under fire

Chapter 1507 The Puppet Army Herding Sheep

Chapter 1507 The Puppet Army Herding Sheep

Crazy Yang, who had been staring at the ghost, was a little puzzled.

The sound of a grenade exploding earlier was really strange.

The person who was being chased by the devil actually attacked the devil in turn.

A large number of devils entered the green gauze tent to the east of the highway, and my party and the devils in front were all outside the devil's east line of defense at this time.

The devils who entered the green gauze tent from the road continued to push the outer defense line eastward. If they fought with the devils protruding from the south at this time, and the little devils had reinforcements, the Ninth Battalion behind him was being attacked by the devils, and it would definitely not be good to continue.

But there are people from the south who are attacking the devils, and this is a great opportunity to attack the devils from both sides.

In the past, the national army rarely had the opportunity to fight the devils head-on.

Although my task was to go out to scout the deployment of the devil's outer defense line, breaking into the devil's defense line before was regarded as the completion of the task.

But at this time, I encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight a devil, and I had to give some color to let the little devil see
Bang bang bang. Da da da.
"Brothers, go ahead, if anyone dies, I will send his father and mother to die." The pseudo-head didn't hesitate anymore.

There was no room for him to hesitate. His position was close to the highway, and the devils from the north had already overwhelmed him, so he had to fight if he didn't.

The landmines from the eight roads had really frightened him, and he didn't dare to run to the east where there are a large number of eight roads.
The observers of the main battalion were lying on the edge of the open field, watching nervously with their big eyes wide open.

"Hey, you said. The guard battalion boasted that it could drive the devils out of the green gauze tent. Could it be true?"

"I heard the explosion. The distance should not exceed one mile. It's really possible."

"But why didn't the devils in the green gauze tent in front of us move?"

"Don't think so much, let's just keep an eye on this section of trenches, and be careful of the devils on the road to kill a carbine."

"I don't understand one thing. The little devil occupies the gun tower, and there are two trenches defending it. Why did he run away?"

"There is a saying that the human heart is too big to swallow the elephant, do you understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"The little devils are afraid that we will run away with a single shot, so they deliberately head north, trying to drag us into the green gauze tent, and then they will surround us from the outside."

"Hehe, they really think that now they lost the gun tower and were bombed again. Is this the legendary loss of the wife and the loss of the army?"

Light and heavy machine guns and grenades took turns to fight, but they also couldn't stop the massive attack of the devils who attacked completely regardless of casualties!

The pistol team, the submachine gun platoon, and the reinforced machine gun platoon, all armed soldiers, ran eastward alternately while arranging landmines.

The soldiers retreating eastward from the green gauze tent, one by one.
Hu Yi and his party, who had already moved eastward to the north to reinforce the Devils' southward offensive line, were stopping in a ditch at this time.

He was not worried about whether Li Xiang on the west side of the road could withstand the attack of the devils who came from reinforcements.

Through the Lunan detachment, he basically found out the general strength of the devils and the puppet army. What surprised him was that the puppet army would go to battle anyway!
Li Xiang in the west played a very important role in realizing the previous plan of driving the devils along the highway into the open.

After listening to the reconnaissance situation reported by the soldiers sent back by Crazy Yang, Hu Yi finally decided to use the ultimate weapon of the Ninth Battalion: mortars.

The team is more than one mile away from the road at this time. If there is no special distance measurement method, it is impossible to determine the shooting parameters.

The Ninth Battalion has a large number of talents, and it is impossible to measure the distance without seeing the road. It is very difficult for the mortar to hit the Devils on the road.

But it is not difficult to bury a large landmine in advance for reference.

Wan Baxi held up his binoculars and stood on the ladder built by four soldiers.

It doesn't matter who shoots the mortar, what matters is the shooting parameters. It's okay to hit a target that is closer than the thumb distance, but if the opponent is farther away, it can't be hit at all.

