under fire

Chapter 1513 The Highlight Moment of the Grass on the Wall

The lethality of the little devil's gas bombs is really terrifying!

That thing can penetrate the skin!
The cotton uniforms of the Eighth Route Army couldn't stop it at all.

All the wounded had been soaked in lime water, and the skin ulcers seemed to show no sign of further deterioration.

Lime water pouring into the mouth or should be called gargling with lime water is a kind of torture for the wounded.

The tingling in the mouth made people almost crazy, unable to eat at all, and it was extremely difficult to drink porridge at the same time.

Beads of sweat rolled down He Gensheng's forehead.

Before he knew it, he became the person with the most fighters in Jiuying!
Most of the soldiers breathed with their mouths open, there was nothing they could do, their nasal cavity seemed to be on fire.

Eyes washed with lime water were bandaged.

The wounded were leaning their backs against the wall, but they couldn't see anything at this moment.

He could clearly hear the sound of gunfire and explosions a few miles away, but he became a wounded person and couldn't go to the battlefield.

Psychologically quite difficult.

A few lightly injured wounded secretly unwrapped their bandages regardless of the stinging eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I immediately felt that the whole eyeball was hurting: "Oh, damn it, I can't see anything, I can't live through this day"

"My eyes are not blind, and I seem to be able to see some figures." Another soldier said, resisting the burning discomfort in his eyes when he opened his eyes, grinning his teeth in pain, but his mouth was stiff.

I looked around, fortunately, the eyes of the comrades next to me were all wrapped in bandages, no one should see my deformed facial features.

And there seems to be measles on that face.
"I heard from the correspondent that the battalion commander's eyes seem to be seriously injured."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, although we are blind if we can't see clearly, if we find a fellow to lead the way, we can still go to the battlefield to fight devils, right?"

"Damn it to you, you are going to the battlefield at this time, it is purely to cause trouble for the battalion commander"

"Those little devils are so inhuman, can you really bear it?"

"Wait for the next time, next time I must catch a few devils alive, open his stomach and then light the sky lantern"

"Why wait until next time?"

"That's right, let's go there now, maybe we can help the battalion commander a lot"

"How about we go talk to He Gensheng?"

The "blind" soldiers He Gensheng heard said that their injuries were not serious.

As long as there is a fellow to lead the way, no matter what, it can cause some troubles for the little devil.

He Gensheng is not a very good doctor, he instinctively thinks that the fewer wounded under his command, the better.

Approve these guys back to the battlefield without hesitation
So, a group of more than [-] half-blind warriors left the temple and headed south one by one with bandages on.

The devils, who continued to advance southward, finally merged with the outer security forces of Oishi Kuma Erlang's Ministry on the highway.

The devil's peripheral security force is not the headquarters, and the information on the battlefield is extremely limited.

On the contrary, in the green gauze tent, they caught a few puppet soldiers whose legs and feet were injured and failed to slip away.

Immediately send an interpreter to carry out the interrogation of the surprise death threat, and learned from the wounded soldiers that the one who fled to the south was the Imperial Association Army who came with them for reinforcements
Lieutenant Guizi thought that it was not too strange for the boneless Imperial Association Army to turn back.

It's not unheard of for a mad dog to bite its owner back.

These imperial association troops were originally two-faced and three-handed.

Since the dog under him has gone crazy, there is nothing to say, and he rebelled before the battle. It will kill everything.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and the communication between the devil's ministries is not timely.

The reinforcement lieutenant did not know that the puppet army had broken through Xiong Erlang's defense line.

He felt that there was no need to wait for the messenger who reported to Dashixiong Erlang to come back, and just continue to crush south according to the previous battle plan.
Seeing the siege of the protruding devils, the pseudo-regimental leader yelled excitedly: "All ministries maintain their formations, and break through the encirclement faster."

The adjutant next to him was worried: "The team is now scattered in a wide range, and it is likely to collapse."

"Hehe, the eighth master said that devils are not difficult to fight. It seems that we really overestimated the little devil." The pseudo-head who always called devils the prince felt his back stiffened after betraying the water, and he also called devils in his mouth. Variety.

These days, if it wasn't for survival, who would really be willing to vote for the devils?

It is not surprising that the battlefield betrays the water, the premise is that the Eighth Route Army can show their awe-inspiring strength!
Fist is the last word!
The puppet army is a contradictory body. Don't expect them to have any concept of national righteousness or family and country.

For them, living is the greatest pursuit in life.

Right now, he has beaten the mighty little devil to pieces.

The puppet army's inferiority of bullying the weak and fearing the hard is once again fully exposed.
The puppet soldiers fleeing south wanted to leave this man-eating green gauze tent as soon as possible. There were too many people in front of them, and the team quickly dispersed. Some puppet troops even approached the road unintentionally.
"Hey, who the hell has eaten all the garlic for a lifetime?" A three-person group of puppet soldiers ran in the green gauze tent, and the leader suddenly smelled a faint garlic smell in the air.

