under fire

Chapter 1510 Decompressing the Puppet Army

Even if the reinforcements came from the garrison troops to maintain local order, they were also well-trained, and they were not something that the Ninth Battalion could compete with head-on.

The devils frantically pushed south to outflank, and the Jiuying had to choose to get rid of the devils.

In Hu Yi's view, fight if you can, and run if you can't.

The puppet army caught among the devils is not worthy of sympathy.

Whatever the reason, it means betrayal.

The reasons for the surrender of the puppet army are complex.

If it were said that these gangsters did not suck the blood of the common people, he would never believe it.

Ci doesn't command soldiers, so he didn't have much psychological pressure to drive the puppet army surrounded by devils to the south.

The puppet army has already headed south, because the anti-counterfeit army was crushed and collapsed by the devils, we have to relieve some pressure on them...

The observers of the devils soon "discovered" that the crushed Balu was jumping eastward, and the formation of the devil's left wing pressing south changed accordingly. A group of devils felt that they had bitten the tail of Balu...

There was a sad and angry roar: "Captain! Sergeant Cao Yamamoto was killed in battle. He was cut by the Eight Route Army with a knife. We even have the shadow of the Eight Route Army..."

"Bang" sounded a muffled gunshot, and the voice of the shouting devil messenger was interrupted.


"Captain! There are sharpshooters." Another voice spread from the group of devils pressing south.

Devil observer lying on the ground: "The night is not conducive to attack"

"Lieutenant Panasonic, lead a unit to disperse to the east to outflank, and the assault team will attack from the front, draw out the Eighth Route Army, and blow them up with grenades." The second lieutenant immediately made arrangements.

A dozen devils carried a light machine gun and left the team to outflank. After running 30 meters, they began to pick up grenades and set up a machine gun position.

Da da da.
Before all the devils were ready, the Czech-style light machine gun in the green gauze tent opened fire first.

Immediately afterwards, the grenade that had been fired and after a two-second delay was thrown over.

The Devil's machine gunner pulled the trigger and fired back when the opponent's machine gun fired.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the senior soldier Sergeant Cao shouting: "There is an ambush!"

In the flash of gunfire, he could clearly see a large group of people crouching in the dark not far away!
There was another "bang", and blood rained from the head of the first class soldier who raised his head. Gray brains splashed everywhere in the darkness, and sprayed several meters away, covering the devil's observer's head and face.

The commander was killed in battle, and he fired a flash from the side machine gun, and the observer looked at him in a daze.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and then roared, "Drop a bomb!"

Just as he raised his arm, the head of the machine gunner next to him burst open with a bang.

The observer's heart twitched for a while, and when he heard someone yelling and screaming not far away, he immediately understood that Eighth Route was organizing a counterattack.

At this moment, after a bang, a sharp whistling sound pierced into the sky, and in the starry night sky, a black shadow that could not be seen whizzed up.

The observer roared: "Mortar shells!"

After speaking, he supported the ground with both arms, and kicked the ground with his right foot. His body suddenly jumped a few meters away, and then collided with another devil.


The flames soared into the sky, and the powerful airflow mixed with bullets raged in all directions, and gravel, soil, sorghum branches and leaves fell all over the sky.

A few devils were lifted into the sky by the strong air current, and the devil observers were also thrown several meters away by the engulfing air wave.

After a while, the devil's first class soldier slowly raised his head and shook his dizzy head.

Looking back, the military uniform ignited by the high temperature of more than 2000 degrees from the explosion was glowing, and several dilapidated corpses were scattered around him, and his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and stomach were spilled all over the place.

"Pfft..." The first class soldier's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, and his eyes were immediately bloodshot.

"Baga! Tubalu, I won't be called Panasonic if I don't tear you into pieces."

call out.
A bullet suddenly pierced into his eye socket, it is estimated that in hell he will also become a lonely ghost with resentment
Da da da. da da da. bang bang bang.
The gunshots stopped quickly after a short burst of intense gunfire.

chug chug.
The crooked sub-machine gun that had been silenced rang out again.

The devil's deputy shooter took over from the machine gun and fired again.

