under fire

Chapter 1503

Wang Xiaosan's expression was very tense, more resolute.

I beg Buddha and worship God in my heart, please Taishang Laojun, please be as urgent as a law, and make sure not to make any noise, and bless myself and the soldiers to kill those devils and puppet soldiers on the city wall quietly!

He was wearing the devil's military uniform in his backpack.

A bastard box hangs in front of his body, but behind him is a nondescript [-] big cover.

There is a bayonet hanging from his waist, and a roll of hemp rope.

Raising his hand towards the soldier dressed as a puppet army behind him, he took the lead in walking along the corridor of the city wall to the city gate building.

There are eleven in a standard class, and they go up the city wall without hesitation.

His task this time is to kill the devils and puppet soldiers on the south wall.

The battalion commander said that facing the enemy must be bold and cautious
The puppet soldiers are soft bones, and it is not easy to vent their anger when they see the yellow dog skin of the devil.

The lights on the city tower shone outside the city, and the puppet army who was looking into the city was shocked when he saw the head of an imperial army suddenly appearing in the corridor next to the city wall.

Reflexively stood at attention and saluted: "Hello Taijun!"

Taijun checked at night, he had already forgotten all about the people brought by Old Master Wu before and after they entered the city gate.

The puppet soldiers who had gathered together to take a nap and brag heard the flattering voice next to them.

One after another got up from the ground, the first action was not to raise their guns to guard, but to arrange their equipment and stand at attention.
Follow the queue.
Wang Xiaosan pressed the button of the Nanfang pistol holster with one hand, and pulled the rifle belt habitually with the other hand.

Seeing him appearing, the puppet soldiers stood quite neatly, as if they were welcoming him to review.
The puppet army leaning against the inner battlements was the first to realize that something was wrong. This one in front of you, isn't walking like an arrogant walking posture that the six relatives of the imperial army don't recognize?

Taijun with a pistol on his waist. He will never carry a rifle!
Moreover, the imperial army patrols with rifles on their backs. The muzzles are rarely without bayonets!

It is said that because the imperial soldiers were short, they had to mount bayonets to increase their height to enhance their majesty.
Moreover, the one in front of him is okay, the first disciplinary button under the Taijun's neck behind him is loose, where did this Taijun come from?
In fact, this puppet soldier was quite discerning. He first discovered that there was something wrong with Mrs. Wu, and then he discovered that the number of imperial troops appearing in a row is not far from the number that disappeared before.

Taking a sharp breath, the faint smell of blood in the air was all too familiar.

If he doesn't know what's wrong now, all the experience accumulated in kidnapping, extortion and mopping up all these years will be mixed with the dog.

Most of these people who appeared were eight-way.

There are eleven puppet troops in each squad on the tower, and now the strength of the two sides is exactly the same.

As long as a puppet soldier opens his mouth and yells, the brothers who are patrolling on the tower nearby will come to reinforce them, as long as the gun is fired.

The brothers in the city will also quickly come to reinforce them, and none of these Eight Routes who sneaked into the city tower will survive!
The pseudo-squad leader didn't speak, because he was standing in the first position, almost face to face with the Taijun who had already come in front of him.

If you pick up the rifle yourself, and the opponent presses the right hand on the holster, the speed of drawing the gun must be much faster than yourself.

Borrowing the floodlight of the searchlights shining outwards, one can clearly see the faces of the puppet soldiers who are dressed just like the detective team and put their hands on the holsters of the puppet army behind the leading prince.
There are so many people, but not a single brother I know!
The pseudo-squad leader's hair stood on end, his whole body was stiff, and he had no intention of resisting at all!
Even, he was very worried that his brothers would move around.

As long as there is a change, more than a dozen brothers, including myself, will all die.

"Baye, please spare me!" The pseudo-squad leader finally plucked up the courage to mutter in a low voice, not daring to speak too loudly.

