under fire

Chapter 1512

The crescent moon climbed higher and higher, and people in the desolate county were screaming.

The night watchman stuck to the base of the wall, staring blankly at the eight roads coming in from the gate of the city.
An Eighth Route Army with a friendly attitude explained to the watchman, who was holding a gong in one hand and a wooden mallet in the other: "We are the Eighth Route Army, and we are here to liberate you!"

Immediately, the Eighth Route Army troops entering the city began to disperse into the streets and alleys.

The watchman was stunned for a long while, and suddenly thought of his duty. After the imperial army came and drove away those corrupt officials, it can be said that he was very kind to him.
Although the imperial army also killed many people who were ignorant of current affairs, those guys didn't understand the principle of one emperor and one courtier.
In the past when the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, didn't everyone wear braids and be obedient citizens for hundreds of years
Thinking of this, the watchman quickly slipped into a small alley where the Eighth Road had just flowed.

Bite the bullet and beat the gong in his hand, then shouted loudly: "It's not good, the Eighth Route Army has entered the city."

The nearby residents heard the rapid sound of the gong and carefully distinguished the yelling of the watchman.

The first reaction of the residents was to get up and go to the yard to bolt the gate, and then the whole family went out to pile up the movable tables, stools, millstones, etc. behind the gate.
Picking up a kitchen knife and looking for a wooden stick, he prepared to fight to the death with those who tried to destroy the law and order in the county.

Most people don't believe in the Eight Routes at all, because even if the Eight Routes can take down the county, they can't hold it just like Li Zicheng!

When the imperial army comes back, the unlucky one is still himself.

The watchman's yelling immediately caused the dogs to bark. No one thought that the barking of the dogs was more exciting than the sound of the gong in the watchman's hand.

The watchman's warning sound was instantly drowned out by the dog's barking
The watchman hurriedly climbed over the wall and hid in a small courtyard in the alley. Obviously, he was quite familiar with the owner of the courtyard.

"Damn ghost, what kind of gong are you knocking on in the middle of the night?" A familiar voice from the widow Wang came from the room.
Another small courtyard not far away.

A member of the detective team who boldly climbed up the wall looked at the eight-way crowd flowing towards the county government in the distance. After hesitating for a while, he finally made up his mind to warn
Climbing up to the roof along the courtyard wall, he quickly jumped to the roof of the neighbor's house, took out his shell gun and shot the eighth team in the back.


Maintain a wall between the government and the military barracks in the school grounds in the city.

Guns fired in the middle of the night in the county town happened from time to time.

The puppet soldiers who were resting in the barracks heard gunshots from afar, got up quickly, yawned, and went up to the wall as usual in daily training to seize the high point.

The police department of the county government, the commanding officer who stayed behind was a little stunned, and immediately ordered to the phone soldier next to him: "Call and ask if there is anything unusual about the guards at the city gate."

After giving the order, he turned his head and told the guard standing at the door: "Go and see what's going on."

Then he again ordered the devils stationed opposite the county government to finish their sleep, strengthen the guards in the barracks, and a squad of devils went to the county government compound to strengthen their defenses.

In a certain courtyard in an alley on the west side of the county government square, a row of Eighth Route soldiers stood quietly.

The soldiers were arranging wet towels, and some of them still had gas masks hanging on their chests!

"Is everything ready?" the deputy asked.

"Please rest assured, chief!" The leading commando captain lowered his voice and raised his arms and chest in a salute excitedly.

"Remember, there may be poisonous gas bombs in the devil's armory, no one is allowed to randomly throw grenades into the enemy's armory!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

When the team left, Wang Xiaosan, who was standing at the gate of the yard, warned: "If you really encounter a devil using poison gas, don't panic. The poison gas may not kill you immediately, let alone mess up your feet first."

The commandos all nodded their thanks.

No one explained to Wang Xiaosan, because they had all experienced it themselves, and they knew deeply how powerful the devil's poisonous gas was.

Battalion Commander Hu's guard battalion had injured more than two hundred people because of the devils' poison gas bombs. The platoon leader of the guard battalion in front of him may not know what happened during the day, so it's not his fault.

