under fire

Chapter 1515 North Special Police

Chapter 1515 North Special Police

The devils invested a lot of manpower and material resources to drive the national army to the south of the Yellow River, and then worked hard to set up a big game, allowing the national army to encircle and suppress the lair of the deadly enemy Balu.

Successfully transferred the Eighth Route Army active in the North China Plain.

Originally thought that the law and order in the plain would become better.

Unexpectedly, the Tuba Road guerrillas attacked everywhere on the plain, and their activities became more rampant.

In just ten days, the public security situation has deteriorated extremely.

Devil troops, railway guards, and North China Appeasement Army troops stationed in various places were almost all blocked in their respective stations by the Eighth Route Army, and they would be attacked as long as they left the station.

Even the Eighth Route Army terrorized the vicinity of the Imperial Army's garrison.

The Tuba Road has become so arrogant that it attacks the squadrons and squadrons of the imperial army, and even the brigades have begun to become the targets of the Eighth Route Army's night raids.

The high-level North China Devils were furious. In order to prevent the hard-won situation from deteriorating, they immediately mobilized elite military police to form the North China Special Guard Team, referred to as the North Special Police.

The main goal is to carry out secret battles such as reconnaissance and destruction of the secret organization and secret activities of the North China Anti-Japanese Elements.

The Northern Special Police has four action teams, Beiping, Qinan, Dayuan, and Zhangjiakou, with 970 members.

The Beiping Action Group of the Beiping Special Police, which quickly completed its reorganization, was immediately dispatched to the occupied areas where the Eighth Route's activities were frequent to conduct investigations.

After the meeting, Maeda returned to the office.

Unhurriedly picked up the command knife on the table in front of him and wiped it.

The door rang, and more than a dozen men in black entered the room.

The detective team, who had been waiting for most of the night, stood still in front of Maeda.

Li Youcai stood in the second row, wearing a black shirt and a white coat, leather shoes covered with dust, and the 800-year-old rifle that had never been fired on his waist was confiscated when he entered the gendarmerie.

As Maeda raised his head, the leaders of more than a dozen detective teams hurriedly raised their chests and straightened their waists.

Wait quietly for Maeda Shaozuo to speak.

Looking at the traitor hat under the dim electric light, Maeda looked solemn: "Everyone, anti-Japanese activities have been rampant recently, tell me what you have discovered recently."

"Report to Mr. Maeda, I haven't found any traces of the Eighth Route's activities in our defense area, but those imperial association troops are running around to disrupt public order." The investigation team leader of An County East District took the lead in speaking triumphantly. In his opinion, no success is nothing. After entering the concentration camp, the Balu almost disappeared.

Maeda nodded: "What about the others?"

"We're all about the same."

"That's right, there's not a lot of Eighth Road activities in the southern district."

"The Eighth Route seems to have been operating in the area of ​​the Alliance Autonomous Army." The same rhetoric would make him appear incompetent, and a certain guy decided to make a comparison to show that he is capable of governing.

Maeda's complexion didn't change much, and he stared at Xu Jinsen who stood at the head of the first row like a torch: "Xu Sang, why don't you tell me?"

"That. In order to clear up the law and order, our department took the initiative to attack the Eight Routes at night many times. Although the losses were heavy, the Eight Routes were successfully expelled from the country."

Maeda squinted his eyes. The guy in front of him was robbing the autonomous army for territory, and he had fought a few times with the Eighth Route Army, and his subordinates suffered heavy losses. There is nothing wrong with him saying that.

As for what these guys secretly did to smuggle cigarettes and traffic people, he was basically clear about it.

He understands the reason why dogs should be given some meat for hunting.

Now that the situation needs to be stable, Maeda nodded his approval in line with the mentality of seeing through and not telling the truth.

All the detectives showed that the law and order in their defense area was good, and Maeda finally turned his attention to Li Youcai who had been hiding in the corner of the second row and kept silent.

It is definitely not easy to gather the minds of the detective team together in the middle of the night.

