under fire

Chapter 1508 The Cranky Second Lieutenant

Chapter 1508 The Cranky Second Lieutenant
The Eighth Route Army was often surrounded by devils and puppet troops, but it always managed to break out of the encirclement.

As the surrounded party, it is generally at a disadvantage, either its strength is not as good as that of the opponent, or its weapons and equipment are worse than that of the opponent.

Surrounded by the opponent but able to concentrate their forces, they have the right to choose the start position, start time and battle scale of the breakout battle.

The breakout party is on the offensive, first losing the geographical advantage, and then facing the situation can only be resigned to fate, no one knows whether the enemy commander has arranged heavy troops to ambush on the breakout route in advance.

As a strong encirclement party, the advantages and disadvantages are equally complicated. First of all, the opponent must have a large number of troops. If the distance between the two sides is relatively large, there is still time to deploy troops to concentrate troops or even ambush the breakout party. However, it is impossible to predict the direction and timing of the opponent's breakout. You can wait for death or seek an opportunity to concentrate local forces and fight decisively with the breakouts during the movement.

In either case, the attacking side will suffer more casualties than the defending side.

As the defensive side, it is natural to hope to confront the opponent's main force while taking advantage of the strength and equipment.

The breakout party naturally hopes to avoid a head-on confrontation with the opponent.

However, soldiers are unpredictable, and whether they are attacking or defending, they will test the commanding capabilities of the grassroots commanders on both sides.

After the devils who came to help from the north were hit hard by a large landmine, they didn't mean to stop at all, and continued to press hard!

Rifles and light machine guns rang out in the green gauze tent, and grenade bullets did not recognize people.

The bullets fired by the advancing devils were hindered by the green gauze, and did little damage to the puppet troops who were still hesitating in a short period of time.

The puppet army trained by the devils also arranged battlefield guard posts, and soon found that the devils were getting closer.

No matter whether you vote for the prince again or not, the bullets do not recognize anyone right now, so you must leave first before making any plans!

However, as long as the puppet army stops, it will immediately fall into the unfavorable situation of being attacked on both sides.
Although the strength of the puppet army is not very good, regiment leader Wu is very clear about the situation before him.

Whether these men can rush out alive, and whether the commando can maintain a continuous attack speed is very important.

The combat effectiveness and equipment of Wu Shu's puppet army are naturally far inferior to those of the devils, but the advantage lies in the large number of people.

Now that he survived and broke through to the south, the local strength advantage formed far exceeded the blocking ability of a small group of devils.

The devils rushing eastward into the green gauze tent, the formation of troops is mainly aimed at the eight roads hidden in the green gauze tent to the east.

After the arrival of the reinforcements, the devils had changed from arranging north and south along the road to spreading out in an east-west direction.

Suddenly encountering the puppet army from the north breaking through and attacking the south, it is equivalent to being attacked by the puppet army on the flank.

Wu Shu was able to be the pseudo-regiment leader, so he naturally had a few tricks, so he knew a little bit about punching someone, not as much damage as a steel needle.

A company commando team was organized in a hurry and crawled forward on the ground. The company commander was a man, and he kept shouting to cheer up the puppet army: "Brothers, the guns don't have eyes, and the bullets may not bite us. "

"Let's all lie low, the brothers who can see the flash will throw grenades directly, and blow up those bastards"

"A man dies and a bird turns to the sky. After 18 years, he will be a hero again!"

"The head of the regiment has an order, and the brothers who rush out will be paid 20 yuan each!" The pseudo-adjutant yelled after lying on the back.

"One person who fell on the road is 50 yuan"

"If it's a man, hurry up, if it's a coward, it's useless to lie on the ground, the little devil won't give us a way out"

The puppet company commander's words were crude, and the puppet soldiers also understood the current situation, not to mention that they wanted to stay away from the sound of gunfire behind them.

Hearing that life and death have money, there are more and more bullets roaring from the weak side.
Some of the puppet troops began to yell at each other: "No, the prince from the north is coming."