No one lived in the yard, and the traffic officers who stayed in the county had inquired about it in advance.

The Eighth Route Army marched and fought in a disciplined manner without disturbing the people. Now that there are no people, it’s nothing to disturb.

Wang Xiaosan took a platoon with bayonets in sheaths, rifles on the back, one squad with submachine guns, and the other two squads all armed with box cannons.

Leader Cheng has led people to occupy the four city gates, and the main regiment is about to wipe out the devils and puppet troops in the city.

Maintain the county police force next to the government, the devils stationed in the county barracks, the puppet army barracks in the city, and the county detective team traitors. All must be eradicated.
The soldiers of the main regiment finally discovered that they had been active on the plains before to attack lone devils and ambush the devils and puppet army grain transport teams.

If it weren't for the chief's strict order not to take needles and threads from the masses, the soldiers might have scouted the traffic officers by now and seized all the outhouses that are officials in the county government!
Wang Xiaosan has only 36 soldiers under his command.

The intensity of firepower is no worse than that of the commandos of the main regiment with concentrated firepower.

According to the plan, naturally he would not fight long-range shots with the little devils with high shooting skills.

Use automatic firepower to deal with devils and shoot accurately, and use your strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

Following the order of the chief, the assault on the devil barracks that had gathered the troops began.

Three groups of people sneaked out of the compound through the front and rear doors and began to outflank the county government.

Unexpectedly, the enemy lying on the wall of the puppet army barracks also used shell guns.

Scattered here and there, it seems that there are not many people, they occasionally pop up through the courtyard wall, and when they see any movement, they immediately put them indiscriminately.

Obviously, it should be those traitorous dogs of the detective team.

Mao Yao, the propaganda officer, rushed to the front, holding a big iron horn in his hand: "Everyone in the barracks, listen up, you are surrounded, immediately put down your weapons and come out to surrender. The Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially!"

A puppet soldier held a rifle in his left hand and a grenade in his right hand. He bit off the cover and pulled the rope, and then threw the grenade at the one who was shouting.

The grenade flew through an alley while spinning in the air, and exploded with a loud bang when it landed on the ground!
There was a scream in the darkness, someone should have been shot.

A voice yelled: "Fight!"

Rifle bullets hit the wall with a crackling sound, and high-firing bullets whistled past.

The traitors and puppet soldiers who quickly retracted their heads looked at each other left and right, only to be surprised that no one was shot.

It seems that there is no need to be afraid of dirt.

More than a dozen puppet troops are shooting holes in the fence under the command of the devil instructor.

No one thought that, surrounded by the invincible imperial army, there would be a day when they would be surrounded by the Eighth Route Army.

I didn't hear the bullets flying, so why did it feel like I was fighting the detective team?A group of people have not fired a single shot.

That being the case, it is enough to open shooting holes on the spot.

Moreover, the puppet army took advantage of the high point of the wall, but found that there was nothing they could do with those who were hiding in the dark!

Because, taking the lead is the target of the opponent's shooting.

The location is not as good as the weather!

Heshangzhai Village is named after a temple built in the Southern Dynasties at the entrance of the village.

"Did you pour lime water into them?" The old monk looked panic-stricken: "The lime water will burn their mouths, stomachs, and intestines. What you do will only speed up their death."

"Then what do you think we should do?" He Gensheng didn't like this bald donkey at all. If he hadn't fired a gun earlier, this idiot would have said that the pure Buddhist temple would not allow the wounded from the Ninth Battalion to enter the temple.

From dark to now, more than a dozen seriously injured people have died!
Not all of them died from injuries, half of them couldn't bear the crazy itching and stinging pain after their skin was infiltrated by poisonous gas, and committed suicide in various ways!

Under normal circumstances, monks and Taoists who do not farm like to learn some medical skills
The old monk looked at the tragedy in front of him, and his little fur medicine skills could not do anything about the current "invasion of external evils": "I think, I can give them some detoxifying peppermint, bezoar, and yellow lotus."

He Gensheng turned his head to look at the old monk: "Get lost"

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