under fire

Chapter 1505

It's been a long time since I encountered such a powerful opponent. A squadron of devils deployed in the green gauze tent on the east side of the road was beaten.

The Tuba Road heavy machine gun in front fired for a while, but unexpectedly there was no movement.

After the light machine gun fired a shuttle, it also misfired collectively.

The commander lieutenant who was lying on the ground was suddenly attacked, and immediately judged that Tubalu was Tubalu, and he must have insufficient ammunition!
What are you waiting for?
Immediately ordered the grenadiers to fight back and call the firepower of the eight-way machine gun, and the firepower of the light and heavy machine guns to counter the suppression... The distance is too short, the mortars are temporarily unusable, the infantry continued to advance under the cover of firepower, and killed those rats!

As the lieutenant's order spread.

Light and heavy machine guns, rifle bullets flying all over the sky, screaming, tearing branches and leaves, hitting the ground with a loud noise...

A series of tracer bullets guiding the direction of attack at night brought slender beams of light, instantly reflecting the green gauze curtain into bright and dark.

The grenade fired from the grenade exploded in the green gauze tent, and the flames and sound waves impacted. As long as one fell into the vicinity of the Eighth Road machine gun position, the Tuba Road machine gun position would immediately collapse.

Amidst the shouts and shouts of many soldiers, the devils lying on the ground jumped up from the ground like chicken blood, screaming and charging forward.

The position of the eighth road has been exposed, and next, it will belong to the killing time of the imperial warriors!
For a moment, the ghost screams in the green gauze tent shook the sky, and it was a spectacular attack scene like a broken sorghum pole...

The devils aggressively attacked the front.

The sandbag bunker position full of heavy machine guns is about one meter above the ground, and the top surface is reinforced.

The inside of the bunker hastily built with ditches is narrow, and the top surface is reinforced with stretchers and sorghum poles!
A beam of flashlights flickered in the small space.

What do you really want? What will come!
The heavy machine gun jammed as expected!
Three or four heads huddled together, trying to troubleshoot the jammed heavy machine gun on the spot.

The ghostly screams of the enemy seemed to be right next to my ears.

Sweating profusely, his left hand was pulling the ammunition chain vigorously, and his right hand was clenched into a fist and slammed into the receiver.

The bomber puffed up his cheeks and blew the dust floating on the chain.

After tossing and tossing for a while, a dud that failed to fire was finally ejected.

Quickly pull out the two bullet positions of the canvas bullet chain, then check the ammunition supply port, then press the spring plate, and give the command again: "Ready to shoot!"

The machine gunner listens to the command of the full warehouse, pulls the gun twice in a row, and then taps the trigger with his thumb...to enter the ready state.

The onboard charge was ordered in the green gauze tent, the commander of the devil is definitely a talent with a clear mind!

The speed of the devils advancing along the gaps squeezed in the green gauze tent by the previous eight-way evacuation was extremely fast!
The devils who had to squeeze through the densely packed sorghum poles to move forward were very slow.

The overall advancement becomes the front and arrow offensive formation.

The group of devils who charged the most smoothly, the leader of the devils held a light machine gun while strafing forward, and in the afterglow of the tracer bullets, they suddenly found a large mound like a grave in front of them...

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed in the middle of the Tui Tui.

Like a sun suddenly appearing in the dark.
The sound of heavy machine gun death thumping thumping spread.

The Czech light machine gun, invisible in the dark, rang out, the Type [-] rifle rang out, and the shell gun rang out.
It is intertwined with the sound of chicken necks, crooked handles, and Tomosaka rifles firing from the devils in the green gauze tent.

The distance between the two sides varies from far to near, and the closest distance between the two sides is less than five meters!

almost face to face
The bullets fired at each other whizzed and arrived instantly, forming strange gusts of wind one after another.

Each Czech style corresponds to a passage squeezed out in advance in the green gauze tent.

In the rustling sound of the bullets raging in the green gauze tent, there was a lot of puffing into the flesh.

Certain devil commanders, full of fear in the storm, croaked and hid themselves.

