under fire

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504
This summer in the Central Plains is not peaceful.

Operating under the dim moonlight in the green gauze tent, the biggest problem is that they cannot keep in touch with each other.

It is impossible to know the specific location of Akatsuki's enemy, and the opponent may not even know it when he touches it under his nose.

As long as you don't take the initiative to seek an attack, you are basically invincible.

None of the soldiers cared about how many devils died, they cared about how to make the next devil they met die by their own hands.

Xiong Erlang's devils have been focusing on maintaining law and order in the past few years, and they almost always chase the anti-Japanese elements around in their daily sweeps.

There is basically nothing to do in the barracks except for routine training.

There are not many casualties without fighting, so that it is difficult for the four captains of the division and regiment to get a chance to be promoted.

The army is like this, one radish and one pit, the captain can't be promoted, and the lieutenant and second lieutenant below can only stand still.

Although they cannot be promoted, they are all vested interests who are stationed in various townships and artillery towers on weekdays.

As long as the food requisition task is completed, there are detective teams in every township and village on weekdays, and the eight roads hide in the mouse hole and dare not open their activities.

There has been no war for many years, and many devils who have made a fortune have been worn down by wine, lust and wealth.

This time, if the gang can be smoothed out, it will last at least half a year. At that time, it will be rated as a model county for law and order, and everyone will receive bonuses together. What a wonderful thing to drink and find women.

However, this time it seems to hit the iron plate.

The reinforcement captain originally thought that the Imperial Association Army would join up with Xiong Erlang, and then he would send his warriors to rush into the green gauze tent. The result would be a perfect repeat of the previous situation of hunting dogs and rabbits chasing the eight-way attack.

After two violent explosions in the south, a regiment of nearly a thousand soldiers suddenly disappeared without a sound.

Don't think about it, these unreliable and fearful guys must have hid in the green gauze tent.

They lost the chain at the critical moment, thanks to the imperial army's efforts to train them!

Judging from the telegram sent by that idiot Xiong Erlang, Tubalu still used the method of throwing grenades and shooting black guns to surround him.

The difference is that this group of Tubalu has a heavy machine gun and more than ten grenade launchers!

He didn't believe it anymore, a warrior with [-] ammunition couldn't defeat those three-shot guns!
As for the Imperial Association Army who dared to flee before the battle, they were all killed!
He heard the explosion of landmines buried everywhere in the green gauze tents hidden by Tuba Road, and the sound of gunfire from seven-nine rifles to black guns everywhere.

The subordinates continued to report, and the number of elite casualties continued to increase.

Since it's impossible to shoot accurately in the dark, use the rain of bullets to clear away the obstacles on the way.

The captain's nose was crooked.

In order to show the absolute strength of the imperial army, all the warriors were ordered to make a forcible assault to the south.

As the bugle sounded like a devil's shit, the devils who entered the green gauze tent began to launch a full-scale attack to the south.

Chug chug. Light and heavy machine guns clamored.

Beep, beep... The trio's rifles rang alternately.

The grenadier soldiers didn't care about the height and orientation parameters at all, and smashed the grenades southward first.

Behind the devil's line, the observer stood on the wooden ladder supported by three devils with a green gauze curtain on his head.

The light of Xingyue was too dim, and a column of smoke and dust rose not far away. As the smoke and dust increased, the vision gradually became blurred.
Within a radius of [-] meters, bullets rained all over the place, and outside the bullets passed by, broken sorghum poles and leaves flew all over the sky.
The warhead with an effective range of nearly a thousand meters slows down rapidly after shredding the blades of the sorghum pole.

It is good luck to be able to fly more than a hundred meters in the dense green gauze tent.

And the lethality plummeted.

A section of ditch perpendicular to the road.

Hearing the bullets whizzing past his head like raindrops, the grenades dropped one after another by the devils.

Although many warheads have no place to hide after continuously breaking sorghum poles.

But still no one would stand in the green gauze tent when the devils were all on fire.

From somewhere in the ditch a steel helmet sprang up occasionally.

There is also a military cap under the helmet.

A hole was cut in the back of the cap.

A finger-wide cloth strip is left under the hole so that the braid can hang behind the head and sway in the wind.

Every time the helmet was exposed, the pair of beautiful big eyes under the military cap did not blink, and the pricked ears carefully discerned the gunshots.
The little pigtail retracted his head and muttered in a low voice: "The distance is estimated to be eighty, I gave the order."