If the one in front of you is really the Taijun, he probably can't understand his own dialect
Wang Xiaosan stopped, but the soldiers beside him were still walking forward, hurriedly, almost face to face with the puppet soldiers, all the people facing the outside of the city took out their shell guns
With a pistol on their foreheads, the puppet soldiers who begged for mercy knelt down and begged for mercy.
"Don't move"

"Baye please forgive me." "I have an eighty-year-old mother"

"Don't make a sound, Master Ba is doing business, whoever dares to yell will kill him!"

"Don't talk too long and yell and try!"

The low yelling immediately turned the scene into a buzz.

With the window open and the door half-closed, a voice shouted in a strange tone: "Baga, be quiet!"

Taiqun's eight-quack sound, which was sleeping in the room, worked, making the originally buzzing city gates and buildings immediately silent.

Maybe it was because of the loud commotion, or maybe there was bloody smell wafting from the city gate to the county town.

An excited dog pricked up his ears and hesitated for a while, and finally raised his head to the sky: "Wow, woof, woof!"

The barking of the dog was very horrific.

It quickly attracted the approval of the nearby dogs, and then, all the dogs in the city seemed to bark like they heard some news.
Both humans and dogs are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood.

Rumor has it that dogs can smell death!

If we only talk about the training process and look at the results, take the severity of the requirements of the Imperial Army instructors when training the Imperial Association Army.

The puppet army on the tower is definitely more powerful than the Eight Route Army in front of it!

Even if a shell gun is held against the forehead, desperate resistance may still be able to pull back!
It's not difficult to hold each other down the city wall before dying, and it's not difficult for everyone to be smashed into meat!
However, people are herd animals, and in many cases, bravery is related to the environment.

When a puppet soldier who was afraid of death raised his hand first, the other puppet soldiers who saw it quickly followed suit.

The puppet soldiers in front of them are all raising their hands obediently.

For disarming, the Ninth Battalion has trained individually.

Half of the soldiers at intervals held guns on guard, while the other half stepped forward and disarmed.

The follow-up action after handing in the gun is very simple, hugging the head against the wall and kneeling on the ground.
Wang Xiaosan, whose heart was about to jump out of his throat, ordered in a trembling voice: "Kill the searchlight on the roof, kill the devils in the gate, and immediately send a signal to the outside of the city."

Two warriors enter the gatehouse, and two warriors go to the top of the gatehouse.

Followed by a soldier who took off his military uniform, covered the searchlight, and went back and forth three times
No way, turning off the searchlight is a technical job.
Soldiers who deal with stove pots and pans on weekdays really don't know how to handle them.
The soldier whose hands were blistered by the scalding searchlight swears in his heart that he must learn more in the future.
Many people in the Ninth Battalion know how to drive motorcycles and ride bicycles, especially Li Xianglian. Every time he is studying, he is tinkering with a disc made of wooden sticks, calling it a steering wheel.
I yell all day long about clutch, accelerator, brake, left half circle and right circle.
There was a short scream from the gate building, and then there was no movement.

The brother in charge of the searchlight was escorted down the gate tower, crowded together with more than a dozen puppet soldiers kneeling on the city wall, staring blankly.

Trembling and thinking about it, but no one dared to speak.

Wang Xiaosan raised the Nanfang pistol tightly in his hand, and then turned his head to look at the puppet patrol team coming from the east: "Hey, I don't need to teach you how to deal with them?"

"Don't worry, Ba Ye, I promise there won't be any mistakes." The false squad leader didn't catch his breath, and coughed twice.

Although he may be killed by the Taijun afterwards if he surrenders before the battle, it is better than being killed now.

It's better to die than to live, and one more day to live is one day, not to mention, there is a Zhang Huixin Anti-Japanese War certificate at the bottom of the box at home.
I regret not taking it with me
In common cognition, the counties occupied by the devils will be absolutely controlled by the traitors and puppet troops dominated by the devils.

In fact, the three teachings and nine streams that have taken root in the county town for thousands of years, how can a little devil be able to eliminate them in a few years?
Qinghe Ge Family Taiji Grandmaster studied under Mr. Li Da, the younger generation, capable people come forth in large numbers

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