under fire

Chapter 1516 Showing the enemy to be weak

There was a flash of light among the devils who were running towards the outer trenches.

The air expanded violently, mixed with fragments and sand, rushing towards the fearless devil.

The short and fat body of Cao Cao, a soldier in the vanguard squad, was lifted into the air and smashed to the ground.

In an instant, all the invincible devils lay on the ground.

Live or die.

Lieutenant Guizi, who was not far from the bombing point, knew that he had been ambushed by an eight-way mine, and knew that the current situation was not good.

A thought suddenly came up in my heart, these Eighth Route Army and the fleeing Imperial Association Army might have premeditated.

Otherwise, there should be no talent in this place now!

Lying on the ground and shouting loudly, he urged the men who were still alive to shoot back and establish a position on the spot.

Then he conveniently pulled the rifle in the hand of the overturned devil next to him.

Raise your gun and shoot.

It's a pity that there is no target, and shooting with anger can only embolden him.

Balu didn't get used to him.

The bullets were whistling, and the ground where he was lying on his stomach was dancing with dust and mist, which looked weird under the moonlight.

The shooting direction came from both the north and the south, and the devils who only relied on the corpses of their companions as cover kept getting shot.

Once upon a time, half a squadron of imperial army elites could fight a regiment of the national army!

This time, the ship capsized in the gutter and fell into the hands of the Eight Route Army and the Imperial Association Army!

Seeing that it was no longer possible to continue to forcibly capture the trenches to the south as fortifications to intercept the betrayed Imperial Association Army, the lieutenant ordered his men to turn eastward.

It is impossible to go on the road, and the eighth road can plant landmines in the open ground, so it is absolutely impossible to let go of the opportunity of the road going up and down.

The puppet soldiers who had already rushed out of the green gauze tent, seeing the devils who had been riding on their heads for many years running away to the east, immediately yelled and raised their guns to shoot.

It is not difficult to understand the psychology of the puppet army. People have been bullied for a long time, and this time they will lose the opportunity to be an imperial army. They just seized this opportunity to report their grievances for being bullied for many years.

Even in an unfavorable situation where there are enemies on both sides in the open, well-trained devils still organize tenacious resistance.

Several unlucky puppet soldiers were shot one after another, and the morality of the coward was exposed again.
Since there are eight routes ambushing the devils, and now the devils are running east again, what are you waiting for?A part of the puppet army ran west without waiting for the order of Commander Wu Datu!

It's not easy to deal with eight ways, and devils are even more ruthless.

The devils who survived the disaster did not dare to continue to provoke the imperial association army who bullied the weak and feared the hard, so they hurriedly ceased fire.

Lying on the ground, he desperately dragged the wounded to the east.

As for the eight roads in the south, after this incident, there will be plenty of opportunities to find their place and kill them soon!

Being the battalion commander of the Eighth Route Main Regiment on the plain is naturally not a good thing. The guard battalion correspondent reported the battle situation from time to time, quickly judged the complicated situation in front of him, wiped the sweat soaked in his eyes, and then yelled at the third company guarding the right wing: "Third company commander, chase after me!"

All of a sudden, countless figures emerged from the trenches.

Although it is the main force group, they have been fighting guerrillas all these years and were kicked out by devils.

This time, they finally had a chance to feel elated. The soldiers chased the devils under the moonlight and fired at them.

It turns out that chasing is so easy!
It is almost unnecessary to pay too much attention to the devil's counterattack.

The dense rifle bullets and the continuous firing of light machine guns echoed together.

The escaped crawling on the ground was no match for the legs of the pursuer, and the distance between the fleeing and chasing sides quickly narrowed.

chug chug.
The Devils light machine gun team began to fight back.

In the dark night, the soldiers who were fighting vigorously and vigorously pursued, did not expect that the little devil suffered so many casualties, and instead of breaking up, he organized a broken army!

Under the moonlight, the sight of both sides is not good. The pursuer was hit by the Devil's machine gun and lay on the ground. He quickly raised his rifle to greet the Devil's machine gun group with continuous flashing muzzle!
Lying on the ground, the lieutenant finally came to his senses. He was abused by the Imperial Association soldiers who didn't even look at him in the past. He was as sick as a fly and wanted to vomit...

