.

The uniforms of the autonomous army were not much different from those of the puppet army. Marching among the green gauze tents in the enemy-occupied area did not attract too much attention from the investigative teams scattered in the countryside.

There is no way to pay attention, the sharp soldiers arranged in advance by Captain Cheng have already blocked the way into the city, and whoever dares to run towards the county at this time is a spy who informs the devils.
Su Qing sat beside a millstone in a yard with no roof.

He took off the leggings and rubbed his calf, which was about to lose consciousness, and looked up at the southern sky from time to time.

From time to time, there are subtle rumbles in the sky from far away.

There were quite a few soldiers in the yard who turned their heads to look south like her.

Wang Xiaosan began to look for a place to dig a stove. He planned to cook porridge. In the dark, the light from the fire escaped, so he couldn't directly start a fire in the villager's unroofed stove house.

Leader Cheng is instructing the soldiers to set up tents in the yard. They need to read the map, and they can't do without a tent to shade them.

Time passed by minute by minute.
Su Qing leaned against the female guerrilla captain Pei to clean it up, spread a marching blanket and pressed it against the base of the wall with sorghum leaves, she was so tired that she couldn't sit still, she lay down on her side slowly against the wall, and her thoughts gradually became confused.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the courtyard.

The two shadows followed the sentinel and quickly came to the yard where the soldiers were sleeping all over the place.

Cheng Haibo in the tent heard footsteps, and hurried out of the tent, saw that the person coming was the traffic officer of Hejian Village, Qinghe County, stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Daddy Zhao, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Father Zhao is over forty years old.

"Have you eaten yet?" Cheng Haibo smiled on his tired face, "Guard, hurry up and get something to eat."

"We'll talk about the meal later." Father Zhao introduced the two people behind him: "Xiao Cheng, this is Captain Zhang Dagui of the Third Division Armed Work Team. This is the team leader Qiu Dafu."

"Hello, Captain Cheng!" The young captain Dagui saluted first, and then stretched out his hand: "The chief is leading the team behind, and will arrive in about half an hour."

Seeing Su Qing coming out from the darkness at the base of the wall, Cheng Haibo hurriedly introduced him to several people.

Soon, a circle of people surrounded the headquarters map from a group of tents.

"We have a radio station, and we can get in touch with your guard battalion at any time!" Captain Zhang cut straight to the point: "Our superiors have entrusted us with a glorious task, to liberate Qinghe County tonight!"

Cheng Haibo was a little embarrassed, and subconsciously glanced at Su Qing.

Su Qing knew that the radio station needed a code book, otherwise it would be useless to hold it in hand.

Depending on the situation, the 23rd regiment should be able to contact him.
She knows the word liberation, but few people use it.

Next, Captain Zhang began to announce the chief's order
Su Qing was a little dumbfounded, and suddenly there was a picture of a girl with two braids on her head with eyebrows and eyes raised.

They just attacked Chengwu County, and now the head of the third division will also attack the county, if she is not in the middle.
Some people in the village harbored ulterior motives and wanted to go to the county town to report a letter to Taijun.

But dare not go out.

Those teams who started cleaning the house and sweeping the floor as soon as they entered the village knew without thinking that they were from the Eighth Route.
Before dark, the imperial army and the imperial association army went out of the city in large numbers, and the rumors naturally spread to the outside of the village: the eight roads surrounded the imperial army.

Nowadays, a large number of Eight Routes have come to the outside of the county seat. Is this the rhythm of the sky changing?
Wu Jiguo, the richest man in the village, was in a hurry.

There was a room full of people sitting in the main room, but no lights were lit.

No one spoke, the young master is the head of the Imperial Association Army in the county.

On weekdays, he was pretty good to the folks, but under the persecution of the imperial army, he occasionally had to do something against his conscience.

Last night, my son led the team southward, but he has not received any news until now.

Now that the eight roads appear here, is it possible that the backing of my family will collapse?

Master Wu was in a nervous mood, the Wu family kept a low profile on weekdays, and the whole family didn't even live in the county town.
The main reason is that the little devil is too bad. If he lives in a county, no one can guarantee that his wife will not be ruined by the little devil.

Master Wu whispered to his youngest son and daughter-in-law who were also unable to sleep: "Take our grandchildren and go down to the cellar to hide!"

"Father, there was a flood a few days ago, and the cellar was flooded. There is no way to hide people."

Bang Bang Bang, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly knocked down.

Mr. Wu quickly came out of the main room. There were more than a dozen guards in the courtyard holding short guns, hiding behind the big trees on the flower terrace in the courtyard, and all their guns were pointed at the slammed gate.

"Mr. Wu, please open the door, I am Zhang Dagui!"

Hearing the voice of the outsiders seemed to be very happy, Wu Jiguo didn't dare to open the door, and hurriedly yelled: "So it's Captain Zhang, I don't know what's the point of visiting late at night."

"Open the door first, I have something important to tell you"

"It's dark, the house is full of old and weak women and children, can we talk about it after dawn?"

"Hehe, you don't have to worry, our Eighth Route Army doesn't take the masses with a needle."

It’s true that he didn’t take a needle and thread, and he just issued IOUs all day long. Wu Jiguo complained in his heart: “If you are short of food, and you still have some at home, how about I have someone send it to you from the wall?”

"I know what you're worried about, but don't worry, we're going to liberate Qinghe County tonight! I'm really disturbing you by coming so late. If you have concerns, please come out and discuss important matters!" [As for the word "liberation" , have been using it for a long time]

It's okay to guard against bandits in your own high-walled compound.

Now that the Eighth Route Army has already crowded the village, if you don't listen to him, it won't be a problem at all to take down your own yard with the Eighth Route Army's ruthlessness.

Fortunately, the other party spoke politely, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

What does liberate mean?Maybe Balu was defeated by his son, maybe some people were arrested by his own son, maybe he wanted to say something nice in front of his son and let him go?

Thinking of this, he asked the long-term worker in the family to open the door a crack.

The two seemed to have an argument in the dark. After a while, Wu Jiguo returned to the house, lifted the big green brick in the wing room, pulled out a heavy box from under the brick, greeted the two guards, and went out.

During the whole process, I didn't say a word to the whole family in the house.

After half an hour.

A group of people dressed as nurses appeared at the south gate of the county seat.

The puppet army on the gate tower immediately shouted: "Who is it!"

"It's me, Wu Jiguo, open the door quickly."

"Oh, is the regiment leader's father opening the door or not?" A puppet soldier asked the pseudo-squad leader next to him with some embarrassment.

"Hehe, the leader's father came over in the middle of the night, you kid still want to be a model gatekeeper for the Taijun?"

"Hey, it's against the rules to open the city gate in the middle of the night, but if you open it a little, nothing will happen."

"Keep your voice down, don't let the prince who is asleep in the tower hear it"

During the Anti-Japanese War, there were many troops called the People's Liberation Army!Later, in order not to irritate Lao Jiang, the headquarters ordered the teams not to take this name...

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