But it couldn't stop the screams from ringing out one after another.

The screams mixed with the dense gunfire seemed insignificant, but very compelling.

The body of the invincible imperial army seemed to be pierced by bullets again and again.

The entire offensive line is full of tragic scenes of being swept by bullets.

On the fallen body, bullet holes gushed blood continuously.

The panicked devil in the green gauze tent finally got down again.

A few devils who were lucky enough not to be bitten by the bullet lay on the ground and roughly judged the distance of the opponent...it should be about ten meters.

As long as you push forward more than ten meters, you can throw a grenade and blow up those eight roads!

Followed by stabbing Balu's body with a bayonet!
The elevation angle of bombing in the green gauze tent is different from that on the flat ground, so the grenade must be thrown at a higher elevation angle.

Under the support of the perverted warrior spirit, the devils continued to crawl forward against the rain of bullets.

The charge is the road of death.

Advance just over ten meters, leaving behind countless corpses!

The attacking devils began to pick up grenades and drop bombs.

If you look down in the air, you will find that the passages are very strange, they seem to be several fan-shaped, leading to a certain location!
"Flare!" Li Xiang hoarsely yelled at the correspondent, and at the same time: "Withdraw!"

Maybe it was too much movement, the devil who threw the grenade continuously suddenly felt the ground shake under his body.

There was a loud bang...

A blinding light suddenly appeared from the side, and he couldn't tell who was following first.

A gust of wind came, and General Cao flew directly into the air.

At this time, countless shrapnel caught up with his body.

In the air, his body was cut, torn, and pierced. The devil's body has not yet landed, and he has lost consciousness in the violent shaking.

Who said you can't fly without wings?
A little farther away from the explosion point, the shock wave instantly knocked those stumbling bodies to the ground.

After the fall, those who were alive were slightly injured, and those who were unconscious and dead were convulsed.

With the explosion point as the center, the shrapnel tore apart the bodies of countless elites, and the screams finally burst out in pieces...

Immediately afterwards, another ball of flames lit up the night sky...

Hu Yi is used to concentrating firepower at once to beat the devils into confusion.

There was no plan to shoot at the devils at all!
Once the little devil charges forward, his aura is completely unstoppable!

Because devils with Bushido blessings are not afraid of death!

Coupled with the hard training, there is no chance at all in the eight-way bayonet fight!
A team of three devils cooperated skillfully to overthrow fifteen soldiers of the national army. It's no joke!
The capabilities of individual soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are not as good as those of the national army who have undergone formal training...with the exception of the strong men.

The battle in the green gauze tent may not be as grand as the frontal battlefield.

However, when formulating the battle plan, he accepted the suggestion of Liu Yuanqing and the commando captain who was the real owner of this land, and made full use of the devil's eagerness to regain the disadvantaged psychology to set up an ambush position.

The combination of positional warfare and ambush warfare finally achieved the expected results.

Hu Yi didn't hesitate, and directly ordered the signal flares to be fired, and all the people on the east side of the highway turned eastward to separate from the devils...

For Li Xiang, who is hiding in the west of the park, the serial landmines will soon teach the devils a lesson!

As for the puppet army, they have worked for tigers for many years, and they just want to survive if they just surrender. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

Based on his understanding of the devil's mad dog temper, he will never retreat after being beaten, and the commander will definitely continue to order a fierce attack after he becomes angry!
If the puppet soldiers want to survive, they must rely on themselves!

Sweeping southwards, you will have a chance of escaping from the devils scattered on the east side of the road!
Surrender will not work!
Devils are not kind, and the end of double-faced swords must be buried alive!
Wu Shu, the head of the puppet regiment, heard and saw such a big battle with his own eyes, and his puppet soldiers lay on the ground.

She never expected that the Tu... Eighth Master, whom I always underestimated, would be so powerful.

Fortunately, there was no resistance before...

In the south, there were devils who entered the green gauze tent from the highway before, and then some devils pressed on!

At this time, the puppet soldiers were like ants on a hot pot, in a dilemma.

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