"It's all about death anyway, fight hard."

"What are you waiting for, go ahead"

Naturally, there were casualties on the way to the charge, and puppet troops were constantly hit by the howling bullets and fell on the way to break through the charge.
There are hundreds of puppet troops grazing sheep. Once the leading sheep starts to run, the puppet troops behind do not need to be greeted at all, and they will follow naturally.

Even after rushing through the ditch on the east side guarded by the eighth road, no one ran to the side!

The advantage of the puppet soldiers in large numbers began to appear.

The so-called killing master with random guns, a squad of devils who stopped in front of the puppet army, after killing an unknown number of imperial association troops, was finally blown to death by the puppet soldiers who crawled forward, and was shot to death randomly.

Hundreds of puppet troops face more than a dozen devils in front of them. Even if they don't shoot a single shot, they can break through the devils' defense line with a fire stick!
The assault company crawled forward all the way, no one knew what the casualties were, until there were no more devils in front of them, did they find out. Hey, they rushed out of the "surrounding" of the devils so smoothly?
No one knew that the puppet army attacking south had rushed past the first line of defense flanked by the devils, and was about to face the second line of defense of the devil's second team
The formation of the puppet army who wanted to escape was in chaos. The original sagittal formation could not be maintained, and the two wings were squeezed by their own people to spread out.

Seeing so many people crowded together, the pseudo-regimental leader had to distract himself and yell at his battalion and company commanders to pay attention to gathering the various departments.

If the team is really messed up, I'm afraid something will happen!

The devil who was attacked was even more aggrieved.

A small team of elites was broken through from the front by the Imperial Association Army, which had never looked straight at it.

The second lieutenant commander panicked.

In the flash of the grenade explosion, the second lieutenant saw clearly that it was the Imperial Association Army who attacked him.

I have a team of more than fifty, and a squad of warriors in the front is already dead.

Although countless imperial association troops were killed on the side, and the attack by the imperial association army was relatively light, they still had to retreat under the constant impact of the imperial association army.

There must be devils who are desperate to retreat, but they are just legends. If you know that you can't stop them and stick to them, you are not responsible for your own life!

Continue to stay and fight desperately with the Imperial Association Army, or retreat, the second lieutenant quickly made a wise decision when facing death: the few gold bars he hid in the county barracks have not yet been sent home.
The devils who made their fortunes by robbery on weekdays naturally would not object to the second lieutenant's order, and immediately retreated south.

The idea of ​​the devils is very simple, retreat to the south and join the previous flanking squad, and now they should call the second team to join, and then make plans.

As the police force, the devils maintain law and order on weekdays, and they always fight against the anti-Japanese elements. They have never tasted the taste of failure. They have long forgotten that there is a saying in the military academy that the army is defeated like a mountain.
The puppet soldiers following behind the devil suddenly found that they escaped in the green gauze tent and were not attacked by the Taijun.
Hearing that the second lieutenant of the friendly army in the north was under attack, the second lieutenant Guizi, who was on the second line of defense, had already gathered his troops to defend north and quickly waited for a single soldier pit.

Hearing what the second lieutenant said about the situation, the second lieutenant felt that he couldn't see the target in the dark, and it was all due to luck. Although the imperial army was invincible in the world, it couldn't be one against ten.

Moreover, this time, according to the order of the captain, the main defense is the Eight Routes in the east. It is not known whether the Imperial Association Army who came this time was driven by the Eight Routes or for some other reason.

Therefore, the clever second lieutenant began to think wildly, if the Imperial Association Army were allowed to pass through his own line of defense and enter the gap between himself and the third line of defense
At that time, I will reorganize these imperial association troops that disrupted the order of the battlefield. It is also good to be the cannon fodder for attacking the Eight Routes
Therefore, the second lieutenant directly ordered to let go of the line of defense, and asked someone to notify the friendly troops on the third line of defense to stop these cowardly Huangxie troops.
(End of this chapter)

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