under fire

Chapter 1514 Empiricism

Chapter 1514 Empiricism
The Pacific War is in full swing.

A certain young rogue is very insidious, maintaining neutrality on the surface, secretly buying supplies to make a fortune in war.

The party who is old and frail and beaten is pretending to give loans and give advice, but gives strategic material support to the other party who is killing people and setting fires everywhere, and even invited a few robbers to claim to persuade them to mediate. big.

The little devil thinks that he is in the same line as the old man who was beaten, and for the sake of common prosperity, the son can beat the old man who is not sensible...that is his own family business.

Your mother's scoundrel is watching the battle and yelling at me to beat my son, who else will I beat you?
So Hao unambiguously called the hooligan's house and smashed his pots and pans.

This is still not relieved, and they also robbed the stalls operated by the hooligans who watched the excitement in South Asia.

After the hooligan was beaten while watching the excitement, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and he became angry from embarrassment. He came back to his senses and quickly declared war on the devils.

The rogue lived overseas alone, escaped World War I and made a fortune. With his family's money, he immediately activated the war machine and produced a large number of aircraft, artillery and warships.

After going to the battlefield, I suddenly found that although the young soldiers who were pampered by their own families were equipped with advanced semi-automatic rifles, they could not beat the Japanese soldiers with backward bolt-action Tomosaka rifles!
After suffering a lot in the Pacific island jungle battlefield, he finally thought that his poor ally who had been beaten all the time seemed to be very good at fighting guerrillas in the jungle.

The poor allies are obviously poor and are still fighting for family property.

However, the party who is at a disadvantage in the fight for family property happens to be very capable of fighting.
This is easy to do, give him some weapons but fight that bastard bastard, and learn their tactics against robbers by the way...

The remote South Asian jungle.

Due to the time difference, it was getting dark at this time.

A military forward airfield is hidden in the jungle.

Two fighter jets escorted a military transport plane, and amidst the roar of the engine, the transport plane took the lead in aiming at the runway.

With a huge cloud of dust, the transport plane did not come to a stop at the end until it was about to overrun the runway.

The flying dust was blown away by the South Asian evening wind.

The fighter jets followed Lu.

The cargo door of the transport plane opened slowly.

A group of light-skinned soldiers with high nose bridges and blue eyes got off a military transport plane.

The ground crew immediately entered the belly of the aircraft to unload supplies and equipment.

In the welcoming team, the National Army Expeditionary Officer trained here stands at the end of the team.

At the forefront was a colonel who stopped in front of the national army officer.

After a military salute, he cut straight to the point in half-baked Chinese: "We are here this time to learn your army's jungle guerrilla tactics."

The Chinese soldier tried his best to smile, and replied: "We have prepared relevant materials, let's talk in the conference room!"

In the conference room, two bilingual documents marked top secret in Chinese and English were placed in front of the colonel.

The colonel couldn't wait to pick up the document, and after reading it for a while, he had a disappointed expression on his face: "Sir, you may have misunderstood our request."

The Chinese soldiers were a little embarrassed: "Our army has gathered almost all guerrilla tactics."

"Then tell me why we lack the Eighth Route Army's guerrilla tactics that we need most."

The Chinese soldiers froze for a moment: "The Eighth Route Army? How can their little tricks be called tactics?"

The colonel shook his head: "I have read Mr. Mao's discussion of guerrilla warfare published by the Eighth Route Army Office in the newspaper. I think there is something we can learn from."

The Chinese soldiers looked a little displeased: "The Eighth Route Army is playing those petty theft and escape tactics, which are completely unrecognizable!"

"You have to understand that a tactic that can cause trouble for the opponent, even if it is to escape, is also a good tactic." After the colonel finished speaking, he handed over the documents on the table to the assistant next to him, then picked up the military cap on the table and put it on. By the looks of it, ready to leave.

From the colonel's point of view, it is not very reliable to learn how to fight guerrilla warfare from these yellow-skinned people
A true guerrilla expert should be the opponent in front of him!
However, the damn etiquette has to be there.

An hour later, the equipment that had just come down from Yu was loaded onto the cargo plane again.

Soon, the plane took off again.

Not long after the plane took off, it immediately turned off the night flight lights and flew to the far east in the dark.

A series of radio waves were sent to the Allied Army adviser in Chongqing. The Allied Army adviser knew that he did not dare to neglect, so he went directly to the Eighth Route Army Office and asked the office staff to forward the message to northern Shaanxi.

It didn't take long for the radio waves to reach the Eighth Road headquarters.

The content of the telegram is not complicated, the Allies will send observers to learn guerrilla tactics
It is hoped that the No.18 Route Army, as a member of the Allied Powers, can provide some summary of battles with the Japanese army in mountains and jungles and guidance on actual combat tactics.

The soldiers of the main battalion had plenty of bullets in their hands, and now they had a geographical advantage. It was not at all necessary for the common people to engage in blind fire suppression with the devils, and there was even time for fine-tuning after aiming at the target.

From time to time, soldiers yelled excitedly to hit the target amidst the endless gunfire
Immediately, a squad leader sternly warned them not to make noise.

