under fire

Chapter 1509

Ordinary puppet soldiers don't care whether there are devils in front of them.

With a gun in hand, follow the brothers in front and run into the unknown darkness.

The so-called dead monk is not a dead fellow Taoist, even if he gets shot, it will be the brother in front who gets shot first.

The few puppet commandos acting as commandos running in front of the cat with their waists bent, suddenly jumped to the side of the sorghum and fell directly to the ground.

Then yelled loudly to the left and right: "There is a situation ahead"

Fortunately, the other party seemed to be only warning to shoot.

The vanguard of the puppet army lying on the ground hurriedly yelled: "Which part?"

There was no one answering him in the darkness ahead, and then, a dark guy was thrown from the darkness.

The explosion and flash of the grenade let the two sides at close range see each other clearly!
It's a devil.

No one cares how many brothers died in this breakout, and no one asks for help from those injured comrades
One of the leading puppet soldiers got up quickly, and the cat bent down and rushed in the direction he thought he hadn't seen the devil.

A large number of puppet troops following behind saw that the brothers in front had changed direction and continued to head south. The imperial army on the opposite side didn't seem to have any malicious intentions?
The rest of the puppet army began to get up one after another, and followed the brothers in front and ran south desperately.

At this time, saving your own life is better than anything else!
Pa. There was another gunshot, and a puppet soldier who ran in the direction of the devil by mistake had blood splashed on his chest and fell to the ground without moving.

The puppet army, who panicked and ran for their lives, did not lie down again, but followed behind the brothers in front, turned to speed up their pace.

In their view, if they run fast, they may be faster than a gun.

Although the formation of the puppet army is chaotic, there are some hot-blooded men in the land of Yanzhao. A Czech machine gun that escaped in the dark suddenly fired.

Ballistic rushed towards the shooting devil team.

The devils who originally planned to drive the Imperial Army into the encirclement took a look, did they dare to open fire on the Imperial Army?
Is it okay for a dog to bite its owner?

The second lieutenant Guizi, who was on the flank of the fleeing puppet army, immediately ordered his men to open fire.

All of a sudden, rifles, light machine guns, and grenades went into battle, and began to harvest those imperial alliance troops that had rushed to the encirclement in the dark.

One figure after another fell on the breakout road, and the bursts of blood mist were particularly conspicuous in the flashing light from the grenade explosion from time to time.

The puppet soldiers fleeing to the south saw that they had opened a bloody road, and their courage to escape increased greatly. The puppet soldiers who wanted to stay away from the devils did not fight back against the devils.

Many people even crawled on the ground to avoid bullets, trying to stay away from those firepower points.
The light machine gun with crooked handle bursts and roars, and the rifle shoots accurately in the flash of the grenade explosion.
The puppet army in the flash of the explosion has no more thoughts, they just want to live.

The puppet soldiers who were shot kept falling down in the dark and screaming, panting with their hands and feet with the fleeing puppet soldiers. From time to time, some people panicked and called out their good friends to save themselves.

It's a pity that even if they shout their throats, no one is willing to stop and give them a hand.
All kinds of voices are noisy for a while, the green gauze tent
The puppet soldiers who were shot did not have the courage to fight the enemy desperately before they died. They gritted their teeth and endured the severe pain where they were shot, and crawled on the ground with hands and feet.

Their idea is very simple, they only hope to catch up with the team in front.

The puppet army who lost their fighting spirit has become a group of exorcists who have lost their souls...

Devils advancing along the highway from north to south.

He heard the familiar gunshots of the crooked light machine gun and the [-] big guns in front of him.

Lieutenant Guizi quickly analyzed the general situation of the battlefield. It should be that the warriors led by Xiong Erlang were not far ahead, intercepting the Imperial Association Army fleeing south.

In this case, there is no need to let the elites risk their lives to attack.

Immediately ordered the establishment of a position on the spot, and prepared to attack the fleeing Imperial Association troops front and back.