After the Imperial Army's machine gun fired two shuttles, the Imperial Army was fleeing as he expected, and the lieutenant finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the current eight-way out of the trenches to pursue, it is completely a little sheep chasing wild boars...

In the open land, neither side has a geographical advantage.

In this way, under the moonlight, the time, place, and interests of the two sides are completely on the same level, and the offensive side is at a disadvantage.

Under the faint moonlight, with the fighting power of the imperial army, the Tubalu who chased after him were simply sent to death!

Anger can make people lose their minds, and so can nausea!
The lieutenant seems to have forgotten...in the afternoon...it was these Tuba roads who launched a massive attack on the imperial army...

Lying on the ground, he yelled to the nearby subordinates to form an emergency formation: "From now on, don't worry about the north, the first team will search westward, and the second team will be under my command to wipe out all future enemies! The eight pursuers will outflank from the north and the south!"

The lieutenant also has an assistant under him, who is possessed by a god of the eight divisions: "Special shooter team, destroy the eight-way machine gun immediately, and go back to the eight-way trench from the east!"

The puppet army ran away, and the assistant did not intend to retreat eastward according to the lieutenant's intention. The Eighth Route Army did not have many troops, so they just placed the troops in the northern part of the circular trench.

The trenches on the east side...the defense must be empty at this time!
The assistant lieutenant yelled to control and quickly control the rhythm of the battlefield.

The devils fought back with their guns against the rain of bullets. Rifles and light machine gun grenade launchers formed a dense cross-fire network, and almost effortlessly knocked down the eight-way fighters who were so rampant that they dared to attack the imperial army in the open ground.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the imperial army has never been afraid of anyone!
What's more, the reinforcements rolling all the way from the north should come out of the green gauze tent at any time!

The lieutenant was very dissatisfied with the fight from the afternoon until now. After fighting for such a long time, it seemed that he was always the one who was abused!
"Report, our Battalion Commander Hu wants you to immediately retreat to the second line of defense in the gun tower!"

The main battalion commander was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

"I don't know about this, anyway, you just do it." The correspondent replied with some embarrassment: "Our battalion commander said, temporarily show the enemy's weakness!".

East of the battlefield.

The Ninth Battalion, which had been detouring southward in the green gauze tent, appeared.

"Hey, Fox, there aren't many devils there, so why don't you start a mess?"

"Don't worry, wait until the devil comes out of the green gauze tent!" Hu Yi turned his head and replied to the voice next to him: "Order the heavy firepower to enter the gun tower immediately, and at the same time widen the retreat passage to the south!"

"I think the little devils have been ambushed once, so they shouldn't be that stupid, right?"

"If you are beaten, can you bear the tone of being beaten if you have a helper?"

Hey, of course I can't bear it
Then it's over?
I don't understand you.

There is no other meaning, just keep this group of devils here, so that the ghosts pressing south will have an illusion!

"It's annoying! Well then."

After the correspondents crawled away, Luo Fugui put a rope around his shoulders and pulled the sledge made of stretcher sticks.

As an unqualified commander, Xiong Jue had already left behind his soldiers.

On the sledge behind him lay Boss Hu who was blindfolded again.

The military uniform on Luo Fugui's body became tattered from continuous friction with sorghum leaves, and bloodstains appeared on his skin.

The oversized cloth shoes under his feet also showed his big toe.

The fire team was not far away, and he felt that he should drag Boss Hu away from the battlefield now.

As for the little girl, it shouldn't be a problem to run around in the half-deep ditch wearing a steel helmet.

For the Ninth Battalion, the real battle is drawing to a close.

Fight against the two brigades of the devil with the strength of two battalions.

Almost no one would believe it.

The battle of the district chief and his team to attack the county went smoothly.

According to the instructions of the superior, we still have to continue fighting with the enemy right now.

In case the main force moves westward to defend the big base, the devils have the spare power to deploy troops to Jin Province.

Collusion with the shameless national army!
Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, Quiet Leaf, Su Ren for reading, and Tie Jun for the rewards.

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