Under the influence of Liu Yuanqing, the words used by the little girl were gradually changing, and the often-talked "estimate" became "estimate".

"No, we have to wait until the heavy machine gun fires from the full warehouse." Hu Yi was lying on a stretcher in the ditch beside her, his tone seemed to be joyful, and the little devil commander who came to reinforce him was angry!

The firepower of the whole battalion was strengthened to Li Xianglian. At this time, the machine gun grenades had already been set up, just waiting for the heavy machine gun to go off.

Observers from several positions occasionally poked their heads and yelled: "Fifty distance." ".Fifty" "Forty distance."

40 meters is the limit position!

If you let the devil pass this position, you can throw a grenade to block it
"Hit!" Mancang leaned back in the ditch, and was arranging the bullet belts. The heavy machine gun has one problem, as long as a machine gun bullet in the canvas belt becomes a dud, it will jam.

It takes several consecutive pulls to troubleshoot, and it happened once before.

The heavy machine gunner, who had waited impatiently for a long time, heard the order from the full warehouse, and braved the rain of bullets from the devils.

Severely pressed the trigger of the Min [-] and [-] heavy machine guns.

Tom tom tom.
Not far to the south of the line of fire of the warriors, suddenly there was a chilling sound of heavy machine guns.

The commanding elites poured out firepower to suppress the commanders at all levels who were pushing forward forcefully, feeling very uncomfortable in their hearts.

The sound of heavy machine guns sounded very awkward amidst the intensive firing of the elites of the imperial army.

"Throwing grenade, destroy the eight-way heavy machine gun!" The voice of the ghost bird came from several places one after another.

Da da da. Da da da.
The stormy sound of machine guns became the clarion call for the beginning of this counterattack where no one could see anyone.

Half an ear was temporarily strengthened to Li Xianglian, and the six light machine guns of the whole company focused on fire.
He has already learned the essence of Captain Xiong's battle, and his top priority is not to stand out on the battlefield.

At this time, more than ten machine gunners were lying in the ditch on the north side.

The light machine gun at the gap in the soil pile in front of him jumped sharply, and the trajectory was not directly pointing north.

Instead, it maintains an included angle similar to [-] degrees, forming a firepower network with the ballistics of the machine gun next to it.

Such a shooting method made it impossible for the devil observers to judge the exact location of the machine gun's firepower point.

Reduces the risk of being picked off by the Devil's grenade.

And the effect of crossing the net is better than directly shooting left and right.

On the ground more than 30 meters to the north, there is a line of landmines buried horizontally.

Even if the devil crawls forward on the ground, there is a high possibility that he will be missing an arm and a head by being blown up by a landmine.

Under the intensive firepower attack, there is no need to worry about the devils daring to forcibly attack the pig.

Hu Yi spent a lot of money this time, and almost all the explosives hands were used to make landmines.

If the devils attack and advance along the gap in the green gauze tent that was previously waded out by the eighth road moving south.

Those sporadic landmines will leave an indelible memory in their lives.

Three extra-large landmines would crush them to pieces, leaving no memory of them.

The fact that Tubalu planted a large landmine in the mountains did not attract the attention of the devils who were arrogant and did not watch the battlefield carefully.

Because, in the eyes of the devil commander, there should be a main force near the headquarters of the Eighth Route in the deep mountains of Taihang!

The Tuba roads on the plain have fought against each other many times, and every time they beat them to pieces.
The devils are different from the puppet army because they are elites.

However, when encountering intensive machine gun fire from opponents, he still subconsciously lay down on the ground trying to find cover.

It is not known whether he fell down after being shot.
When Captain Guizi heard the intensive firepower from the eight routes to the south, his expression was no longer calm, and he was even a little nervous.

That idiot Xiong Erlang did encounter the main force of the Tuba Road!

Currently facing at least thirty light and heavy machine guns!
Proper equipment for an eight-way main team!

In other words, at least one of the main regiments of the Eighth Route was dispatched in full force!

Through the investigation of the spies placed by the Gendarmerie into the Eighth Road, the main force of the Tuba Road is not more than a thousand, and some double or even more!

Now that he meets a strong opponent, if he is nervous, he will never admit it.

Uh... After the tension passed, the captain's face became grim.

Tubalu, you succeeded, you succeeded in arousing the anger of the invincible Imperial Army Captain!

If you meet the strong, you will be strong, and the invincible imperial army will crush everything on its way!
It is not easy to transmit information in the green gauze tent, so that the reinforcement captain has not yet figured out the real situation he is facing now
(End of this chapter)

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