Hearing Maeda's question, Li Youcai nodded quickly: "It's almost the same on my side."

Li Youcai didn't lie. Although his deputy captain was a bare-bones commander and had few people under his command, and he was rarely in the city, but with Li Taiwei watching, his defense area was relatively stable, and no anti-Japanese elements emerged.

Maeda didn't ask too many questions, and glanced coldly at the group of detective team leaders: "The activities of the anti-Japanese elements under our rule have weakened, everyone, but the overall law and order in the North China Plain has not improved, so everyone must continue to carry forward."

Maeda paused at this point, glanced left and right, his face still cold: "Now, I have decided to form a special security team in Anxian County to completely wipe out the anti-Japanese elements, and cooperate with surrounding counties to clean up the law and order."

The captains of the detectives exchanged glances left and right, the special security team has to cooperate with the surrounding counties... what do you mean?
However, based on the mentality that as long as there is a new job, there will be lucrative money, all the traitors look at Xu Jinsen.

After all, this is the real big boss in An County, and the big guys have to rush to answer things like reporting on public security.

But when it comes to making money, you must let the boss talk first.

Xu Jinsen lived up to the high expectations and immediately stated: "The humble job is willing to serve the imperial army as a dog and a horse."

Maeda was noncommittal to Xu Jinsen's statement and continued to arrange: "Everyone immediately transfer some personnel from your subordinates to join the special security team to advance the work to the vast countryside and find out those anti-Japanese elements hiding in the villagers. I'm disappointed."

Xu Jinsen was a little confused, the role of the security team seems to overlap with that of the detective team, right?

Could it be... that the imperial army wants to set up an east factory and a west factory?
But under Maeda's coercion, he didn't dare to ask in detail.

Maeda's eyes finally fell on Li Youcai: "Li Sang, you will take on the post of guard captain!"

Xu Jinsen suddenly came to his senses, the position of the captain of the guard seemed rare and ordinary, but in fact there was a lot of money to be made.

Because, as the captain of the detective team, in principle, you can't extend your hand to other people's territory.

Even he, the captain, can't openly compete with those small captains for business.

And this special security captain seems not to be restricted by the defense area, which means he can wander around, so isn't that the same as blatantly smuggling, selling cigarettes, and selling them?
This man surnamed Li doesn't show off the mountains and doesn't leak water. He was transferred from Mei County with Maeda.

There is no need to kill him to offend Maeda...

All envious eyes fell on Li Youcai.

Li Youcai was startled, he knew best the reason why rafters rot first.

But Maeda had to accept the work arranged by him!

Even if he didn't want to do it, he could only ask Maeda to raise his hand in private after the meeting was over.

But Li Youcai knew that with Tian's character, he could never refuse the things he arranged.
The other detective captains were waved away by Maeda, and Li Youcai wanted to run away with the crowd, but was stopped by the military police standing at the door.
Turning to the ex-boyfriend and complaining: "Taijun, you are setting me up on the fire."

"Hehe, you can't always hide behind others like this. There is an old saying in China, when you are not strong enough, everyone looks like a dog to you. Only when you are really strong, others will see you. Only fear!"

I have become Wei Zhongxian!Seeing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, Li Youcai bit the bullet and asked, "Well, I don't understand. I remember the security team. It seems to be the job of the security forces."

Maeda didn't intend to say too much to Li Youcai, and picked up some unimportant things: "You often travel around and are familiar with the conditions of the nearby counties. I have a small task for you to deal with."

Li Youcai knew that there was absolutely nothing good to happen, so he said with a bitter face, "Please give orders, Majesty."

Maeda was quite satisfied with Li Youcai's attitude, although he knew that this guy had an unclear relationship with Eighth Road.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the investigation mission can be carried out.

Footsteps came from outside the door.

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

Two pudgy devils appeared at the door.

The devil in the lead looked at Li Youcai and was stunned for a while.

Li Youcai's heart shuddered at the soft eyes of this devil who was half his head shorter: "Please give orders to the majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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