under fire

Chapter 1501 Top Secret Documents

Cao Shangfei was detained by traitors from two detective teams.

Walk into the underground cell of the An County Police Force.

The dungeon was deep and cold, and a stale smell directly penetrated into the nostrils.

The more you walk in, the more eerie it feels.

At the end of the corner, the dim light from the light bulb stretched out the shadows of several people.

Suddenly someone opened the door, and she was sent to a cell similar to an interrogation room.

The rusty iron bars on the glass window at the door of the room are embedded in the damp wall, and the light in the room seems to be covered with a layer of moisture.

There is a five-drawer desk in the middle of the room, and a lamp and a telephone are placed on the brown table.

Behind the table is a chair with a backrest, a set of wooden sofas is placed on the side, and a stove in the corner is emitting blue flames.

There is a wooden stake standing against the wall, and a thick crossbar for the calf is placed on the position higher than the person, which is obviously a frame.

A gutter in the corner is covered with stone slabs, and above the stone slabs hang a row of instruments of torture on the wall.

As the person being interrogated, Cao Shangfei was not tied to the rack by the dog traitor in the first place.

He was pushed on the torture bench opposite the interrogation table by two traitors, and there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor behind.

Then Cao Shangfei was pressed to sit on the torture bench, and his hands were fixed in the iron rings of the armrests.

A man in long gown and black staggered into the interrogation room, stretched out his hairy hand and turned the lamp on the desk in the same direction, reflecting the light on the grass and flying his face.

Cao Shangfei recognized the blue-faced man opposite him, whose body had been emptied by alcohol, to be the big traitor Xu Jinsen.

Grinning his mouth, he took a breath of the chaotic air, and cursed in a provocative tone: "I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Xu Jinsen looked disdainful: "Hehe, you bastard who eats inside and out, you don't do anything I ask you to do, and you dare to hang out with the eight-way guy who killed your elder brother. Tell me, according to the rules of the road, yes Unfaithful guy, should I give you a three-knife six-hole or light a sky lantern?"

"Don't forget you still have Chinese blood in your bones"

Xu Jinsen curled his lips, "Hehe, death is imminent, and a duplicitous person like you deserves to talk about your integrity in front of me?"

Cao Shangfei shook his head: "The password book. You can't get it, and even if you get it, it's useless."

"It's not important whether you can get it, but the important attitude, attitude, do you understand?"

"A bastard who sells his ancestors and begs for glory and kills a thousand knives. If you want a password book, stop daydreaming."

"Hehe, you're still stubborn when you're about to die." Xu Jinsen stretched out his hand and patted Fei on the grass. After dying."

"Hey, I'm reincarnated after 18 years, and I'm a good guy again."

"You're a deadhead, so what's the point of having a last meal and not having a second meal? Besides, even if you don't pursue the matter of shooting their people, do you think they can still trust you?"

"Licking blood on the edge of a knife, I don't want anyone to trust me, I just need to be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth"

"No heir is unfilial, you have been disloyal and unrighteous, don't fight all the way."

Cao Shangfei's heart twitched violently: "I just want to make amends, if you still miss the old friendship, give me a happy time."

"Brother, you are still young, and now is the best time of your life, don't be willful."

"Don't tell me such nonsense!"

Xu Jinsen raised his finger and pointed to the blood-stained molds in the torture room: "Cao, you should know that no matter how good a man is, he has to bow his head when he comes to my acre!"

"I'm not a coward, you don't need to threaten me with those unspeakable things!"

"I think I've known each other in the past, so I can persuade you with words"

"You traitor, don't worry about it"

Xu Jinsen's tone became gloomy: "I lent you the location of the ancestral hall to your eldest brother, Ma Dabangzi. You can't even beat Tubalu. Now you dare to wear a pair of pants with Balu and eat the inside and outside. Don't blame me for not being sympathetic. Well, let him taste the chili water first..."

"Hehe, I frowned on these unscrupulous methods, and my surname is Xu!" Cao Shangfei's face remained unchanged, and he sneered.

Afterwards, the traitors of the two detective teams, who heard Xu Jinsen's yelling, stepped forward to hang Feilian on the grass with a stool and hung them on the torture rack.

Xu Jinsen knew that this guy was very skilled, so he had to prevent him from taking the opportunity to escape and hurt himself.

Xu Jinsen reached out and took off the chrome iron hanging on the wall and inserted it into the stove.

Two bare-chested puppet soldiers poured chili water into a jar that resembled a small-mouth jug.

Immediately, the interrogation room was filled with a somewhat choking chili smell.

Xu Jinsen came to Cao Shangfei with an iron chain around his neck: "Last chance!"

"You're a fucking bitch."

"Hehe, Commander Wang Jun secretly colluded with eight groups. The imperial army has heard about it for a long time. This time, with real evidence, you think that in An County, he can stretch his arms so long. Let me tell you, even Jesus can't protect you!" [In the late Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered Beiping, and there were so many missionaries in the Central Plains]

"What is Commander Wang, I don't have the luck to know him yet." Cao Shangfei said with a calm expression, "When I decided to work with Balu, I put death aside, and use whatever means I can!"

Xu Jinsen waved his hand.

The two traitors immediately stepped forward, one gagged his mouth with a towel, and the other stood on a stool and wrapped his neck around the grass.

The one who gagged picked up the pot containing the chili water, aimed the spout at the nostrils of the grass, and then lifted it up, and poured the chili water into the nasal cavity along the spout, and poured it down the throat
Flying on the grass, his nose was torn by the spout, and the burning pain from his lungs, throat, and nasal cavity was unbearable.
Coughing and struggling desperately, he didn't expect this chili water to be so fucking terrible
I finally understand what it means to feel that life is worse than death.
The cell is not far away.

In a meeting room on the second floor that was completely covered by curtains.

A dozen devils are having a meeting.

The horse-faced devil sitting on the top is a major in terms of military rank!
Maeda, Major of the An County Gendarmerie, sat on the side.

Sitting next to a major with the same military rank as a major, it shows that the status of this person is higher than that of Maeda.

The assistant next to the horse-faced Major had gloomy eyes, and after inspecting left and right, he emphasized: "No one is allowed to take notes of this meeting and not mention it to anyone other than this meeting."

However, the horse-faced Shao Zuo waved his hand with a smile: "Masters, don't be too serious, just follow the normal process."
The assistant then pushed a document to Maeda who was closest to him: "Please pass it on!"

Without a sound, Liu Caixia climbed up the fence of the county police force.

Cao Shangfei, who sent the code book, was accidentally arrested.

This time, he had to be rescued.

She couldn't figure out why she sent this enemy who was once stained with Director Zhang's blood to send the code book to the Ninth Battalion.

If there is an accident with one set of passwords, you can change a new password at any time.

On the surface it doesn't seem like much.

But getting troops to implement the new codes will take time.

If my guess is right, the Eighth Route Army should be planning a very big plan.

Inside the police fence.

Li Weiwei was standing in the darkness behind the glass window of the office on the second floor, staring at the movement in the yard carefully.

He murmured in his heart that Balu was so full that he had to sneak into the county police prison to save people.

Xu Jinsen didn't know what was wrong, so he had to send the captured criminal to the county police.

Saving people from the county police dungeon, Kui Balu can also think of it.

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