The devil's deputy shooter, who was shooting wildly, got a headshot and fell to the ground.

Under the light of the stars and the moon, the green gauze tent was pitch black, and under the cover of night, it looked like a monster with its bloody mouth wide open, and devils would die every moment.

Almost every few gunshots, a devil will be mercilessly devoured by the night.

Attacking in the dark is completely taking the lives of the elites seriously.

Finally, some devils couldn't stand the pressure, so they couldn't help crying loudly: "Withdraw! Withdraw!!!"

Braving the bullets roaring behind him, he ran desperately in the green gauze tent, followed by the sound of gunfire and explosions like ghosts.

From time to time, devils are chased by bullets
The invincible devils finally understood the fear of being chased and beaten by bullets while escaping.

There is no way to stop, to stop is to die.
There is no way to block it, and the bullet will penetrate into the body before turning the muzzle of the gun.

It doesn't work on the ground, the shell guns in the hands of those Tubalu can fire continuously, and they will not hesitate to refill the guns.

The distance between the two sides is too close, and the despicable Balu doesn't talk about martial arts, and doesn't give the warriors who are good at bayonets a chance to fight hand-to-hand.

Once upon a time, this scene that belonged to the highlight moment of the imperial army was adjusted a little bit.

The number of devils being hunted down decreased one by one.

The escaped devils made no choice but to lose their way in the green gauze tent.

Gunshots and explosions continued.

Crazy Yang hunched over and circled around the devil, when he suddenly heard the sound of a heavy object breaking a sorghum pole and colliding with the ground.

"There are grenades!" Without any hesitation, he didn't even dare to raise the rifle, jumped up from the ground, jumped forward, and fell forward.

A loud bang sounded behind him.

It felt as if the back was bitten by the shadow, followed by a burst of pain.
He knew in his heart that he was hurt!
At this time, he couldn't allow him to make too much noise, so he quickly shook his head, and there was a burst of sand on the military cap.

The eyes that were fascinated by the dust suddenly felt the cold flash in front of them.

Quickly raised his hand and grabbed the barrel of the rifle that the devil in front stabbed with a bayonet.

The devil who rushed over didn't expect Crazy Yang to react so quickly, he raised his knee and bumped Crazy Yang's head.

Crazy Yang turned to avoid it, pulled back the barrel of the gun in his hand, sat on the ground and kicked between the devil's legs.

The hard military boots collided with the devil's identity, and there was a sound of egg breaking
The devil trio groping over, the devil in the arrow position had no idea that the other party was sitting on the ground and could kick his eggs into pieces.

The ghosts following on the left had pointed their rifles at Crazy Yang's body.

bang. click bang.
The big dog followed Crazy Yang, and the four rings of the horse in his hand almost rang.

Pulling the trigger, ejecting the shell and pushing the bullet into the breech was so fast that one could think that what he was holding was a semi-automatic rifle!

A devil on the flank was shot first and fell to the ground.

Another Jap got shot but didn't get hurt in any vital parts, lost his rifle but still stood and wobbled
The bullets fired by the big dog in a hurry did not kill the two devils on the spot.

It's a pity that I fired three bullets before, and now I fired two shots in a row, and the magazine was empty
There were still a few meters away from the devil, and the big dog jumped up on the spot, intending to stab the devil with the muzzle of a rifle
I misjudged the distance in the dark, it was a little short
After a normal person is shot in the body, it is almost impossible to fight again.

The devil who is invincible in the world is naturally different. The devil who was standing and swaying saw the opponent rushing towards him but fell in front of him.

Quickly took off the grenade hanging on the chest, and smashed it directly on the helmet above the head, as if he wanted to pull two pads to the north before he died.
"There is a grenade!" Crazy Yang, who had just wiped his eyes on the ground, saw the movement of the devil smashing the grenade, and quickly leaned back on the ground, kicking his feet off the ground between the legs of the devil who smashed the grenade cap.

The distance between the two was really close, and they kicked the devil directly.

There was a terrible cracking sound of bones, and the ghost figure flew out.

It bent a piece of sorghum pole hard and fell to the ground.

The ghost held the grenade in his hand and dropped it.

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