After observing carefully for a while, Wan finally let out a low voice: "Detonation!"

Nine Battalion's most high-end talent operator, quickly press down the electric detonator and rotate it
A flame flickered in the distance.

After the earth-shattering explosion, Wan Baxi yelled loudly: "Turn the plane up and down three times. Let it go!"

Amidst the harsh friction between the mortar shell and the barrel, a mortar shot out of the barrel.

Two or three seconds later, a flame came from the green gauze tent in the distance again.

Seeing clearly that the location of the mortar's landing point was very close to the road, Wan's voice was trembling with excitement: "The high-low machine will go up half a circle, and fire five rounds!"

Tom tom tom tom tom.
Ten mortar shells slammed into the devil convoy on the road with a characteristic clamor.

Devils are good at attacking because they have machine guns and cannons.

These things must be transported by car if mobility is to be increased.

This group of devils who carried out the eighteenth autumn combat mission to burst the canal and release bacteria is even more well-equipped.

The puppet army has been trained by devils for several years, and their combat effectiveness is not bad.

The loud noise of a series of mortar shells came from the road on the right, which scared the puppet troops who were "breaking through" to the south to death.

I didn't expect the eight-way equipment to be so good, until now it has shown its full strength!
It's a pity that Balu and them are not a family at all, and they can't run eastward, but I'm glad that they didn't fight recklessly with Balu before.

The puppet soldiers lying on the ground didn't have a good view of the situation, they only knew where the guns were ringing loudly and stayed away.

The puppet soldiers in the front charged with their waists bent, and the puppet soldiers behind them stopped the devils who were crushing all the way from the north.

The team in the middle just wanted to stay away from the devils coming from behind, and wanted to run faster behind the front team.

Immediately, the speed of the front and rear teams was inconsistent, and the original sagittal forward attack formation was instantly affected.

The virtue of fear of death by nature made all the puppet soldiers who were blocked in their way immediately exploded.

Many puppet troops lost their direction and could only judge based on the gunshots. Anyway, they ran wherever there was no gunfire, and the puppet squad platoon leader couldn't greet them at all.

How many devils there are in the green gauze tent forest is unknown.

The firepower of the puppet army attacking south is not weak, and there is at least one squad of devils in the front.

There were more than [-] devils in a team, and it seemed to be advantageous to be in a defensive position, but this time the puppet soldiers who got together jumped over the wall in a hurry, and they didn't care about the occasional glare of the devils' rifles and machine guns in front of them with tracer bullets.

If the puppet army is divided into two or three lines to attack, at least he can catch him by surprise.

It's a pity that the puppet army doesn't understand what it means to attack east and west or feign an attack.
Hundreds of puppet troops trained by devils charged fiercely.

The puppet soldiers are not stupid, they still understand the meaning of breaking through the siege, concentrate their forces to attack one place, and the part will gain the upper hand!

During the raids in the past, the surrounded Eight Routes often did this!

Even if the well-equipped imperial army and puppet army are three or four times larger than the number of the Eight Route Army, it is still difficult to prevent the Eight Route Army from concentrating their forces together and trying to survive!

From the perspective of the puppet soldiers, a large number of devils are chasing after them, and the current situation does not look optimistic.

If you charge forward, you still have a chance to escape. At this time, you have to jump even if there is a cliff in front of you!
It is a good habit to learn from the opponent. It seems that it is not difficult to break out after being surrounded by the eight routes.
It's better than staying here and being beaten to death by the imperial army chasing up from behind.

At least, the imperial army in the front has only one light machine gun and dozens of rifles.

Although the puppet army has hundreds of numbers, there are not many who can actually shoot.

The crowded crowd of people in the dark lights did not dare to shoot indiscriminately.

Facing the charge of a large number of puppet troops who have herded sheep and disordered their formation, the devils who are really standing in front of the puppet army say that they are a small group, but in fact there are not many face to face
(End of this chapter)

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