"Hey, I've smelled it a long time ago. I thought it was someone who ate too much garlic and farted." Another puppet soldier felt a little uncomfortable in his nose, digging from time to time.

From the conversations of several people, it could be heard that they seemed to be in a good mood after breaking out of the devil's siege.

In a blink of an eye, the team had already rushed southward for more than [-] meters.

Lead the front.

Enter the devil lieutenant who is armed in the green gauze tent.

It was originally planned to encircle the eight roads.

Unexpectedly, under the impact of the Imperial Association Army, the defense line of the invincible Imperial Army collapsed.

Under the onslaught of reinforcements from the north, the fleeing Imperial Association Army launched an attack on the Imperial Army as if desperately.

So much so that I, who brought more than a hundred devils, had nothing to do with those Imperial Association troops.

He had no choice but to order his men to withdraw to the south.

If I remember correctly, I can leave the green gauze tent and enter the open land within a short distance to the south.

At that time, use the previously deployed line of defense to intercept the fleeing Imperial Association Army, and add reinforcements to attack the Imperial Association Army back and forth. All these rebellious Imperial Association Army will be killed.

As for the open field, it seemed to the lieutenant that it was absolutely deserted.

Because, after the imperial army left, most of those Eight Routes entered the green gauze tent and planned to attack the imperial army
It is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to arrange for the Emperor's Army to go to the open battlefield where the buildings have already been deserted.

The puppet troops in the shape of fat arrows chased the devils away in the green gauze tent under the faint moonlight.

Well-trained devils escape with amazing speed!

Soon into the open field to the north
As the lieutenant had expected, the dark open space was deserted.

The hearts of all devils are put down.

Things seem a little weird, the battlefield situation seems to be back to the beginning of the afternoon!
The eyes of the fleeing puppet army vanguard suddenly lit up.

Escaped from the green gauze tent so easily?

I saw a large number of devils running southward in the open land under the moonlight.

The invincible imperial army will also run away. Has the world really changed?

"Hurry up, arm your defenses immediately after entering the trench," Lieutenant Guizi kept yelling.

Seeing that if you run about 30 meters forward, you will be able to enter the outer trench set up earlier!

No devil thought that they were about to face the call of death
In the trenches.

The main battalion commander, who was anxiously waiting, saw a crowd of devils ramming his guns.

It feels like a dream!
Biting my tongue, although it hurts, I still can't believe it's true!
Keep reminding yourself to be calm, be sure to be calm!

Battalion Commander Hu said he could lure the devils to open land, but he didn't expect his dream to come true.

However, it seems that no one from the guard battalion led those devils into the ambush circle?

The devil's footsteps were clearly audible.

Even the voice of the devil yelling can be clearly heard.

"Pull the bolt, push the bomb and load it!" The battalion commander's excited voice spread.

Then, the company commander of the next squad began to relay the order: "Pull the bolt and push the bullet to load!"

"Bomb Team Ready"

"Machine gun ready."

"Raleigh hand ready"

"Ready to shoot."

The soldiers squatting in the trenches on standby were extremely nervous.

After hearing the command to disassemble, he quickly pulled the bolt and pushed the bullet into the chamber.

The sound of metal clattering in the trench immediately rang out.

Then, countless rifles protruded from the edge of the trench.

After the rifle, come the dense heads again.
Just wait for the first shot to fire!
The devil's vanguard who originally planned to rush into the trench.

Amidst the dense footsteps, the sound of pulling the bolt of the gun in the trench ahead was still heard.

Then I saw a large number of black shadows the size of watermelons emerge.

There are dirt roads hidden in the trenches!

Immediately go forward one year, and by the way let out a loud roar: "Enemy attack!"

The battalion commander of the main force held his pistol and heard the sound of gunfire from the guard battalion fighting the devils in the middle of the night.

Zao was so itchy that he fired the first shot of the battle that was long overdue after waiting in the middle of the night.

Bang bang bang.
Da da da.
The clear and crisp gunshots of dense rifles rang out in the open ground.

Two Czech light machine gun bipods on the left and right danced on the ground.

Lieutenant Guizi was in a bitter mood. The vanguard who had scouted south earlier did not report that there were eight roads in the open ground.
No, it seems that the vanguard who scouted south earlier did not come back?
In other words, I was careless!

Now they are faced with a desperate situation where there is resistance in the front and chasing troops in the back!

However, what scene has the invincible imperial army not seen before?

Immediately opened his throat and ordered to fight back.

Machine guns fire against suppression!

Rifle shooting!

Throw a grenade!

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