under fire

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511
The light of the stars and the moon was divided into pieces by the green gauze tent.

In the hazy darkness, dozens of pairs of eyes were scattered in the sorghum field, and the muscles of the whole body were tense.

There are devils ahead!
Knowing that the devils in front of him are like wolves waiting for their prey, they will pounce on and bite as soon as the prey appears.

But he had to bite the bullet and move forward.

The puppet army lying on the ground is on the verge of collapse.

Because the gunshots from the devils behind him became clearer and clearer.

The sound of bullets whistling overhead became more and more intense.

Goujitiaoqiang means that the head of the regiment is forced by the Eight Routes anyway, and there is no way out if he surrenders, so it is better to let go.

A certain puppet army couldn't bear this suffocating pressure, and suddenly rushed out of the sorghum bushes, rushing towards the dark place in the east.
Pfft. The sound of bullets penetrating into the body spread, and immediately after that, the figure fell into the night.

Seeing people shooting in the darkness in the east, the puppet soldiers immediately responded.
From the perspective of the puppet soldiers, the east side should have been the Eighth Route, but now, for some unknown reason, it has been replaced by the little devil!
The clear gunshots from Sanba Dagai in the north came in bursts.

"Damn the chicken ball upside down!" Another puppet commando suddenly yelled, got up from the ground, and went straight to the south.
This one seems to have received the true biography of the imperial army, rushing left and right in the green gauze tent.

The devils in the front kept shooting, but none of the bullets whistling past hit his body.

The puppet army machine gunner who was covering seemed to see hope and quickly pulled the trigger
Da da da da
A shuttle of twenty bullets rushed directly to the flashing points of the shots not far away.
The devils on defense are almost two teams, more than a hundred.

It never occurred to them that these imperial association troops, who were usually like quails, would dare to attack their own defense line.

The lieutenant who originally planned to use these imperial association troops to fight the Eighth Route was furious: "Shoot."

The lieutenant soon discovered that he seemed to have underestimated the determination of the puppet army to break through and escape.
A small area of ​​chaos suddenly appeared in the formation around him, and someone from the always timid Imperial Association Army had the guts to rush over.

It was not easy to turn the muzzle of the gun in the green gauze tent, several devils switched the guns one after another, but they didn't expect the speed of the one who squeezed the green gauze tent to be too fast.

Didn't stop for a while
The puppet army rushed from right to right amidst the shouts of the two devils beside him.

The two devils raised their guns to shoot, but they were bitten by the bullets of the cover machine guns of the puppet army, and both fell to the ground.

The puppet army commando behind saw that there seemed to be a way to escape.

What are you waiting for, I immediately ignored everything, got up from the ground and ran southwards following the gap opened by the person in front.

From the perspective of the puppet soldiers, as long as they rush out of the imperial army's position in front, they should be able to escape!

In the green gauze tent, there seemed to be people everywhere.

"Rush." ​​"Run." "Run"

There was a lot of yelling.

Lieutenant Guizi was a little confused. Is this the Emperor's Association Army?
He knew that as long as he persisted for a while, the reinforcements from the north would be able to kill all these disobedient Imperial Association troops.

The puppet army, which was almost crushed into a group by the devils, suddenly exploded in the small universe at the time of life and death, and it was a scene that was not afraid of death.

A person who is not even afraid of death has amazing fighting power.
Based on the principle that the lives of warriors are more precious than those dogs, the lieutenant quickly issued an order to retreat eastward.
The lieutenant believed that if the black light blinded the fire and shot at each other in the green gauze tent, whether he could survive was entirely dependent on luck!
Facing so many imperial association army charges head-on, it is very likely to cause great casualties to the imperial army warriors!

The movement of the team to the east would allow the line to be established again, striking the flanks as the Imperial Army moved southward.

This can inflict maximum damage on the Imperial Association Army that is running southwards.
The lieutenant's idea was good, if his arrangement on the plain is definitely a classic.

But he forgot one thing, the current position is the green gauze tent with limited mobility!

What's more, they didn't expect how urgent the puppet army who wanted to escape was to rush out of the encirclement.

Hearing that the front commando had broken through the devil's defense line, and the devil behind was getting closer, a large number of puppet troops forgot that they should follow in a line and rushed south from the prominent gap.

Seeing that the people in front were walking too slowly, the puppet soldiers who were crowded at the back quickly spread out to the side and entered the green gauze tent before running south
The formation of the devils preparing to attack the puppet army's flanks has not yet been completed, but more puppet troops rushed over from the north.

Lieutenant Guizi's scalp was numb, these guys broke through. They didn't follow the routine?
In the past, the Eight Routes broke through by concentrating their forces to attack the encirclement of the imperial army, and then ran out of the encirclement regardless of their heads.

Anyone who dares to attack the invincible imperial army will die
Next should be the time for the imperial army's pursuit and hunting highlights!

However, this group of imperial association troops ran south together at a distance of tens of meters.

The lieutenant suddenly realized that the imperial army in the north should be pressing so fast that these imperial association troops jumped over the wall in a hurry.
In my heart, I cursed that the friendly army in the north was a pig teammate, but I had to make adjustments to the opponent's arrangement again.
The light machine guns and rifles fired together, directly knocking down dozens of imperial association troops rushing over.

But he didn't expect that the imperial association army who had been forced to go to the top didn't stop at all.

One died and rushed over to two, the devils who kept killing the Imperial Association Army had no time to pull the bolt of the gun or press the bullet.

Seeing that the imperial association army rushing closer and closer, some devils began to hang bayonets on the muzzles of their guns!

The lieutenant heard the yelling and yelling of fleeing people everywhere in the black and green gauze tent, and immediately told his men to move south.

Uh. Temporarily avoiding the edge of the Imperial Association Army.
As for the order to enter the green gauze tent earlier, the main purpose of which was to encircle the Eighth Route with the reinforcements from the north, the lieutenant had forgotten all about it.

Two squads of devil remnants began to move south.

From time to time, devils threw grenades to delay the puppet army from escaping southward.

Several deafening explosions spread suddenly.

The puppet army, who wanted to escape, would not be in the mood to analyze the cause and effect of the current progress, and ran south in a mess.

The puppet army would not have imagined that there were only three hundred devils in Xiong Erlang's brigade who could move. Not only did they have to set up guards to protect the cars, but they also had to enter the green gauze tent to block the eight roads that escaped.

But it was the Royal Association Army who escaped, this is a bit outrageous
Devil reinforcements crushed all the way south.

The lieutenant commander of the devil roared angrily: "Onboard! Attack! Kill those Chinese"

A ghost came to the lieutenant commander from the east, panting, and saluted: "Report, Xiong Erlang didn't deploy the defense line according to the plan, and the imperial alliance army has broken through their defense line."

"What did you say? It's just some imperial association troops who are good at escaping. How could they escape from that bastard Xiong Erlang?"

Another devil came to the lieutenant: "Report, the Eighth Route Army has fled eastward, and all the warriors in the chasing squad were killed."

The lieutenant immediately changed his face, and as he roughly guessed the reason, he ran away!
A gleam of fear suddenly flashed in my heart. Those people I was chasing now should be the Imperial Association Army who originally rescued Captain Xiong Erlang.
(End of this chapter)

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