under fire

Chapter 1506

Bullets whistling above his head, Li Laosan and the pseudo-regiment leader were lying in the ditch of Gaoliang, feeling very different.

Seeing that the puppet soldiers were as frightened as birds and cowardly as quails, he quickly shook the pistol in his hand to cheer up the puppet commander: "Little devil dares to enter the green gauze tent, hehe, you are so brave, the Taoist master will bring you a windfall today! "

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you, the imperial army's marksmanship is as good as gods, so be careful if you can't eat it." The false regiment leader was really cowardly, and he was forced to betray him just now.

The fear of devils comes from the bottom of his bones, and it is impossible to change in a short while.

To say that he immediately turned his guns to fight the invincible imperial army, he is not so bold.

Now when he heard that he was going to fight the imperial army, he almost cried.

"You're afraid of a fart. People are dead and birds are in the sky. You are now for justice. Even if you enter the path of reincarnation, you will be cast into a good family."

"I said that you don't have back pain when you stand and talk. There are devils who enter the green gauze tent from the highway to block the way, and then there are devils who press down like ghosts."

Li Laosan curled his lips and warned: "You have to think clearly, if you surrender to the devils now, you will definitely not succeed. With the temper of the little devils, you will definitely be buried alive by them in the end!"

The false regiment leader is actually very clear that even if he surrenders again, the devil will never give him a chance to live again!

From time to time, some subordinates crawled over and reported that those devils who had not been attacked by eight-way machine gun mines were still advancing.

The ghost is advancing very fast, if you don't leave, everyone will die.

Seeing that the puppet regiment leader was in a dilemma, his adjutant finally plucked up the courage to persuade him in a low voice: "The imperial army has suffered such a defeat, and they will definitely retaliate. You and I will die if we go back! We... have no choice but to listen to Mr. Li Daoye."

The false regiment leader turned his head and yelled at Li Laosan: "My surname is Li, you dug a hole on purpose, you are deceiving people too much..."

"There is no turning back when you open the bow. You have followed the devils to sweep us for many years. Think about it in another place. If you were you, you could easily let us go?" After all, the other party was the head of the regiment, and Li Laosan obviously lacked confidence in speaking.

"You guys are going to kill me this time."

"If you don't accept the vote, why do you think we should trust you..." Li Laosan said truthfully: "If it weren't for the sake of the villagers, our chief is soft-hearted, and those few landmines were the ones that exploded you!"

The adjutant shook his head and murmured in his heart, besides following the eighth road to the east, no matter which way you go, it is a dead end...

Thinking that the Eight Routes made him attack south, naturally it was to cut off his back.

If you vote for devils, the head of the group will die, but you may not be sure.
However, the leader is dead, what face does he have to live?

The adjutant's mind turned quickly, and after a few seconds of silence, he analyzed to the false regiment leader again in an inaudible voice: "Xiong Erying's troops were attacked and surrounded by Li Daoye and the others for two days, and they asked for reinforcements only when the number of staff was seriously reduced. I think the current situation is not good. there is a way"

"What time is it, fart as soon as possible."

"The imperial army in the south dispersed to prevent the Eight Routes from escaping south, and took a defensive position. We can concentrate our forces to the south, and we can form a local advantage. No matter how good his little devil's marksmanship is in the dark, it is useless. In my opinion, the Eight Routes will let us Xiangnan may not have given us a chance!"

The puppet regiment lowered its voice: "That's right, we used to encircle the eight roads, several times more people than them, and the earth eight roads can concentrate their forces to attack one place and break through the encirclement."

The adjutant reminded: "Do you still remember that the devils planted eyeliners in our team to monitor us?"

"Hehe, a few self-righteous rotten eels, I'll arrange to crush him to death in a while, trying to make waves with us, he's daydreaming!"

on the road.

The devils who were shrouded in poisonous gas coughed into pieces. At first, they were very excited when they heard that the friendly forces in the north were rarely blowing the charge horn, and they were full of firepower and pressed forward.

It never occurred to me at all that the invincible warriors would be no match for the mice hiding in the green gauze tent and ambushing themselves.

The huge flashes and explosions of the first two regiments were still subconsciously understood as the powerful firepower from the imperial army's attack.