And let the messenger go back to report the general battle situation ahead to the captain.

The puppet army did not seem to listen to the arrangements made by the Ninth Battalion.

To believe in a puppet army that has just turned against the water on the battlefield is either a fool or a stick.
"Damn guerrillas, you must be caught and chopped into pieces."

"Da da! Da da!!!" There was a light machine gun shot not far away.

The big dog yelled at Crazy Yang not far away: "What's the matter with you, hurry up. The puppet army from the north is rushing over"

"That won't work." Crazy Yang almost fired a shot to change places, and he heard Zhang Xiaodao yelling as Nan opened fire on the devil.

The big dog kept a certain distance from Crazy Yang, circling clockwise around the devil commando one after the other: "What the hell we have so few people, we can't beat the little devil."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Crazy Yang felt that if he made another half circle, he should be able to meet Zhang Xiaodao!

The green gauze tent was already in chaos, and the devils who had dispersed into the green gauze tent did not dare to act privately even after hearing the gunshots from the commando.

If they leave the majority, no one can guarantee that they will not be shot by their own people.

Moreover, according to the latest battle situation reported by the messengers, the reinforcements in the north have driven a large number of Eight Routes to the vicinity of the defensive north.

Those Eight Routes pretending to be the Imperial Association Army have already entered the encirclement!

As for whether the Imperial Army is real or not, it doesn't matter anymore, if you dare to attack the Imperial Army's defense line, you must die!

The devil's military police broke out in a cold sweat. Through the investigation and analysis of the situation reported by the car soldiers, it was clear that eight routes pretended to be the imperial army and sneaked into the barracks in the afternoon, and they even boarded the truck!
The black lights are blind, and we must beware of those rats who are all-pervasive.

In the face of dangerous battles everywhere in the dark night, the imperial army has no kung fu for slaying dragons, but it is really useless to be led by the nose by Balu!
Further to the east, after the light and heavy machine gun team attacked the devil's vanguard, the members of the Ninth Battalion, who withdrew from the battlefield, were lying in the dark green gauze tent, and they shot randomly into the green gauze tent.

From time to time, the reconnaissance post will report the collected information to Hu Yi.

The light and heavy machine guns that blocked the devils head-on, slipped out of the devils' offensive line along the ditch horizontally before the devils arrived.

Hu Yi frowned. It stands to reason that the puppet army chased by the devils had to go south at this time to have a chance to escape.

However, the gunshots over the green gauze tent were not intense.

In the green gauze tent, sneering guns have been sparingly shot.

All the puppet soldiers seemed to be firing guns all around, and they slowly huddled together horizontally and vertically. Such a magnificent breakout formation is really spectacular.

When there were too many people, it immediately became crowded, and there were dense sorghum crops on the way to escape, and the speed of the team's "breakthrough" became slower and slower.

One by one, the puppet army cats moved forward with their waists bent. The puppet soldiers who were slightly injured by the bullets still ran along, and some people fell down from time to time.

No matter how stupid the false regiment leader is, he still realizes that something is wrong. It seems that a pair of invisible hands are pushing his team into the middle!
The green gauze tent in the dark seems to be safe and sound, but in fact it is full of dangers.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, but now it is only one or two hundred meters away from the starting point, and the casualties are not small.

There was continuous gunfire ahead, and the commandos advancing south seemed to be frustrated.

The groans and screams of the wounded made him disturbed. When he looked horizontally, he could see that there were people everywhere under the moonlight...

Quickly yell at your subordinates to disperse quickly, so as not to recruit devils to throw a grenade over and cause mass death and mass injury!

At this moment, the thoughts in the minds of the puppet soldiers are actually not panic, because everyone is huddled together at this time, which is in line with the old saying: If you don’t expect to be born on the same day in the same year, you will finally have the opportunity to die in the same year...

I don't care whether he can break through or not, if he wants to die together, many people have a thought in their hearts: It may not be me who dies!

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