Because once a person is excited, it is easy to shake his head and get shot.

Some commanders watched all directions while shooting, and soon discovered that the little devils who fired every bullet seemed to be not as powerful as the devils they encountered in previous battles.

I began to wonder in my heart, did I overestimate the little devil in the previous battles with the devil?
But it's not right, the battles in the past are not much different from the present, and the time and place are also at the same time. Every time I ambush the little devil, the casualty ratio of the little devil is more than five to one!

Listening to the chirping of the little devils in the open ground, you can be sure that it is not the puppet army!

Could it be that the little devil has become weaker?

It's fucking unscientific!
Being pressed by the opponent in the open ground, no matter how low the body is, it still has to be exposed to the ground.

Although the poorly trained devils have not participated in major battles in the past few years, they have rich combat experience. After the front soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, the devils who could move directly used the bodies of the shot soldiers as cover.

Raise the rifle to fight back, and the machine gun fires to counter the suppression.

As for whether the companion in front of him is dead or not, he can't control it for the time being.

"It's the eighth road!" The ghost observer was as silent as a torch.

The lieutenant looked at Yalu emerging from the trench as if he had seen a ghost.

His eyeballs were all red, and he still couldn't stop his subordinates from being shot and killed in battle, screaming before dying.

The so-called millstone of life and death means that no matter which direction you turn, you will be dead.

Seeing that the Imperial Association Army following behind was about to come out from the green gauze tent.

There are really too many imperial association troops chasing after them even though they were fleeing!

The lieutenant was so vicious, he opened his mouth wide and ordered his men to rush to the trenches to the south!
Even if I can't beat you, I still have to lead these Imperial Association troops to attack the Tuba Road trenches.

Only by muddying the water on the battlefield can it be possible to escape fish in muddy water.

Faced with the choice of life and death, the devils who have been pampered in recent years began to strengthen their fighting will!
The lieutenant's order was delivered quickly.

Just wait for the imperial association army behind to come out of the green gauze tent, and then use the machine gun to give them two shuttles!

Seemingly being attacked on both sides, in fact, after shooting, you can take the opportunity to crawl away from the battlefield to the east and west sides!
The puppet army commando, whose morale was high, finally rushed out of the green gauze tent.

Immediately drew machine gun fire in the open ground.

The puppet soldiers subconsciously lay down on the ground looking for cover.

Some people even planned to run back. If there were not too many people squeezing in from behind, it was really possible for his small mind to succeed.

The care of the head and disregard of the back is fully reflected in the puppet army.

Can the green gauze tent still block bullets?
There were devils shooting to block them in the open ground, and the puppet soldiers who rushed out quickly found that only a light machine gun was firing at them, and the firepower didn't seem to be very good.
Although I can't fight hard, you dare to show off in front of my hundreds of brothers with just a machine gun and a dozen rifles?
The puppet army's nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong has once again appeared. Now that the opponent is very weak, it is a good time to do it.

It is also human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

There are devils chasing and killing in the rear, and blocking in front, according to normal people's thinking, it is reasonable to run to the wings of the almost empty thing at this time.

The false company commander has been mopping up with the devils for several years, and has accumulated a lot of combat experience.

Running sideways at this time is completely selling the flanks to the right rear, which is almost the same as selling the back to himself when Balu escaped.

The end result. Most of them have to die.

Even if someone blocks it, it's useless!

The reason is really simple, the fleeing person must run, and the opponent raises the gun to aim at the target in a static posture, which is at least ten times more accurate than turning around and shooting while running!
Therefore, it is not too late to kill the few devils lying in the open ground first, and then run to the east and west!

Although, there seemed to be someone shooting towards him in the distance, but seeing that they were only shooting sporadically, and the distance was quite far, it is estimated that the little devil should have divided his troops.

Due to the distance, he didn't hear that the gunshots were not the clear and crisp sound of the Sanba Dagai.

 In December 37, Evans Carlson, the secret envoy of Master Luo's guard, entered the Eighth Route Army and lived and fought with the soldiers for two months. Judging from the report he wrote to the Congress, he was more inclined to demand Congress supported the Eighth Route Army...and resigned because Congress refused and continued to support the KMT. After the Pearl Harbor attack on the Pacific battlefield, the battlefield was extremely difficult. For the sake of the country, he returned to the army as a major general and formed the Second Assault Battalion (one of the earliest special forces in the United States, also known as the flying commando), please remember: consecutive victories!No defeat!

  Died at the Battle of Saipan in 44...fortunately...

  This guy is educated, sees problems very deeply, and has a very deep understanding of the Eighth Route Army (for example, the Second Assault Battalion he formed, instilled in his subordinates "surprise attack, don't fight hard, hit and run", which is different from other U.S. troops. The military battalion has a different organization. The second assault battalion is composed of 6 rifle companies, and each company has only two platoons. At the political level, he can't influence the decision-making of Congress, but he will definitely become the deadly enemy of the Anti-Aid Army. (Another note: Master Luo was Hong Men Situ Meitang's lawyer when he was young, and his beloved son was the staff officer of the Second Assault Battalion)

(End of this chapter)

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