Many devils even screamed excitedly because of this.

Then, the reconnaissance soldiers braved the rain of bullets in the green gauze tent and drilled down the ditch to the depths of the green gauze tent, and soon observed that Balu hidden in the green gauze tent was fleeing eastward along the ditch.

Hurry up to withdraw the letter, and all the devils immediately feel at ease.

It's just that there are still a lot of eight roads hidden in the green gauze tent near the road in the north, which is really a headache for the devils...

Xiong Erlang waved his command saber in the moonlight and cut down several sorghum plants beside the road.

Urge the guards in the green gauze tent to build a line of defense in the green gauze tent.

Just in case the Eighth Route goes south to the open land and joins the Tuba Road that occupies the gun tower.

The big dog was playing well, and suddenly felt that the whole world shook twice.

Immediately understood that the large mine that Liu Yuanqing and Li Xiang made had exploded.

Feeling that the devil in front seemed to be moving, he quickly raised his head with his rifle: "Fuck, prepare for battle!"

Wen Wuquan was gearing up: "Oh, I finally don't have to drill around in the sorghum field. This time I won't be finished if I don't blow up those bastards."

The big dog kicked over: "Don't blind BB, the machine gun fires quickly."

The Czech light machine gun that Wenwu was holding was loaded in the morning.
"Da da da"

The devils are gearing up to search and advance to the group of eight roads in the north.

Suddenly heard the sound of a Czech-style light machine gun in front of me, and I was so frightened that my legs went limp
Are light machine guns so worthless these days?

Randomly encounter a group of eight roads with machine guns?
However, the second lieutenant Guizi still insisted on maintaining the invincible dignity of the imperial army: "Fight back with a light machine gun!"

"Bomb crew, blow up that machine gun."

"Onboard charge, stab those rats"

The second lieutenant's order had just been conveyed, and the eight-way light machine gun in the front had just finished shooting.

Several invincible warriors were knocked down.

Only then did the machine guns that fired back began to fire, and the thrown grenades exploded.

Immediately, gunpowder smoke filled the front, covering the sky and the moon. For a while, the devils on the front lay in place, holding rifles for vigilance, and the devils on the two wings spread out to search and attack.

Zhang Xiaodao, who was being chased by the devil, stared wide-eyed and immediately understood that someone was attacking the devil.

Whether it's the brothers of the main force regiment or the guard battalion, they can be sure to be their own people anyway.

Seeing a connection, he hurriedly yelled to Wu Xiaoshu next to him: "Don't be in a hurry to play the glorious bomb, there is still room for turning around."

"Are you sure?" Wu Xiaoshu asked with some doubts.

"Of course, I have a very good relationship with Li Laosi. I'll kill this group of devils later." Zhang Xiaodao's chest thumped, as if killing a little devil was like cutting tofu.

Wu Xiaoshu's eyes lit up, he licked his lips and said, "There are only two of us..."

"Heideng is blind, I don't care about the number of people, the key is that we can't expose the exact location to avoid being grenaded by devils." Zhang Xiaodao is really not afraid of death.

Wu Xiaoshu shook his head: "As long as you shoot, you will be exposed. I attract devils, and you avenge me outside."

"You idiot, you just hurt your leg, you can throw a grenade, right?"

"I only have one glory bomb"

"I still have a bag of Devil's grenades here." Zhang Xiaodao threw a Devil's shoulder bag over: "Uh, do you know how to use Devil's grenades?"

"I've used it, it's troublesome, and I have to smash the cover to dial the insurance." Wu Xiaoshu heard that there was still a way to survive, and quickly proved that he was not a burden who didn't know anything.

The Second Lieutenant Guizi's ear tipped, amidst the whistling of countless bullets, he still heard the familiar sound of the grenade hitting the butt of the gun in the green gauze tent.
these guys are horrible
The outflanking devils had not had time to catch up with Ba Lu who had just swung a shuttle and then shifted positions, but they heard a loud bang first.

The grenade thrown from the eighth route from the north exploded among the outflanking devils.

There were screams from the warriors attacking from the flank.

The second lieutenant finally became angry, and no longer hid his firepower: "All fire, all-out attack and move forward!"

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